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Vim Scripts (add script)

script: Middle English, from Latin scriptum, things written, a plan of action

Recent Script Updates (browse all | search)
[2024-10-24]  litrepl : Markdown/LaTeX code snippet execution plugin
(3.7.3) Add `LitReplEvalSelection(type)` function - Sergei Mironov
[2024-10-21]  diffunitsyntax : Highlight word or character based diff units in diff format
(2.0) Added to identify a file including diff indicators as one of diff formats. - Rick Howe
[2024-10-20]  vim-weaselwords : Crafting polished prose by highlighting weasel words and passive use in Vim
(1.2.1) Extended word lists, refined passive detection - Moritz
[2024-10-19]  vim-typespec : TypeSpec support
(0.1.0) Initial upload - Thomas Allen
[2024-10-07]  WG Rainbow Delimiter Highlighter : highlights nested delimiters with different colors to aid readability
(v5) The rainbow syntax highlighter now also supports "parallel editing" much better, by which I mean that if you have Vim (with `rainbow.vim` installed and active) and some other text editor open simultaneously (both of them editing the same file) then every time that you change window focus back to Vim then when it auto-reloads the file (at your request) then the rainbow delimiter syntax highlighting will no longer be lost but will now be automatically resynchronized and reapplied, thereby making working in parallel with both Vim and some other editor with this plugin much more pleasant and efficient. Give it a try! It is a nice workflow. (This patch is especially useful when working with DrRacket and Vim open side-by-side, but applies to all other programming languages (of course, as usual) and all 3rd party editors that support detection and/or reloading of externally modified files and hence support editing in parallel with Vim.) -
[2024-10-07]  jada ide : This is a java ide in vim
(1.1) New command ":CreateMainJava <param(Dir Name)>" and new shortcut [Ctrl + t] - calvo clavo
[2024-10-06]  setpwsh : A Vim plugin to improve powershell integration.
(1.1.0) Solved emoji rendering issue on windows' gVim by forcing powershell binary to use utf8 on stdin/stdout pipes. An environment variable has been introduced to allow the user to select pipe encoding (defaults to utf8). - Miguel Barro
[2024-10-03]  VcsMessageRecall : Browse and re-insert previous VCS commit messages.
(1.06) - Minor: Make the "commit-msgs" directory name configurable via g:VcsMessageRecall_StoreDirName. - ENH: Configure the MessageRecall plugin (version 1.40 or higher) to have :MessageStore {dirspec} directly accept the working copy root directory; i.e. the version control system's {metadata}/commit-msgs part can be omitted now. - ENH: Allow overriding the MessageRecall options via g:VcsMessageRecall_{git,hg,svn}_MessageRecallOptions Dictionaries. - Ignore Git "Merge branch(s) '...'" commit message boilerplate by default. This can be undone via: let g:VcsMessageRecall_git_MessageRecallOptions = {} - BUG: Git uses a slightly different boilerplate message for merges. - Store the original commit message in the default register when replacing it. - Git may have a merge commit warning in front of the usual boilerplate. - ENH: Allow tweaking the adjacent message store discovery via g:VcsMessageRecall_{git,hg,svn}_AdjacentMessageStores configuration. - ENH: Consider message stores from Git submodules (contained, adjacent) and the superproject for :MessageStore completion if such exist. - ENH: Allow overriding of the message store directory via g:VcsMessageRecall_StoreDirspec; e.g. to share the superproject's message store with submodules. - Ingo Karkat
Displaying 10 of 5959 (more)

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