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user name yukihiro
first name Yukihiro
last name Nakadaira
email yukihironakadairagmailcom
homepage http://sites.google.com/site/yukihironakadaira/
registered Vim
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Script Contributions

SuperPre syntax for the text that contains several programming language
autofmt text formatting plugin
mosalisp.vim lisp interpreter
fpdf.vim PDF writer
huerotation.vim rotate hue of current colorscheme (GUI only).
log.vim logging library
if_v8 V8 interface to Vim
php_localvarcheck.vim highlight unused/unassigned local variable
md5.vim md5() function
term.vim Terminal library
sha1.vim sha1() function
hmac.vim hmac() function
blowfish.vim blowfish function
vim-paint vim-paint
vim-remote Vim clientserver protocol library
iconv iconv() function
vim-diff diff written in VimL.
sha3.vim sha3 function
vim-vimlparser VimL parser
vim-bgimg Background Image for Windows GVim
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