CmdlineSpecialEdits : Useful replacements of parts of the cmdline.
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created by |
Ingo Karkat |
script type |
utility |
description |
You frequently go to Vim's Command-line-mode - especially for searches and
Ex commands. Within that single line, editing is limited; you're supposed to
use (or switch to) the command-line-window, which offers the full editing
power. However, many people mostly stick to the simple command-line, making
edits slower than necessary.
This plugin tries to bridge the gap between the simple command-line and the
command-line window by offering a large set of mappings for the command-line
that are tailored to custom editing tasks, and therefore may be even more
powerful than the full generic set of Vim commands in the command-line window.
Invocation and recall of Ex commands is aided by mappings that keep a previous
range, command, or arguments, adapting ranges to line numbers or relative
addressing, changing separators for :substitute et al, and many more.
The ubiquitous searches and substitutions are supercharged by mappings that
group and simplify regexp branches, insert register contents as literal
searches or replacements, and more.
Normal mode mappings allow to quickly start common searches like literal,
case-insensitive, or whitespace-ignoring, and can also toggle the mode when
inside the search command-line.
Finally, built-in CTRL-R insertions (like c_CTRL-R_CTRL-F) are extended with
additional targets for the current character, line, or selected text.
- CTRL-G ' inspired by
- CTRL-BS based on
- CTRL-G D inspired by
- CTRL-G CTRL-U inspired by
- CTRL-G + inspired by
- CTRL-G c inspired by
CTRL-G CTRL-U Remove all characters between the cursor position and
the closest previous :range given to a command.
Useful to repeat a recalled command line with the same
range, but a different command.
When used on an empty command line, recalls the
previous command-line from history first.
CTRL-G CTRL-A Remove all command arguments between the cursor
position and the closest previous command.
Useful to repeat a command with different arguments.
When used on an empty command line, recalls the
previous command-line from history first.
CTRL-G CTRL-C Remove the closest previous command from the command
line, but keep its arguments.
Useful to re-use the same arguments with a different
When used on an empty command line, recalls the
previous command-line from history first.
CTRL-G D Remove all characters between the cursor position and
the end of the line. Like c_CTRL-U, but in the other
direction. Like D, but in command-line mode.
CTRL-G ! Toggle a [!] after the closest previous command.
When used on an empty command line, recalls the
previous command-line from history first.
CTRL-G ' Change symbolic ranges like '<,'> to the actual line
numbers, and vice versa. Also corrects addressing out
of bounds (<= 0 and larger than the last line number)
and backwards ranges.
Useful to be able to repeat a command on the same
range, even when the selection changes.
When used on an empty command line, recalls the
previous command-line from history first.
CTRL-G + Change relative ranges like .-5,.+5 to absolute line
numbers and vice versa. Also corrects addressing out
of bounds (<= 0 and larger than the last line number)
and backwards ranges.
When used on an empty command line, recalls the
previous command-line from history first.
CTRL-G CTRL-O Recall older command-line from history, whose
beginning matches the current command-line, regardless
of the current :range and the one in the history.
Subsequent invocations step backwards through the
history, like c_<Up>. This allows you to re-apply
previous visual mode commands (e.g. :'<,'>s/foo/bar)
to a different range, or vice versa.
CTRL-G CTRL-S Toggle between :substitute and :SmartCase variants.
When entering a search pattern: Toggle pattern between
normal and SmartCase matching.
When used on an empty command line, recalls the
previous command-line / search pattern from history
CTRL-G / {sep} Change the separator of the current :substitute (or
similar command taking a /{pattern}[/{string}/]
argument) command to {sep}.
For example, when you've started a substitution with
the default "/" separators but now want to insert a
longer filespec (with Unix-style forward path
separators), so tedious escaping would be necessary.
CTRL-G ad Prepend :argdo / :Argdo to the entire
CTRL-G aw Prepend :ArgdoWrite to the entire command-line.
CTRL-G bd Prepend :bufdo / :Bufdo to the entire
CTRL-G bw Prepend :BufdoWrite to the entire command-line.
CTRL-G wd Prepend :windo / :Winbufdo to the entire
CTRL-G ww Prepend :WinbufdoWrite to the entire command-line.
CTRL-G td Prepend |:tabdo||windo| / :Tabwindo to the entire
CTRL-G tw Prepend :TabwindoWrite to the entire command-line.
If the (last) command is a :substitute (or similar),
also append the :s_e flag so that buffers that don't
match the pattern don't cause an error.
CTRL-G CTRL-H Apply literal <BS> and <C-h> keys (e.g. when editing a
macro inline via q"{reg}) by removing them and the
previously pressed key.
CTRL-<BS> Remove last path component / file extension.
CTRL-G I Group any existing regexp branches and position the
cursor at the beginning (but behind a /^ anchor).
CTRL-G A Group any existing regexp branches and position the
cursor at the end (but before a /$ anchor).
These are useful to prepend / append a common prefix /
suffix to different pattern branches, e.g.:
bar\|baz -> \%(bar\|baz\)
CTRL-G s Simplify regexp branches of the search pattern by
extracting common substrings. For example:
/myFoobar\|theFoony -> /\%(my\|the\)Foo\%(bar\|ny\)
CTRL-G c Convert alphabetic characters following \c (up to the
end or the next \C) into case-insensitive [xX]
collections, or the opposite characters into
\%(\l\&x\) / \%(\u\&X\) (whichever resulting pattern
is shorter), and drop the \c\C atoms, so that the
entire regular expression becomes a partially case-
sensitive / partially case-insensitive pattern. (This
cannot be achieved by the built-in /\c / /\C, as
they apply to the whole pattern.)
When executed again on the result: Replace with the
alternative approach.
CTRL-G Y Yank the current command-line to the default register.
CTRL-G y{x} Yank the current command-line into register x.
CTRL-R CTRL-S Insert the (single) character under the cursor.
CTRL-R CTRL-L Insert the current line (without leading indent and
trailing spaces).
CTRL-R CTRL-Y Insert the current selected text. Unlike the above
mappings, this inserts literally, not as if typed.
CTRL-R CTRL-V{0-9a-z"%#*+:.-=}
Insert the contents of a register literally:
- as literal regular expression (either via \V or
individually escaped characters, whatever is
shorter) for searches
- as literal pattern / replacement in a :substitute
command (depending on the position, also for custom
ones if inside a /.../ argument)
- as literal expression for a :put command
- else as literal Vimscript String
:# Alias for :'[,'] (like :* is a synonym for :'<,'>)
:## Replace with a range the same size as the last changed
area. This makes it easy to reapply an Ex command to a
same-sized range elsewhere. The created range is
relative to the current line, so it can be quickly
reapplied at further locations via @:.
:** Replace with a range the same size as the last
selected area. This makes it easy to reapply a
selection to an Ex command, like 1v does in normal
mode. The created range is relative to the current
line, so it can be quickly reapplied at further
locations via @:.
//, ?? Perform a literal search. (Only after a search
pattern, to keep the idiom of //e to repeat the search
but jump to the end.)
/?, ?/ Perform a case-insensitive search. Both when
initiating a search as well as inside a search
command-line (where repeated use will toggle the
special search mode).
/_, ?_ Perform a search that ignores whitespace differences
and comment prefixes.
/*, ?* Perform a search that ignores whitespace differences
and comment prefixes, and also allowing direct
concatenation of lines (i.e. without any whitespace in
///, ??? Use the last search pattern and toggle from literal to
normal search and vice versa.
//?, ??/ Use the last search pattern and toggle from
case-insensitive to normal search and vice versa.
//_, ??_ Use the last search pattern and toggle from
whitespace-flexible to normal search and vice versa.
ALT-/ Toggle search mode between normal, case-insensitive,
and literal.
ALT-SHIFT-/ Toggle search mode between normal, whole word
(\<...\>) and whole \_sWORD\_s matching.
ALT-( (Un-)wrap search pattern in capturing group \(...\). |
install details |
The code is hosted in a Git repo at
You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used
for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable
development snapshot on "master".
This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip"
decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise,
decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by
sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
vim CmdlineSpecialEdits*.vmb.gz
:so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.
- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.043 or
- ArgsAndMore.vim plugin (vimscript #4152) (optional; providing :Argdo et
al. for the c_CTRL-G_ad etc. mappings).
- SmartCase.vim plugin (vimscript #1359, or my fork at (optional, only for
For a permanent configuration, put the following commands into your vimrc:
The marks to be considered by the c_CTRL-G_' command are specified as a
String of mark names, with "#" representing the current line range :.; they
are checked from left to right. The default considers all marks except for
(){} (because those are very dependent on the current position).
let g:CmdlineSpecialEdits_SymbolicRangeConsideredMarks = 'abcde...'
The c_CTRL-G_' command also uses small offsets for nearby marks. The default
is +/-3 lines; change it via:
let g:CmdlineSpecialEdits_SymbolicRangeMaximumOffset = 0
If you don't want the CmdlineSpecialEdits-SpecialSearchModes (e.g. //, /?,
/_), you can turn them off via
let g:CmdlineSpecialEdits_EnableSpecialSearchMode = 0
Remapping to other keys isn't possible here.
The c_CTRL-R_CTRL_V mapping does literal pattern / replacement in the
built-in :substitute command as well as any custom command starting with
:Substitute or :SmartCase. The c_CTRL-G_ad etc. mappings add the :s_e flag
to substitutions. You can extend or change the list of custom commands that
are considered via a regular expression in:
let g:CmdlineSpecialEdits_SubstitutionCommandsExpr = '^cmd1$\|^prefix'
If you want to use different mappings, map your keys to the
<Plug>(CmdlineSpecialEdits...) mapping targets _before_ sourcing the script
(e.g. in your vimrc):
cmap <C-g><C-u> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialRemoveAllButRange)
cmap <C-g><C-a> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialRemoveCommandArguments)
cmap <C-g><C-c> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialRemoveCommandName)
cmap <C-g><C-o> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialRecallAnyRange)
cmap <C-g><C-s> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialToggleSmartCase)
cmap <C-g>/ <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialChangeSubstitutionSep)
cmap <C-g>ad <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialIterateArgdo)
cmap <C-g>aw <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialIterateArgdoWrite)
cmap <C-g>bd <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialIterateBufdo)
cmap <C-g>bw <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialIterateBufdoWrite)
cmap <C-g>wd <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialIterateWinbufdo)
cmap <C-g>ww <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialIterateWinbufdoWrite)
cmap <C-g>td <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialIterateTabwindo)
cmap <C-g>tw <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialIterateTabwindoWrite)
cmap <C-g>D <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialDeleteToEnd)
cmap <C-g>! <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialToggleBang)
cmap <C-g>' <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialToggleSymbolicRange)
cmap <C-g>+ <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialToggleRelativeRange)
cmap <C-g><C-h> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialRemoveBackspacing)
cmap <C-BS> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialRemoveLastPathComponent)
cmap <C-g>I <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialAddPrefix)
cmap <C-g>A <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialAddSuffix)
cmap <C-g>s <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialSimplifyBranches)
cmap <C-g>c <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialIgnoreCaseMixed)
cmap <C-g>y <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialRegisterYankCommandLine)
cmap <C-g>Y <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialYankCommandLine)
cmap <C-r><C-l> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialInsertLine)
cmap <C-r><C-s> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialInsertChar)
cmap <C-r><C-y> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialInsertSelection)
cmap <C-r><C-v> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialInsertRegisterForLiteralSearch)
cmap # <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialLastChangeRange)
nmap <A-/> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialToggleSearchMode)
cmap <A-/> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialToggleSearchMode)
nmap <A-?> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialToggleWholeWord)
cmap <A-?> <Plug>(CmdlineSpecialToggleWholeWord) |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
CmdlineSpecialEdits-1.10.vmb.gz |
1.10 |
2024-11-02 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- CHG: Switch <C-G>y to <C-G>Y and add <C-G>y{x} variant that allows to pass the register to yank the command-line to.
- BUG: <C-G><C-S> introduces an additional separator if the cursor is before the final substitution separator (i.e. in the replacement part).
- ENH: Allow customization of the <C-R><C-V> literal pattern / replacement for custom :Substitute commands and add :SmartCase by default.
- ENH: Add <C-G>ad, <C-G>aw, ... mappings that prepend the :Argdo, :ArgdoWrite, etc. commands provided by ArgsAndMore.vim to the command-line (and append the :s_e flag to a :substitute command).
- ENH: Also add the search pattern toggled via normal mode <A-/>, <A-?>, <A-(> to the search history.
- ENH: Add <C-G>! to toggle a command's bang ([!]).
- ENH: Add whole \_sWORD\_s matching to ALT-SHIFT-/ toggling as a third mode. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.044! *** |
CmdlineSpecialEdits-1.00.vmb.gz |
1.00 |
2020-03-12 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Initial upload |
ip used for rating: