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FeralToggleCommentify.vim : My fork of ToggleCommentify.vim; comment lines in a program

 script karma  Rating 91/36, Downloaded by 5063  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Robert KellyIV
script type
This script offers simple, basic, line oriented commenting of files.
Originally vimscript #4 (ToggleCommentify.vim v1.2 ) by Vincent Nijs
Was mutilated into what you see here, for better or worse :)

Following list of file types are currently (v1.55) supported:
    ox, cpp, php, java, bnk, cs, ftf, torquescript, fte, html, xml, c, css,
    pov, vim, lisp, scheme, dosini, tex, caos, m4, config, automake, python,
    perl, make, [^w]sh$, tcl, jproperties, vb, aspvbs, plsql, lua,

Three commands:
:CC        " To Comment a line/range
:UC        " To Uncomment a line/range
:TC        " To Toggle comments on each line/range.

All take optional arg to override default comment style
i.e. ":CC --"

Maps <m-c> to :TC if no command by that name already exists. Remap <Plug>FtcTc
    at will.
Maps <C-c> to a duplicate and comment, line/range; so you can easily make a
    duplicate of the current line/range and comment it; then edit it the
    original. Remap <Plug>FtcDLAC at will.

New with v1.55:
You can customize the behavior by specifying optional option vars. Each option
var can be specified as buffer or global, with that precedence.

Option: g:FTCOperateOnFirstColumnOnly
    If this is 0 (false) then the comment char does not have to be at col1 to
    be removed, in addition comment chars are placed just before the first word
    of the line.
Valid Values: 0 or 1
Default: 1

Option: g:FTCOperateOnlyOnNonComments
    If 1 (true) a line will not be commented if it already starts with comment
    chars. With this 0 (false) you can (easily) comment entire functions
    without fear of messing up commenting (i.e. '<,'>CC ... '<,'>UC ...  I.e.
    comment then uncomment. If this is true the above MAY not work (depending
    on how the existing comments are.)
Valid Values: 0 or 1
Default: 0

Option: g:FTCOperateOnBlankLines
    If 1 (true) blank lines will be processed, else they are skipped.
Valid Values: 0 or 1
Default: 1

Option: g:FTCBangEffectsWhat
    Will toggle an option if command is banged: (i.e. :CC!)
        1. OperateOnFirstColumnOnly
        2. OperateOnlyOnNonComments
        3. OperateOnBlankLines
Valid Values: 1, 2 or 3
Default: 1

I.e. in .vimrc:
let g:FTCOperateOnFirstColumnOnly = 0
let g:FTCOperateOnlyOnNonComments = 1
install details
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package script version date Vim version user release notes
feraltogglecommentify.vim 1.611 2005-04-28 6.0 Robert KellyIV 1.61 - Improved/Fixed cursor restore. Screen should not jump; ever.
1.611 - bugfix for above for column jumping about, *sigh*.
feraltogglecommentify.vim 1.58 2003-08-28 6.0 Robert KellyIV Added rebol ';' comment type, contribution by Tim Johnson
feraltogglecommentify.vim 1.57 2003-08-19 6.0 Robert KellyIV Added ruby '#' comment type, contribution by Brett Williams
Added sh '#' comment type.
feraltogglecommentify.vim 1.56 2003-07-21 6.0 Robert KellyIV BUG FIX: Fixed silly cursor restore problem, screen no longer jumps on occasion.
feraltogglecommentify.vim 1.55 2003-07-16 6.0 Robert KellyIV Integrating changes from Jörn Horstmann. Changes are marked with "JH:".
Improvement:    Added options to determine how this should react.
* Optionally does not mess with blank lines.
* Change by JH, comment does not have to be in first column
* Change by JH, only add comment when not already commented
Please see "Customizing:" (in the script file) for details and usage:
feraltogglecommentify.vim 1.54 2003-07-12 6.0 Robert KellyIV 2 BUG FIXes, 2 Improvements:
* BUG FIX: (minor) no longer complains when uncommenting and there are no comment char(s). (aka middle of a range is uncommented already)
* BUG FIX: Respects 'hlsearch'; won't mess with highlighting if off, etc. (Previous turned it on at end of script)
* Improvement: Can now comment/uncomment a fold without opening it.  (courtesy of normal! zn and normal! zN)
* Improvement: Changed DLAC into a proper command (:DLAC) (from mapping); map <Plug>FtcDLAC as desired, defaults to <C-c>. Ranges are supported (default current line) and you can specify the comment chars just as you can with :CC, :TC, :UC.
FeralToggleCommentify.vim 1.532 2003-06-04 6.0 Robert KellyIV Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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