lilydjwg_green |
A light-green background color scheme. |
lilydjwg_dark |
A color scheme with dark background. | |
Python script that add 256-color terminal support to GUI only colorschemes. |
rfc syntax |
Simple syntax highlight for RFC file |
httplog |
Highlight access log of Apache, nginx, etc |
darkBlue |
A darkblue color scheme. |
lilypink |
A dark color scheme, modification of mrpink |
colorizer |
Highlight #rrggbb or #rgb color |
pacmanlog.vim |
highlight pacman's log file |
Rcode |
Run various types of code against current buffer |
fcitx.vim |
keep and restore fcitx state when leaving/re-entering insert mode |
haskell.vim |
Another Haskell indent plugin. |
tornadotmpl.vim |
syntax highlight for Python's Tornado templates. |