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curcmdmode : *obsolete* Script library to extend the notion of Vim's mode() function

 script karma  Rating 4/1, Downloaded by 1868  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Hari Krishna Dara
script type
This plugin has no value in Vim7 since it has a new built-in function called getcmdtype().

This plugin provides a small library of functions and mappings and a framework to extend Vim's command-line mode in a way that is not possible by using Vim's built-in features alone.

This was originally part of the chcmdmode.vim plugin, but I have extracted the generic part out and created this new plugin which can be shared by multiple scripts. For description and usage please see the script header.
install details
Source it from your vimrc or just drop it in your plugin directory.

Requires genutils.vim(1.7), (vimscript #197)

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script versions (upload new version)

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
curcmdmode.vim 1.0 2003-08-25 6.0 Hari Krishna Dara Initial upload
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