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genindent.vim : Generic function for indentexpr

 script karma  Rating 13/4, Downloaded by 2121  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
moshe kamensky
script type
This is a function meant to deal with a simple case of indentation:
The assumption is that you have blocks whose begining and end can be identified by a pattern. In this case, you just set b:indent_block_start and b:indent_block_end to these patterns, and the function returns the indent of a line based on the assumption that all lines within a block should be indented by one shiftwidth. It is also possible to ignore lines matching a certain pattern (e.g., comments) using a third variable b:indent_ignore. For an example, see the fluxbox indent file (vimscript #679).
install details
Put this in the plugin subdir of your favorite part in the runtimepath (e.g., ~/.vim/plugin). Alternatively, put it somewhere else and source it from an indent file where you'd like to use it.

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
genindent.vim 1.1 2009-07-01 6.0 moshe kamensky Fixed = to == (thanks to Kenny Root)
genindent.vim 1.0 2003-06-15 6.0 moshe kamensky Initial upload
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