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Searched scripts for "" Showing 1 to 20 of 746 results
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Colo(u)r Sampler Pack color scheme 4100 102038 [[[Oct 2012 Update]]] Top 100(ish) Themes, GUI Menu
molokai color scheme 5443 81891 A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate
wombat256.vim color scheme 659 64228 Wombat for 256 color xterms
Zenburn color scheme 1758 49531 Low contrast colour scheme for low light conditions
jellybeans.vim color scheme 886 41442 Colorful, dark color scheme
desert.vim color scheme 1457 38174 A dark-background color scheme inspired by my hometown of Santa Fe, New Mexico
peaksea color scheme 1083 35709 Refined color, contains both gui and cterm256 for dark and light background
github theme color scheme 481 34107 A gvim colorscheme based on github's syntax highlighting
Wombat color scheme 1228 32371 Dark gray color scheme sharing some similarities with Desert
Lucius color scheme 790 31664 Light and dark color scheme for GUI and 256 color terminal.
pyte color scheme 2175 29717 A clean, light (nearly white) theme
desert256.vim color scheme 326 29448 A slightly-modified desert theme, for 88- and 256-color xterms.
xoria256.vim color scheme 508 29143 Soft pastel gamma on dark background, same appearence in {,g}vim
oceandeep color scheme 1131 26716 dark colorscheme, pleasant, mainly blue and blueish-green
twilight color scheme 265 26123 A clone of Textmates twilight scheme
inkpot color scheme 749 24330 Inkpot, a dark scheme for GUI and 88/256 colour terms
candy.vim color scheme 172 23839 color scheme ( background is black )
yaml.vim color scheme 235 23793 Syntax coloring and functions for YAML
moria color scheme 625 22823 A color scheme for GUI supposed to be highly readable
vividchalk.vim color scheme 359 22189 A colorscheme strangely reminiscent of Vibrant Ink for a certain OS X editor
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