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Vim Scripts (add script)

script: Middle English, from Latin scriptum, things written, a plan of action

Recent Script Updates (browse all | search)
[2024-07-26]  asyncrun : Run Async Shell Commands in Vim 8.0 and Output to Quickfix in Realtime
(2.13.1) - asyncrun#get_root(0) returns current root - Wei Lin
[2024-07-25]  dwarrowdelf : Initial dwarrowdelf upload
(1.0) Initial upload - Connor Shugg
[2024-07-22]  vim-highlighter : Highlight words and expressions
(1.62) Add "Hi]" command to jump to highlights of the same color   :h  Hi] - Azabiong
[2024-06-30]  fuzzyy : A fuzzy finder for vim
(1.2) https://github.com/Donaldttt/fuzzyy - Nachuan Tang
[2024-06-23]  RepeatableYank : Repeatable appending yank to a named register.
(1.30) - BUG: {count}gyy does not repeat the count. - Emulate appending to a non-named register (through use of a temporary named register). The previously advertised behavior of simply repeating a yank to the specified {09-*+~/-} register turned out to be far less useful (at least to me and Enno Nagel, who suggested this enhancement) than the ability to consistently accumulate in any register. - CHG: Change default register from "a to the configured default register (typically |quote_quote|), as that's consistent with Vim's built-in behavior. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.039! *** - Ingo Karkat
[2024-06-23]  spotdiff.vim : A range and area selectable diffthis to compare partially
(5.2) Implemented to update the differences shortly after the text is changed. - Rick Howe
[2024-06-21]  vim-navigator : An whichkey alternative to provide keymap hints.
(0.0.4) - refactor navigator#charname#mapname() to prevent infinite loop. - remove verbose message when cleaning the buffer content. - fix typo in the documentation. - Wei Lin
[2024-06-18]  asynctasks : Modern Task System for Project Building/Testing/Deploying !!
(1.9.19) - Check if 'cwd' option exists before updating in asynctasks#start function. - Wei Lin
Displaying 10 of 5949 (more)

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