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CRefVim : a C-reference manual especially designed for Vim

 script karma  Rating 1272/540, Downloaded by 20648  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Christian Habermann
script type
The intention of this project is to provide a C-reference manual that can
be viewed with Vim and accessed from within Vim.
The C-reference is a reference, it is NOT a tutorial or a guide on how
to write C-programs. It is a quick reference to the functions and syntax
of the standard C language.

There are several ways to specify a word CRefVim should search for in order
to view help:

  <Leader>cr normal mode:  get help for word under cursor
                           Memory aid cr: (c)-(r)eference
  <Leader>cr visual mode:  get help for visually selected text
                           Memory aid cr: (c)-(r)eference
  <Leader>cw:              prompt for word CRefVim should search for
                           Memory aid cw: (c)-reference (w)hat
  <Leader>cc:              jump to table of contents of the C-reference manual
                           Memory aid cc: (c)-reference (c)ontents

Note: by default <Leader> is \, e.g. press \cr to invoke C-reference

Note: The best way to search for an operator (++, --, %, ...) is to visually
select it and press <Leader>cr.

To get help do :help crefvimdoc
To show the C-reference manual do :help crefvim
install details
CRefVim consists of four files, the script 'crefvim.vim', its
documentation 'crefvimdoc.txt', the C-reference 'crefvim.txt' and a syntax
file to extend the standard syntax highlighting for help files called

Copy the script "crefvim.vim" to your local plugin-directory
  Unix:    ~/.vim/plugin
  Windows: c:\vimfiles\plugin

You have to add the documentation and the C-reference to Vim's help
system. To do this, copy both 'crefvimdoc.txt' and 'crefvim.txt' to
your local doc-directory:
  Unix:    ~/.vim/doc
  Windows: c:\vimfiles\doc

Then start Vim and do:
  :helptags ~/.vim/doc   (or :helptags c:\vimfiles\doc for Windows)

Finally the standard help syntax highlighting must be extended, so that
the C-reference is viewed correctly. To do so, copy the file 'help.vim' to
your local after/syntax directory:
  Unix:    ~/.vim/after/syntax
  Windows: c:\vimfiles\after\syntax

This extention of the help syntax file is only active for the C-reference

That's all to do.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
crefvim.zip 1.0.4 2004-11-28 6.0 Christian Habermann - example on how to assign an absolute address to a function pointer added
- hint on volatile qualifier added
- bad tag corrected
crefvim.zip 1.0.3 2004-03-04 6.0 Christian Habermann - marker for syntax-highlighting changed from 0xa7 to $
  in order to avoid problems with fonts that use        
  codes > 0x7f as multibyte characters (e.g. Chinese,  
  Korean, Japanese... fonts)                            
- two typos fixed                                      
- three bad tags corrected                              
crefvim.zip 1.0.2 2003-12-16 6.0 Christian Habermann some typos fixed
crefvim.zip 1.0.1 2003-04-13 6.0 Christian Habermann - bug-fix in description of installation:
  destination of help.vim is after/syntax
    Unix:    ~/.vim/after/syntax
    Windows: c:\vimfiles\after\syntax
   (not syntax/after)
   affected file: crefvimdoc.txt
crefvim.zip 1.0.0 2003-04-06 6.0 Christian Habermann Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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