IndentConsistencyCop : Is the buffer's indentation consistent and does it conform to tab settings?
script karma |
Rating 39/16,
Downloaded by 6442 |
Comments, bugs, improvements
Vim wiki
created by |
Ingo Karkat |
script type |
utility |
description |
In order to achieve consistent indentation, you need to agree on the
indentation width (e.g. 2, 4 or 8 spaces), and the indentation method (only
tabs, only spaces, or a mix of tabs and spaces that minimizes the number of
spaces and is called 'softtabstop' in Vim). Unfortunately, different people
use different editors and cannot agree on "the right" width and method.
Consistency is important, though, to make the text look the same in different
editors and on printouts. If any editor inadvertently converts tabs and
spaces, version control and diff'ing will be much harder to do.
The IndentConsistencyCop examines the indent of the buffer and analyzes the
used indent widths and methods. If there are conflicting ones or if bad
combinations of tabs and spaces are found, it alerts you and offers help in
locating the offenders - just like a friendly policeman:
Found inconsistent indentation in this buffer; generated from these
conflicting settings:
- tabstop (1838 of 3711 lines) <- buffer setting
- 4 spaces (33 of 3711 lines)
- bad mix of spaces and tabs (4 of 3711 lines)
[I]gnore, (J)ust change buffer settings..., (H)ighlight wrong
indents...: h
What kind of inconsistent indents do you want to highlight?
Not [b]uffer settings (sts4), Not best (g)uess (tab), Not (c)hosen
setting..., (I)llegal indents only: g
Marked 180 incorrect lines.
If the buffer contents are okay, the IndentConsistencyCop can evaluate whether
Vim's buffer settings are compatible with the indent used in the buffer. The
friendly cop offers to correct your buffer settings if you run the risk of
screwing up the indent consistency with your wrong buffer settings:
The buffer's indent settings are inconsistent with the used indent '8
spaces'; these settings must be changed:
- expandtab from 0 to 1
How do you want to deal with the inconsistency?
[I]gnore, (C)hange: c
The buffer settings have been changed: tabstop=8 softtabstop=8 shiftwidth=8
The IndentConsistencyCop is only concerned with the amount of whitespace from
column 1 to the first visible character; it does not check the alignment of
tables, equals signs in variable assignments, etc. Neither does it know any
specifics about programming languages, or your personal preferred indentation
- IndentConsistencyCopAutoCmds (vimscript #1691) complements this plugin. It
automatically triggers the IndentConsistencyCop for certain filetypes when
loading the buffer and optionally also on each write
- Indent Finder (vimscript #513) is a Python script and Vim plugin that scans
any loaded buffer and configures the appropriate indent settings
- yaifa.vim (vimscript #3096) is a port to vimscript of the above
- detectindent.vim ( by Ciaran
McCreesh tries to auto-detect the indentation settings
- GuessIndent (vimscript #4251) is based on detectindent.vim
- indentdetect.vim
by Eric Van Dewoestine performs a simple detection and can set defaults
based on the filespec
- matchindent.vim (vimscript #4066) detects tabs, 2 and 4-space indents and
adapts the indent settings accordingly
- sleuth.vim (vimscript #4375) by Tim Pope automatically adjusts 'shiftwidth'
and 'tabstop' heuristically (via a simplistic sampling that does not check
for bad or inconsistent indents) or by looking at other files of the same
- filestyle (vimscript #5065) highlights tabs when 'expandtab' is set,
trailing spaces, and lines longer than 'textwidth', but doesn't actually
check conformance to indent
- ShowSpaces (vimscript #5148) highlights spaces inside indentation, per
buffer / filetype.
- Indent Detector (vimscript #5195) run when a file is opened or written, has
warnings about mixed tab / space indent, and can adapt Vim's corresponding
options automatically.
- Yet Another Detect Indent ( is simple
and ignores outliers.
Start the examination of the current buffer or range via:
:[range]IndentConsistencyCop [{setting}]
The optional {setting} specifies the assumed correct indent setting for the
buffer / range (if omitted the cop can later be told), as combination of
either tab, spc, or sts with a number between 1-8, e.g. "sts4" for a
4-character soft tabstop indent.
The triggering can be done automatically for configurable filetypes with the
autocmds defined in IndentConsistencyCopAutoCmds.vim (vimscript #1691).
If you chose to highlight incorrect indents, either re-execute the
IndentConsistencyCop to update the highlighting, or execute
to remove the highlightings. Entries in the quickfix and location lists will
be kept.
If you just want to check a read-only file, or do not intend to modify the
file, you don't care if Vim's buffer settings are compatible with the used
indent. In this case, you can use
:[range]IndentRangeConsistencyCop [{setting}]
instead of :IndentConsistencyCop. |
install details |
The code is hosted in a Git repo at
You can use your favorite plugin manager, or "git clone" into a directory used
for Vim packages. Releases are on the "stable" branch, the latest unstable
development snapshot on "master".
This script is also packaged as a vimball. If you have the "gunzip"
decompressor in your PATH, simply edit the *.vmb.gz package in Vim; otherwise,
decompress the archive first, e.g. using WinZip. Inside Vim, install by
sourcing the vimball or via the :UseVimball command.
vim IndentConsistencyCop*.vmb.gz
:so %
To uninstall, use the :RmVimball command.
- Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
- Requires the ingo-library.vim plugin (vimscript #4433), version 1.044 or
For a permanent configuration, put the following commands into your vimrc:
You can select method(s) of highlighting incorrect lines via
g:indentconsistencycop_highlighting; the default fills the search pattern,
jumps to the first error, sets 'list', uses the 'Error' highlighting and folds
away the correct lines.
The variable defines the highlighting methods of incorrect lines, when this is
requested by the user. Multiple methods can be combined by concatenating the
values. The changes done for highlighting are undone when highlighting is
removed via :IndentConsistencyCopOff.
s - Fill search pattern with all incorrect lines, so that you navigate
through all incorrect lines with n/N.
g - Jump to the first error.
l - As a visualization aid, execute ':setlocal list' to see difference
between tabs and spaces.
m - Use error highlighting to highlight the wrong indent via the
'IndentConsistencyCop' highlight group. This is especially useful if
you don't use the search pattern in combination with 'set hlsearch'
to locate the incorrect lines.
You can customize this by defining / linking the
'IndentConsistencyCop' highlight group before this script is
highlight link IndentConsistencyCop Error
f:{n} (n = 0..9)
- Fold correct lines with a context of {n} lines (like
in Vim diff mode).
q - Populate quickfix list with all incorrect lines. With uppercase Q
appends to an existing list.
w - Populate location list with all incorrect lines. With uppercase W
appends to an existing list.
let g:indentconsistencycop_highlighting = 'sglmf:3'
You can offer alternative method(s) of highlighting incorrect lines; the
default adds lines to the quickfix list:
let g:IndentConsistencyCop_AltHighlighting =
\ {'methods': 'Q', 'menu': 'Add wrong indents to &quickfix...'}
The configuration is a Dict with a "methods" entry (cp.
g:indentconsistencycop_highlighting) and a "menu" entry. If empty, no
alternative method will be presented.
Some comment styles use additional whitespace characters inside the comment
block to neatly left-align the comment block, e.g. this is often used in Java
and C/C++ programs:
/* This is a comment that spans multiple
* lines; neatly left-aligned with asterisks.
The IndentConsistencyCop would be confused by these special indents, so the
non-indent pattern defined in g:indentconsistencycop_non_indent_pattern
removes these additional whitespaces from the indent when evaluating lines.
let g:indentconsistencycop_non_indent_pattern = ' \*\%([*/ \t]\|$\)'
(You can also override / set this for certain files with a buffer-local var.)
The pattern could also match in non-comment lines; to avoid that, the cop can
additionally check for a syntax match at the comment position, by supplying a
regular expression for the syntax item name, and optionally another one for a
syntax item name that stops looking further down the syntax stack:
let g:indentconsistencycop_non_indent_pattern = [' \*\%([*/ \t]\|$\)',
\ '^Comment$', 'FoldMarker$']
These are only considered when :syntax on.
You may never want certain indent settings in your files. As an indent
multiplier of 1 more often is the result of a mess of different indents than
an explicit choice, the default forbids 'spc1' and 'sts1' from being accepted
as consistent indentation:
let g:IndentConsistencyCop_UnacceptableIndentSettings = ['spc1', 'sts1']
Assign an empty List or String to accept any indent setting. As an alternative
to the List of unacceptable indent settings, this configuration can also take
a regular expression pattern:
let g:IndentConsistencyCop_UnacceptableIndentSettings = '^sts'
Some comment styles use irregularly indented blocks, for example aligment to a
start of a keyword or construct in the previous line, without regard to
whether that aligns with the indent width. To avoid annoying false positives
on those lines, you can implement custom function(s) that detect these, so
that they will be excluded from the cop's checking. Define a List of Funcrefs:
let g:IndentConsistencyCop_line_filters =
\ [function('MyBlockFilter'), function('MyBoilerplateFilter')]
The function must take two startLnum, endLnum arguments and return a
Dictionary whose keys represent the filtered out line numbers. The cop ignores
the union of all returned Sets.
In case of really irregular lines where the removal of some whitespace per
g:indentconsistencycop_non_indent_pattern isn't possible, the lines can be
ignored altogether. Lines can be selected by a List of patterns, optionally
limited to certain syntax item names (tested after the matched text),
optionally with another one for a syntax item name that stops looking further
down the syntax stack:
let g:IndentConsistencyCop_IgnorePatterns = [
\ '^\s\+####D',
\ ['^\s\+', 'podVerbatimLine']
(This is implemented as a default g:IndentConsistencyCop_line_filters.)
By default, the cop sets 'copyindent' and 'preserveindent' if the buffer's
indent is inconsistent and this is ignored by the user, as these options
typically make Vim respect the original indent. This is undone automatically
if the buffer becomes consistent or the cop is turned off via
:IndentConsistencyCopOff. To disable this feature, set
let g:IndentConsistencyCop_IsCopyAndPreserveIndent = 0
(This is implemented as a default IndentConsistencyCop-event.)
By default, the cop also checks for bad whitespace combinations (i.e. space
character(s) followed by one or more tabs) everywhere inside the buffer, not
just in indent. To turn this off and just alert to these bad mixes when they
occur at the beginning of the line:
let g:IndentConsistencyCop_IsFindBadMixEverywhere = 0
The default block alignment g:IndentConsistencyCop_line_filters, can be
tuned with regards to what it considers a block via:
let g:IndentConsistencyCop_BlockAlignmentPattern = '\<'
The default handles alignment to previous keywords, brackets, quotes, and
@Annotation, $var.
The :IndentConsistencyCop and :IndentRangeConsistencyCop commands fill a
buffer-scoped dictionary with the results of the check. These results can be
consumed by other Vim integrations (e.g. for a custom 'statusline').
Maximum indent (in columns) found in the entire buffer. (Not reduced by range
Minimum indent (in columns, not counting lines that do not start with
whitespace at all) found in the entire buffer. (Not increased by range
String representing the actual indent settings. Consistent indent settings are
represented by 'tabN', 'spcN', 'stsN' (where N is the indent multiplier) or
'none' (meaning no indent found in buffer). Completely inconsistent indent
settings are shown as 'XXX'; a setting which is almost consistent, with only
some bad mix of spaces and tabs, is represented by 'BADtabN', 'BADspcN' or
Flag whether the indent in the entire buffer is consistent. (Not set by range
Flag whether there has been enough indent to make a definite judgement about
the buffer indent settings. (Not set by range checks.)
Indent setting that the user has explicitly acknowledged in its interaction
with the cop (by answering "Wrong" or "Change" in one of the dialogs).
Combination of the above two: Flag whether there either has been enough indent
to make a definite judgement about the buffer indent settings, or whether the
user has explicitly acknowledged the current indent settings in its
interaction with the cop (by answering "Wrong" or "Change" in one of the
String representing the buffer settings. One of 'tabN', 'spcN', 'stsN' (where
N is the indent multiplier), or '???' (meaning inconsistent buffer indent
Flag whether the buffer indent settings (tabstop, softtabstop, shiftwidth,
expandtab) are consistent with each other.
Flag whether the indent in the entire buffer is consistent with the buffer
indent settings. (Not set by range checks; :IndentRangeConsistencyCop leaves
this flag unchanged.)
Flag whether the user chose to ignore the inconsistent results. This can be
used by integrations (like IndentConsistencyCopAutoCmds) to cease scheduling
of further cop runs in this buffer.
Flag whether the cop has been (at least temporarily) disabled via
The user queries can be extended with additional menu entries, defined in a
let g:IndentConsistencyCop_MenuExtensions = {
\ 'Dummy': {
\ 'priority': 100,
\ 'choice': 'Dumm&y',
\ 'Action': function('DummyAction')
\ },
\ [...]
With the optional "choice" attribute, you can define an accelerator key via &;
the rest of the text must be identical to the key!
The optional "priority" attribute determines the order of the extension
entries; they will always come after the plugin's core entries, though.
The mandatory "Action" attribute is a Funcref to a function that is invoked
without arguments if the menu entry is chosen.
The plugin emits a User event "IndentConsistencyCop" after each run.
Integrations can check the b:indentconsistencycop_result dictionary to react
differently to various conditions. For example:
augroup IndentConsistencyCopCustomization
autocmd User IndentConsistencyCop unsilent echomsg 'The cop is'
\ b:indentconsistencycop_result.isOff ? 'off' : 'on'
augroup END
The following turns the buffer read-only if it is inconsistent:
autocmd User IndentConsistencyCop let &l:readonly =
\ ! b:indentconsistencycop_result.isConsistent &&
\ ! b:indentconsistencycop_result.isOff |
script versions (upload new version)
Click on the package to download.
IndentConsistencyCop-3.01.vmb.gz |
3.01 |
2024-11-10 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Better handle a buffer with consistent bad mix of spaces and tabs.
- CHG: Require 'softtabstop' to be set when space-indenting (except for spc1), so that the backspace key will remove an entire indent's worth of spaces instead of just one. Sorry, I totally missed this important detail, as I haven't been editing a lot with pure space indents. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.044! *** |
IndentConsistencyCop-3.00.vmb.gz |
3.00 |
2020-02-21 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Add b:indentconsistencycop_result.acknowledgedByUserSetting
- ENH: Allow extension of the plugin's user queries with additional menu entries. This is used by IndentConsistencyCopAutoCmds.vim to implement blacklisting of certain files so that they are never checked again.
- Add g:IndentConsistencyCop_UnacceptableIndentSettings and by default forbid indents with multiplier 1 (i.e. 'spc1' and 'sts1') from being accepted as consistent indentation.
- ENH: g:indentconsistencycop_non_indent_pattern now also enforces a comment syntax item (if :syntax on) for applying the special indent pattern, to avoid false positives in non-comment lines that just look like they're starting with a comment prefix.
- Add g:IndentConsistencyCop_IgnorePatterns to completely ignore certain lines that match a pattern (and optionally have a certain syntax item name), implemented as a default g:IndentConsistencyCop_line_filters.
- Emit "IndentConsistencyCop" User event after each cop command, so that customizations can react to the results.
- Set 'copyindent' and 'preserveindent' when the buffer is inconsistent and this is ignored (configurable via |g:IndentConsistencyCop_IsCopyAndPreserveIndent|).
- ENH: Allow passing correct indent setting as an :Indent[Range]ConsistencyCop argument. (Overriding of a wrongly found indent setting is already offered in the cop's dialog.)
- Alert to bad "tab after space" whitespace combinations everywhere, not just in indent. Can be configured (turned off) via g:IndentConsistencyCop_IsFindBadMixEverywhere.
- ENH: Allow population of quickfix / location list via g:indentconsistencycop_highlighting values q/Q/w/W.
- Offer alternative highlighting methods in menu via g:IndentConsistencyCop_AltHighlighting, by default adding to the quickfix list.
- Allow to tweak IndentConsistencyCop#BlockAlignment#Filter() via g:IndentConsistencyCop_BlockAlignmentPattern.
- Also support @Annotation, $var as starts of blocks. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.039! *** |
IndentConsistencyCop-2.00.vmb.gz |
2.00 |
2017-12-23 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Minor: Replace explicit regexp engine workaround with ingo/compat/regexp.vim.
- When choosing "Highlight wrong indents..." followed by "Not best guess" or "Not chosen setting", also adapt the buffer settings to that indent setting, as the user has indicated that this is the right one.
- ENH: Add "Just change buffer settings" alternative for "Highlight wrong indents..." search that only adapts the buffer settings, but does not (in fact clears any) highlight. Often, I must not fix existing wrong indentation, but still would like to adapt my buffer settings to cause no addition harm to the file's indent.
- ENH: Also query the value (multiplier) of 'tabstop' when querying for the indent setting. Though this doesn't affect the consistent / inconsistent verdict, it's often an important aspect of a correct visualization.
- Support buffer-local b:indentconsistencycop_non_indent_pattern configuration, too.
- Introduce additional b:indentconsistencycop_result.isDefiniteOrAcknowledgedByUser reporting flag.
- Offer "Wrong, use buffer settings" in addition to the existing "Wrong, choose correct setting" if the buffer settings are consistent.
- When choosing |Ignore| on reported inconsistencies in the indent, turn off any previous highlighting by the cop (like :IndentConsistencyCopOff).
- Restore last search pattern from history when turning off the cop.
- When there are bad mixes of spaces and tabstop, the individual character widths can't be simply accumulated; need to use strdisplaywidth() to arrive at the correct indent width.
- FIX: :.IndentConsistencyCop on a closed fold only considers the current line, not all lines inside the fold. Need to use ingo#range#NetStart/End().
- ENH: Add g:IndentConsistencyCop_line_filters configuration to exclude certain, irregular lines from checking. This is a more powerful variant of g:indentconsistencycop_non_indent_pattern. Use IndentConsistencyCop#Filter#BlockAlignment() by default, which handles alignment to previous keywords, brackets, and quotes.
- When the best guess is equal to the buffer indent, already indicate that in the |Ignore| action choice. This wasn't made clear enough by the full description, and users are tempted to choose |Just change buffer settings|, where then the buffer setting isn't available, and the setting would have to be tediously re-chosen.
- CHG: Default to |Change| instead of |Ignore| when just the buffer settings are wrong, and the assessment is solid. This is the most common (and sensible) choice. If there's not enough indent for that, don't default to anything. *** You need to update to ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.024! *** |
IndentConsistencyCop-1.45.vmb.gz |
1.45 |
2014-12-12 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Minor: Highlight action checks are dependent on 'iskeyword' setting, and could cause script errors.
- Add dependency to ingo-library (vimscript #4433). *** You need to separately install ingo-library (vimscript #4433) version 1.019 (or higher)! *** |
IndentConsistencyCop-1.44.vmb.gz |
1.44 |
2014-01-11 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- BUG: The version 1.43 workaround for the Vim 7.4 new regexp engine was ineffective, because the \%#=1 atom needs to be prepended to the entire regular expression, but that's not possible with the configuration value alone. (Also, the workaround mistakenly specified auto-select (0) instead of old engine (1).) Move the workaround to s:GetBeginningWhitespace() instead.
- ENH: Close all consistent parts of the buffer when highlighting the inconsistencies via folding, and restore the original 'foldlevel' setting (and therefore the global fold state set by zM / zR) on :IndentConsistencyCopOff. Thanks to Marcelo Montú for the idea.
- ENH: Enable folding to highlight the inconsistencies when it was previously :set nofoldenable'd. |
IndentConsistencyCop-1.43.vmb.gz |
1.43 |
2013-12-19 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Minor: Make matchstr() robust against 'ignorecase'.
- Improve g:indentconsistencycop_non_indent_pattern to also handle empty comment lines with a sole ' *' prefix. Thanks to Marcelo Montu for reporting this. |
IndentConsistencyCop-1.42.vmb.gz |
1.42 |
2012-12-11 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
When a perfect or authoritative rating didn't pass the majority rule, try to turn around the verdict by checking consistency with buffer settings, as is done for small indents only. For example, this avoids a wrong verdict of inconsistent spc8 when there are more spc8 than spc4. Thanks to Marcelo Montú for reporting this issue. |
IndentConsistencyCop-1.41.vmb.gz |
1.41 |
2012-12-07 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Change the behavior of :IndentRangeConsistencyCop to consider the buffer settings to turn around the verdict of "inconsistent indent" (but still not report inconsistent buffer settings alone). Otherwise, together with the IndentConsistencyCopAutoCmds triggers, it can happen that on opening (i.e. :IndentConsistencyCop), the file is judged okay (considering the buffer settings), but on writing the buffer (:IndentRangeConsistencyCop), a potential inconsistency due to too small indent is reported. Thanks to Marcelo Montú for reporting this issue. |
IndentConsistencyCop-1.40.vmb.gz |
1.40 |
2012-10-11 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- The cop can often do a solid assessment when the maximum indent is 8. Only when there are no smaller indents, a higher indent is needed to unequivocally recognize soft tabstops.
- ENH: Better handle integer overflow when rating and normalizing: Limit to MAX_INT instead of carrying on with negative ratings, or just use Float values when Vim has support for it.
- When we have only a few, widely indented lines, there may be more than one way to interpret them as a perfect setting. Choose one over the other via some simple heuristics instead of the previous assertion error.
- FIX: Fall back to the old :2match when matchadd() is not available. |
IndentConsistencyCop.vba.gz |
1.31 |
2012-04-03 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Use matchadd() instead of :2match to avoid clashes with user highlightings (or other plugins like html_matchtag.vim).
- ENH: Clear highlighting when another buffer is loaded into the window to avoid that the highlightings persist in a now wrong context. |
IndentConsistencyCop.vba.gz |
1.30 |
2011-11-23 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
ENH: Avoid the spurious "potential inconsistency with buffer settings" warning when there are only small consistent indents detected as space-indents, but the equivalent softtabstop-indent is consistent with the buffer settings. As many files only have small indents, this warning popped up regularly and has been the most annoying for me, also because to rectify it, one has to answer three questions: "[W]rong", "[s]ofttabstop", [N]). |
IndentConsistencyCop.vba.gz |
1.21 |
2010-12-31 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
- Added b:indentconsistencycop_result.isIgnore to allow the IndentConsistencyCopAutoCmds integration to suspend further invocations of the cop in the buffer.
- BUG: :IndentRangeConsistencyCop didn't report inconsistencies at all because of a bad conditional statement introduced in 1.20.014.
- Using separate autoload script to help speed up Vim startup.
- Added separate help file and packaging the plugin as a vimball. |
IndentConsistencyCop.vim |
1.20.017 |
2008-07-22 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
BF: Undefined variable l:isEntireBuffer in IndentBufferConsistencyCop(). |
IndentConsistencyCop.vim |
1.20.016 |
2008-07-21 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
ENH: Added b:indentconsistencycop_result buffer-scoped dictionary containing the results of the check, which can be used by other integrations.
Also check consistency of buffer settings if the buffer/range does not contain indented text. Inconsistent indent settings can then be corrected with a queried setting.
BF: Clear previous highlighting if buffer/range now does not contain indented text. |
IndentConsistencyCop.vim |
1.10.012 |
2008-06-23 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Minor change: Added -bar to all commands that do not take any arguments, so that these can be chained together. |
IndentConsistencyCop.vim |
1.10.011 |
2008-02-28 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Improved the algorithm so that 'softtabstop' is recognized even when a file only has small indents with either (up to 7) spaces or tabs, but no tab + space combination. |
IndentConsistencyCop.vim |
1.00.010 |
2007-11-08 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
BF: In an inconsistent and large buffer/range that has only one or a few small inconsistencies and one dominant (i.e. 99%) setting, the text "Some minor / inconclusive potential settings have been omitted." is not printed.
ENH: Print "noexpandtab/expandtab" instead of " expandtab to 0/1", as the user would :setlocal the setting. |
IndentConsistencyCop.vim |
1.00.009 |
2007-06-04 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
ENH: Improved detection accuracy for soft tabstops when the maximum indent is too small for a solid assessment. When the maximum indent of the buffer is not enough to be sure of the indent settings (i.e. differentiating between soft tabstops and spaces), an inconsistent indent was reported, even though it is much more likely that the indent is consistent with "soft tabstop n", but that wasn't recognized because of the small indents used in the file. If allowed, the cop now examines the buffer settings to possibly turn around the verdict of "inconsistent indent". |
IndentConsistencyCop.vim |
1.00.008 |
2007-04-02 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Allowing user to override wrongly found consistent setting (e.g. 'sts1' instead of 'tab') by choosing 'Wrong, choose correct setting...' in the IndentBufferConsistencyCop. |
IndentConsistencyCop.vim |
0.07 |
2006-11-02 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Corrected unreasonable assumption of a consistent small indent setting (of 1 or 2 spaces) when actually only some wrong spaces spoil the consistency. Now, a perfect consistent rating is only accepted if its absolute rating number is also the maximum rating.
BF: Avoiding runtime error in IndentBufferInconsistencyCop() if s:ratings is empty.
BF: Suppressing 'Not buffer setting' option if the buffer setting is inconsistent ('badset'), which threw an exception when selected. |
IndentConsistencyCop.vim |
0.05 |
2006-10-30 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Improved g:indentconsistencycop_non_indent_pattern to also allow ' *\t' and ' *****' comments. |
IndentConsistencyCop.vim |
0.04 |
2006-10-24 |
7.0 |
Ingo Karkat |
Initial upload |
ip used for rating: