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StyleChecker (+perl) : Tool for finding and highlighting repeated words in file

 script karma  Rating 7/4, Downloaded by 1335  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Mikolaj Machowski
script type
"      Repetition of words is sign of bad style in most languages. This script
"      will help to track repetition of words in LaTeX, HTML and mail files.
"      LaTeX: don't take into account \keywords
"      HTML: don't highlight content of tags
"      Mail: don't look in quoted messages, headers and signatures
"      There is also support for any other filetype. StyleChecker will
"      highlight there only repeated words in comments.
"      This script requires Perl interface. Theoretically it could be done in
"      pure VimL but multiple iterations through long lists of words make it
"      practically impossible - vote for arrays in VimL!
" Installation:
"      Put this file into your .vim/macros directory and source it from local
"      ftplugins. Of course you can place this file in .vim/plugin directory
"      but this file will be sourced every time you open Vim.
" Usage:
"      Default shorcut for style checking is ,, . You can change it by placing
"      in .vimrc:
"            map <YourShortcut> <Plug>StyleChecker
"      After execution of map script will highlight repeated words.
"      Next execution of map restore original highlighting of file.
"      In console Vim offending words will be highlighted with 8 colors, in GUI
"      with 16.
"      Thanks to Perl's pragma locale, language specific letters will be
"      treated properly.
" Settings:
"      Behavior of StyleChecker you can control through variables. They are
"      Vim variables, there is no need to play with Perl.
" More about setting variables in file.
install details
"      Put this file into your .vim/macros directory and source it from local
"      ftplugins. Of course you can place this file in .vim/plugin directory
"      but this file will be sourced every time you open Vim.

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package script version date Vim version user release notes
stylechecker.vim 1.0 2004-03-26 6.0 Mikolaj Machowski Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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