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fluxbox.vim : syntax and indent files for fluxbox wm menu file

 script karma  Rating 94/45, Downloaded by 4273  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
moshe kamensky
script type
This includes two files, one is a syntax file for the menu file of the fluxbox (and also blackbox) window manager, and the other is an indent file for the same menu file. The indent file depends on the GenericIndent function in the genindent.vim plugin (vimscript #678).
install details
In a runtimepath directory:
gunzip fluxbox.tar.gz
tar xvf fluxbox.tar

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script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
fluxbox.tar.gz 1.5 2004-10-17 6.0 moshe kamensky 1. Added the 'commanddialog' keyword

2. Fixed icon support to allow icons for menu entries.

3. Fixed folding, so that '# [end]' doesn't close a fold.
fluxbox.tar.gz 1.4 2004-09-03 6.0 moshe kamensky Updated for fluxbox version 0.9.10
fluxbox.tar.gz 1.3 2004-01-29 6.0 moshe kamensky Added the 'separator' keyword introduced in v0.9.7
fluxbox.tar.gz 1.2 2003-09-29 6.0 moshe kamensky Changed comment pattern in the syntax file so that a comment that appears after a menu entry is highlighted (suggested by Eike von Seggern)
fluxbox.tar.gz 1.1 2003-06-16 6.0 moshe kamensky bugfix: changed set to setlocal in the syntax file (thanks to Henry van Roessel)
fluxbox.tar.gz 1.0 2003-06-15 6.0 moshe kamensky Initial upload
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