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tlib : Some utility functions

 script karma  Rating 922/239, Downloaded by 25406  Comments, bugs, improvements  Vim wiki

created by
Tom Link
script type
This library provides some utility functions. There isn't much need to
install it unless another plugin requires you to do so.

The most useful functions provided by this library probably are:

tlib#input#List(), tlib#input#ListW()
    - Display a list
    - Dynamically filter items matching a pattern (somethat like google)
        - E.g. you filter for "foo -bar": show all entries containing foo but not bar.
    - Select items from a list
    - Do stuff
        - Developers can define keys that trigger some action with the
          selected items
    - Demo: http://vimsomnia.blogspot.com/2010/11/selecting-items-from-list-with-tlibs.html

    + Edit a list (copy, cut, paste, delete, edit ...)

    Set a variable only if it doesn't already exist.

    Open a scratch buffer (a buffer without a file).

:TVarArg VAR1, [VAR2, DEFAULT2] ...
    Handle "rest" (variable) arguments in functions.
      function! Foo(...)
          TVarArg ['a', 1], 'b'
          echo 'a='. a
          echo 'b='. b

TBrowseOutput COMMAND
    Every wondered how to effciently browse the output of a command
    without redirecting it to a file? This command takes a command as
    argument and presents the output via |tlib#input#List()| so that you
    can easily search for a keyword (e.g. the name of a variable or
    function) and the like.
    If you press enter, the selected line will be copied to the command
    line. Press ESC to cancel browsing.
      TBrowseOutput 20verb TeaseTheCulprit
      TBrowseOutput let
      TBrowseOutput map

Related (small) plugins that utilize tlib and thus provide some degree of uniform user experience:
    tbibtools (vimscript #1915): bibtex-related utilities (sort, reformat, list contents ...)
    tmarks (vimscript #2594): Browse, place, & delete marks
    tmboxbrowser (vimscript #1906): A mbox browser -- Read your e-mails with vim
    tmru (vimscript #1864): Most Recently Used Files
    trag (vimscript #2033): A slightly language-aware alternative to grep
    tregisters (vimscript #2017): List, edit, and run/execute registers/clipboards
    tselectbuffer (vimscript #1866): A quick buffer selector/switcher
    tselectfiles (vimscript #1865): A quick file selector/browser/explorer (sort of)
    ttagecho (vimscript #2055): Show current tag information
    ttagcomplete (vimscript #2069): Context-sensitive tags-based completion and code skeletons
    ttags (vimscript #2018): Tag list browser (List, filter, preview, jump to tags)
    ttoc (vimscript #2014): A regexp-based table of contents of the current buffer
    vikitasks (vimscript #2894): Search viki files for tasks and display them in a list

For full details, please see:

Also available via git
install details
When installing tlib for the first time, it might be necessary that you create the directory ~/.vim/autoload/tlib before sourcing the vimball. If you have difficulties to install this plugin, please make sure to use the current version of vimball (vimscript #1502). The vimball that comes with vim 7.0 is most likely not recent enough.

Open the file and type

    :so %

see :help vimball for details.

rate this script Life Changing Helpful Unfulfilling 
script versions (upload new version)

Click on the package to download.

package script version date Vim version user release notes
tlib.zip 1.2.8 2022-07-21 7.0 Tom Link https://github.com/tomtom/tlib_vim/commits/master
tlib.zip 1.23 2019-04-27 7.0 Tom Link - bump version 1.23 + misc changes
- FIX #24: avoid vim8 features
- tlib#win#GetID(): Alternative implementation sets a window variable to identify the window
- tlib#arg#GetOpts(): If args is a dict, return it
- tlib#file#FilterFiles(): FIX typo
- tlib#trace#Set: Experimental support for log levels
- tlib#input#ListW: make sure to close scratch when <= 1 items are in the list
- FIX #25: set win_nr again; fix some lint warnings
- tlib#progressbar#Init(): returns a statusline definition that can be used for restor
MD5 checksum: c4d6e018cbbd3b286a9b1648b748c1f3
tlib.zip 1.23 2017-03-16 7.0 Tom Link - bump version 1.23 + misc changes
- FIX #24: avoid vim8 features
- tlib#win#GetID(): Alternative implementation sets a window variable to identify the window
- tlib#arg#GetOpts(): If args is a dict, return it
- tlib#file#FilterFiles(): FIX typo
- tlib#trace#Set: Experimental support for log levels
- tlib#input#ListW: make sure to close scratch when <= 1 items are in the list
- FIX #25: set win_nr again; fix some lint warnings
- tlib#progressbar#Init(): returns a statusline definition that can be used for restor
MD5 checksum: c4d6e018cbbd3b286a9b1648b748c1f3
tlib.zip 1.22 2017-02-14 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#date#Shift(): Support for business days 'Nb'
- tlib#list#Uniq: Properly handle empty strings
- tlib#trace: Use g:tlib#trace#printer and tlib#trace#Printer_{printer}
- tlib#dictionary#Rev: Optional argument `opts = {}`; properly handle empty values etc.
- NEW g:tlib#trace#hl
- NEW spec/dictionary.vim
- tlib#agent#CompleteAgentNames: case insensitive
- tlib#arg#CComplete: --[no-]debug option
- tlib#date#Format: use localtime() if no arg is provided
- NEW tlib#file#IsAbsolute
- NEW tlib#notify#PrintError()
- tlib#trace#Print: FIX s/exec/call/
- tlib#type#Is() match full type name
- NEW tlib#string#MatchAll()
- Tlibtraceset, tlib#trace#Set(): If no `+` or `-` is prepended, assume `+`.
- tlib#list#Input: fix highlighting for filenames
- tlib#input#ListW: use world.CloseScratch(1)
- tlib#agent#ViewFile: Ignore errors in :exec back
- NEW tlib#agent#EditFileInWindow()
- :Tlibtraceset uses tlib#arg#GetOpts(), i.e. you can set the log file more easily
MD5 checksum: 20a48e225f32b9f58808096a5377af04
tlib.vba 1.20 2016-01-26 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#arg: Completion for comma-separated lists
- Use "silent cd"
- NEW tlib#type#DefSchema(); FIX tlib#type#Has()
- tlib#cache#Value(): minor change
- tlib#date#IsDate() also checks whether the date is valid
- ! tlib#sys#Open(): escape special chars only once
- tlib#trace#Print: Allow for strings
- :Tlibtrace, :Tlibtraceset, :Tlibassert remove `-bar`
- NEW :Tlibtype (type/schema assertions); tlib#type#Is() also accepts schemas as "types"
- tlib#dir#CD(): Use haslocaldir()
- tlib#qfl#AgentGotoQFE: Don't use wincmd w
- NEW tlib#string#Input()
- FIX g:tlib#sys#system_rx; add OpenOffice exensions to g:tlib#sys#special_suffixes
- NEW tlib#selection#GetSelection()
- tlib#date#Shift(): Fix "Xm", ++specs
- tlib#trace#Set: FIX Properly handly "-label"
MD5 checksum: c919e0782931a8c628c6996903f989d3
tlib.vba 1.17 2015-11-24 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#input#List: #ReduceFilter: make sure the regexp is valid
- TTimeCommand -> Ttimecommand
- tlib#eval#Extend: mode argument for expand() compatibility
- tlib#input#List: Key handlers can have additional arguments
- tlib#qfl#AgentWithSelected: Set world
- prototype.UseInputListScratch: Run tlib_UseInputListScratch hook earlier
- tlib#qfl#AgentWithSelected: typo
- tlib#arg#GetOpts: type conversion (comma-separated lists etc.)
- tlib#arg: validators
- NEW tlib#date#IsDate()
- tlib#balloon#Remove: Unset &ballooneval, &balloonexpr
- NEW tlib#balloon#Expand()
- NEW tlib#date#Format()
- FIX tlib#date#Shift(..., "+Xm") for months
- NEW tlib#trace#Backtrace()
- NEW tlib#type#Is(), tlib#type#Are(), tlib#type#Has(), tlib#type#Have()
- NEW :Tlibassert
MD5 checksum: 3c4125a28ff1860accd254846651c251
tlib.vba 1.16 2015-11-09 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#arg#GetOpts: Handle short options
- tlib#arg: support short flags & facilitate completion
- NEW :TLibTrace
- tlib#sys#system_browser: FIX XDG string
- NEW tlib#sys#SystemInDir() (used by tlib#vcs#Ls)
- tlib#agent#Complete: improve fltrx
- Remove tlib#arg#Key(), :TKeyArg
- Move :TRequire, :TTimeCommand to macros/tlib.vim
- NEW tlib#cmd#TBrowseScriptnames()
- TScratch: use empty('<bang>')
- NEW :TLibTrace
- tlib#qfl: FIX TTagedFilesFilename regexp
- Remove tlib#arg#Key()
- tlib#buffer#InsertText(): Don't use TKeyArg
- tlib#eval#Extend: don't assign value
- NEW :TLibTrace, tlib#trace (was tlib#debug)
- NEW tlib#string#SplitCommaList()
- NEW tlib#time#FormatNow()
- tlib#arg#GetOpts: selectively disable "long", "short" flags
- tlib#arg#CComplete(): Support values completion (complete_customlist field)
- NEW tlib#date#Shift()
- tlib#qfl#Balloon(): Handle items with no bufnr
- NEW tlib#file#Glob, tlib#file#Globpath
- tlib#progressbar#Display(): optional "always" argument
- tlib#vcs#GitLsPostprocess(): Try to handle encoded filenames from git ls-files
- tlib#vcs#GitLsPostprocess: Eval only \ddd substrings
- FIX #22: duplicate tag
- tlib#buffer: Use 2match instead of 3match (incompatibility with matchparen)
- FIX #23: duplicate help tag
- tlib#string#SplitCommaList: optional "sep" argument
- Rename TLibTrace -> Tlibtrace; NEW Tlibtraceset command
- Rename s:SetSyntax -> tlib#qfl#SetSyntax
- mv tlib#rx#Convert to incubator
MD5 checksum: f3656fb35b7b3033084d6c5e504aca61
tlib.vba 1.15 2015-10-26 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#file#Join(): New optional argument: maybe_absolute Drop preceding parts if a part looks like an absolute filename
- tlib#sys#Open(), tlib#sys#IsSpecial() (moved from viki)
- tlib#list#Uniq(): Handle hetergenous lists
- FIX #21: duplicate help tag
- NEW tlib#dictionary#Rev()
- tlib#input#List(): Use <Tab> to complete current word
- NEW tlib#arg#GetOpts(); ENH tlib#arg#StringAsKeyArgsEqual()
- cache: Allow for in memory cache
- NEW tlib#eval#Extend()
- Move qfl/loclist browser from trag to tlib
- FIX tlib#eval#Extend()
- Simplify tlib#eval#Extend()
- World.index_next_syntax may be a dict
- tlib#qfl#QflList: Use copy()
- tlib#arg#GetOpts: Handle exit code
MD5 checksum: 13fd8b0e4ba9cd932c57fc40ac3f641f
tlib.vba 1.14 2015-10-02 7.0 Tom Link - FIX #18: Make sure the scratch isn't readonly
- FIX: display filter (properly handle backslashes)
- Remove loaded_* guard from autoload files
- tlib#notify#Echo(): minor changes
- tlib#file#Edit() (used by tlib#agent#ViewFile)
- tlib#buffer#GetList(): Buffer numbers are converted to numbers
- tlib#sys: Change order of functions (move tlib#sys#IsCygwinBin to the (possibly FIX #19)
- g:tlib#sys#check_cygpath: Call tlib#sys#IsExecutable('cygpath', 1)  (possibly FIX #19)
MD5 checksum: 2cf6386218736a2d09db43c8e751e5a4
tlib.vba 1.13 2014-11-02 7.0 Tom Link - SetInitialFilter(): Use deepcopy()
- tlib#var#List(): use keys(namespace) for newer versions of vim
- g:tlib#input#user_shortcuts (not functional yet)
- tlib#input#List: state "picked"
- UseInputListScratch(): Allow customization via self.index_next_syntax
- tlib#cmd#Capture()
- Facilitate customization of key agents via g:tlib_extend_keyagents_InputList_s, g:tlib_extend_keyagents_InputList_m
MD5 checksum: 7dd8b17a1a5b555df979381dcbd4c9aa
tlib.vba 1.12 2014-07-07 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#list#ToDictionary()
- tlib#dir#CanonicName(): Use tlib#file#Canonic()
- tlib#file#Canonic()
MD5 checksum: 7995ab58f31eb6673d20deab8761838e
tlib.vba 1.11 2014-07-05 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#vcs#FindVCS(filename): Wrong parameters to fnamemodifiy if filename is a directory
- Some system-related functions (e.g. facilitate use of cygwin tools)
- tlib#arg#StringAsKeyArgsEqual(), tlib#arg#StringAsKeyArgs(): Support "key=val" type argument lists
- tlib#vcs#Executable()
- scripts/create_crc_table.rb
- tlib#var#Get(): For namespaces other than global, replace "#" with "_"
MD5 checksum: 4a33f2f23e1fc6600b32e7f8323e001e
tlib.vba 1.10 2014-06-27 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#string#Chomp: Optional argument: max number of chars that should be removed
MD5 checksum: 8c1b94e25045580874e2f892d509291b
tlib.vba 1.09 2014-04-01 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#cache#Filename(): Use sha256() for VIM >= 7.4
- tlib#cache#Value(): Undo previous hack
- tlib#list#Uniq(): option to remove empty values
- tlib#cache#MTime(); tlib#persistent#Save() calls tlib#cache#Save()
- tlib#input#ListW: Temporarily set noshowmode
- tlib#list#Uniq(): Fix handling of empty items
- lis picker: Remove <C-Space> from help
- tlib#list#Uniq(): Implementation based on syntastic#util#unique(list) by scrooloose
MD5 checksum: b5fb4107d63930c2c8b1f0f6b3a7ff07
tlib.vba 1.08 2014-02-24 7.0 Tom Link - list#input: Improved support for file indicators (closes #17)
- tlib#char#Get(): Optionally, also return mod
- tlib#input#ListW: Use #DisplayFormat(world.list)
- Renamed cnfx filter to glob & minor filter-related enhancements
- list#input: Make help available as command; help cannot be called via ?
- list#input: Improved help message
- list#input: Support Home & End keys
- list#input: Added glob filter
- tlib#agent#ShowInfo: Show full filename
- tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback: Support calling callback with multiple results
- tlib#cmd#ParseScriptname: Properly parse results from :scriptnames
- tlib#tab#Set()
- Prepare for proper handling of scratch_split == -1
- tlib#vim#CopyFunction()
- tlib#cache#Value(): If generator is empty, use the optional argument as start value
- tlib#persistent#Get() refers to tlib#cache#Get()
MD5 checksum: 459ec620168d1ae9b18c69eb3f991832
tlib.vba 1.07 2014-01-17 7.0 Tom Link - Help template
- prototype.Highlight_filename(): Use matchstr() instead of fnamemodify()
- Display buffer-related filename indicators only if g:tlib_inputlist_filename_indicators is true
- tlib#file#Join(): strip_slashes defaults to 1
MD5 checksum: 6c8fa96fd3747be05df848ee93dd789b
tlib.vba 1.06 2013-10-18 7.0 Tom Link - Rename g:tlib_debug to g:tlib#debug
- Renamed g:tlib_sortprefs_threshold to g:tlib#input#sortprefs_threshold
- Renamed g:tlib#input#livesearch_threshold
- Renamed g:tlib_inputlist_match to g:tlib#input#filter_mode
- Renamed g:tlib_inputlist_higroup to g:tlib#input#higroup
- Renamed g:tlib#debug
- Moved g:tlib_pick_last_item
- Renamed g:tlib#input#and, g:tlib#input#or, g:tlib#input#not
- Moved g:tlib_numeric_chars to autoload/tlib/input.vim
- Renamed g:tlib#input#keyagents_InputList_s, g:tlib#input#keyagents_InputList_m, g:tlib#input#handlers_EditList
- Moved g:tlib_inputlist_pct, g:tlib_inputlist_width_filename, g:tlib_inputlist_filename_indicators, g:tlib_inputlist_shortmessage to autoload/tlib/World.vim
- Renamed tlib#input#pick_last_item (2)
- prototype.SelectItemsByNames()
- filtered_items: Restricted view
- prototype.PrintLines()
- Restricted view (2)
- Moved g:tlib_scroll_lines to autoload/tlib/agent.vim
- prototype.PrintLines() (2)
- tlib#input: Improved handling of popup menu (allows submenu)
- tlib#input: Allow mods in keys
- Moved g:tlib_scratch_pos to autoload/tlib/scratch.vim
- Moved g:tlib_tags_extra, g:tlib_tag_substitute to autoload/tlib/tag.vim
- tlib#agent#CompleteAgentNames(): Respect Arglead
- Move g:tlib_viewline_position to autoload/tlib/buffer.vim
- Move g:tlib_cache to autoload/tlib/cache.vim
- Renamed g:tlib_filename_sep to g:tlib#dir#sep
- prototype.UseScratch(): Set b:tlib_world
- tlib#input: f9 toggles resticted view
- tlib#input: next_agent, next_eval
- tlib#input: Revised use of the popup menu
- tlib#input: Disable popup menu for gui_gtk
- tlib#input: Re-enabled the popup menu for gtk gui
- tlib#input: FIX popup menu on Windows
- Renamed g:tlib_numeric_chars to g:tlib#input#numeric_chars (disabled per-buffer values) (fixes #35)
- Improve scratch list
- New: tlib#grep
- Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/bruno-/tlib_vim into pull16
- g:tlib_scratch_hidden: Configure how to "hide" the scratch buffer
- tlib#grep#Do: don't escape "*" in patterns
- Optimize use of visible scratch buffers
- World.scratch_hidden parameter
- scratch: Always use keepalt & keepjumps
MD5 checksum: 2e40449c47dc606ccef57aa0b1e22e8e
tlib.vba 1.05 2013-08-20 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#hash: Adler32 & CRC32 (using zlib via ruby) algorithms
- tlib#cache#Filename(): If the cache filename is too long, add the Adler32 checksum to the shortened path
- tlib#cache#Filename(): Use tlib#hash#Adler32() only if the or() function exists
- tlib#hash#Adler32(): Raise error, if or() doesn't exist
- tlib#hash#CRC32(): Alternative implementation of crc32 (doesn't work yet, thus currently disabled)
- tlib#bitwise: Bitwise operations for older versions of vim
- tlib#number: Base conversion
- tlib#input#ListW(): Handle mouse clicks more correctly
- tlib#bitwise#Num2Bits(): Supports returning floats
- tlib#hash#CRC32(): Alternative implementation of crc32 (doesn't work yet)
- tlib#hash#CRC32(): Re-enable ruby version
- tlib#hash#CRC32B(): Implementation of CRC32B checksum in vimscript (used only if +ruby isn't available)
- tlib#hash#CRC32B(): vim version: cache the crc table
- tlib#cache#Filename(): Use tlib#hash#CRC32B(file) instead of not Adler32 for filenames too long
- tlib#hash#CRC32B(): ruby version: return upper case hex value
- g:tlib#hash#use_crc32: define which crc32b version should be used
- Moved spec files from vimtlib to tlib_vim
- tlib#bitwise#Add() and tlib#bitwise#Sub()
- tlib#file#Relative(): Wrong results for filenames that don't exist
- Implementation of hash#Adler32 for earlier vim versions; g:tlib#hash#use_adler32
- tlib#cache#Filename(): Use adler32 again
- addon-info
- tlib#file#Absolute(): remove redundant "." parts in full filename
- win32: Fix moving window when using :vertical for tlib#inpu#List()
- tlib#cache#Filename(): Don't create wrong directory if the cache filename is too long
- tlib#file#Join(): if strip_slashes, also strip redundant (back)slashes
- tlib#input#ListW(): Always set post_keys variable
- tlib#file#With(): escape backslashes
- tlib#cmd#OutputAsList(): Support for nesting
- tlib#dir#NativeName(dirname)
MD5 checksum: 493f9beca44374de386f20d1613155e3
tlib.vba 1.04 2012-12-13 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#cache#Value(cfile, generator, ftime, ...): cache value & check timestamp
- Replaced g:tlib#cache#silent with g:tlib#cache#verbosity
- FormatFilenames: improved handling of utf8 characters
- tlib#persistent#Value()
- tlib#input#List: Allow filename indiactors defined by the caller
- Custom filename_indicators are displayed after (and clearly separted from) the standard indicators
- Check the return value of an unknown_key agent
- Format filename = "l": Allow ".." as start of a directory name
- Format filename = "l": If the filename is just a filename's tail, display it on both sides
- Set g:tlib_filename_sep to "\" on Windows (again)
- g:tlib#cache#max_filename: If the cache filename is longer than N characters, use |pathshorten()|.
MD5 checksum: b64ce6764f39f40bfc95f3916bbb0057
tlib.vba 1.02 2012-10-20 7.0 Tom Link - #UseInputListScratch(): Make sure the TLib autogroup was created (fixes #14)
MD5 checksum: 5a6da7fc99c7fc7584e8fc2f7bf86fe4
tlib.vba 1.01 2012-10-03 7.0 Tom Link - Set g:tlib_inputlist_and to  ' ' again
- g:tlib#input#filename_max_width: maximum display width of filenames
- tlib#input#List: <s-esc>, <f10>: run command by name
MD5 checksum: a42f90275cdbe9f7d92cac61b884a2d1
tlib.vba 1.00 2012-09-28 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#input#List: optimizations
- Prepare for multi-mode maps
- tlib#input#List: cnfx is new default filter
- Filters: minor changes to how the pattern is displayed
- g:tlib#input#format_filename: alternative method for formatting filenames
- tlib#input#List: allow multiple keymaps / modes
- Handle rezise events
- Don't initialize the same window twice
- Minor optimizations to how help is displayed
- Handle VimResize event per buffer
- Improve display of filenames & highlighting
- Filename highlighter: set Highlight_filename()
- RunStateHandlers(): set world variable
- Optimize help display
MD5 checksum: e3652927722bdc51935eb1a04238546b
tlib.vba 0.46 2012-09-16 7.0 Tom Link - Support for tinykeymap (move paragraph)
- Moved para_move to autoload/tinykeymap/map
- tlib#vcs: some "diff" commands were defined as "ls"; updated hg def; %s is optional
MD5 checksum: f2f2fe0893e75bb9423c1ddcd01f38f6
tlib.vba 0.45 2012-08-25 7.0 Tom Link - fuzzy mode: prototype.highlight defaults to g:tlib_inputlist_higroup
- tlib#scratch: Use noautocmd
- tlib#input#ListW(): Use world.RestoreOrigin() instead of tlib#win#SetLayout(world.winview)
- tlib#input#ListW(): Revert to tlib#win#SetLayout(world.winview)
- tlib#cmd#OutputAsList(): Also save output in g:tlib#cmd#last_output
- tlib#agent#Suspend(): Resume on BufEnter
- tlib#input#Resume(): Make sure we are in the right buffer
- tlib#agent#Suspend(): Use only BufEnter event to trigger a Resume
- tlib#input#ListW(): When redisplaying a list, make sure prefix > 0
- tlib#vcs: Access vcs (initially only git is supported)
- tlib#vcs: improved
- tlib#persistent: Persistent data file names
- tlib#file#With(): Trigger BufRead autocommands
- Duplicate help tags (fixes #13)
- Make sure scrolloff is 0 while viewing the list (fixes https://github.com/tomtom/vikitasks_vim/issues/2)
checksum: 0af19ebc0e424727a598a988fdc90f4e
tlib.vba 0.42 2012-01-21 7.0 Tom Link - g:tlib#cache#silent: don't display messages when purging the cache (fixes #9)
- Changed message when deleting directories in the cache.
- g:tlib#input#use_popup: Don't rely on has('menu') but also check for gtk & win gui (fixes #10)
- debug
- tlib#input#ListW(): Didn't return a list when type == "m"
- docs (solves #11)
MD5 checksum: aa8b5a4602235cc1a5bc9ee45d801b81
tlib.vba 0.42 2011-05-26 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#input#List: <s-space> inserts a *-like wildcard (represented as "__")
- Check if a cache file cannot be created because a directory of the same name exists (display a message if so)
- tlib#cache#Filename: Removed check if a directory of the same name exists (due to inconsistent use)
- Minor improvements related to buffer handling (scratch_split)
- .gitignore
- docs (thanks to blueyed)
- There is no "edit" answer possibility.
- Fix first purge: do nothing if no timestamp file.
- g:tlib_pick_single_item
- Removed pick_single_item. Changed the default behavour when a list has only 1 item. See doc for g:tlib_pick_last_item.
- Updated help for tlib#input#List(); help_extra attribute
- EXPERIMENTAL: cache_var, restore_from_cache, on_leave properties; #Initialize(), #Leave()
- added tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback function and :TBrowseScriptnames command
- tlib#cmd#BrowseOutputWithCallback function and :TBrowseScriptnames command documentation
- s:prototype.Initialize(): unlet self.cache_var after restoring values
- tlib#input#List: filter-specific help
- Removed the seq filter (use cnfd or fuzzy instead)
- tlib#input#List: temp_prompt (for help message)
MD5 checksum: aa8b5a4602235cc1a5bc9ee45d801b81
tlib.vba 0.41 2010-11-12 7.0 Tom Link - World.UseScratch(): keepalt
- Really include balloon.vim
MD5 checksum: 3fcbc4f7556f5378d39622e62ab8f379
tlib.vba 0.40a 2010-10-19 7.0 Tom Link Forgot to include autoload/tlib/balloon.vim (thanks Maciej)
tlib.vba 0.40 2010-10-02 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#agent#ViewFile: Use split/sbuffer if nohidden && modified
- tlib#buffer#GetList(): order by "basename"
tlib.vba 0.39 2010-09-14 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#World#Resize: set winfix{height|width}
- g:tlib#cache#dont_purge
- tlib#vim#RestoreWindow()
- tlib#ballon#...()
tlib.vba 0.37 2010-03-31 7.0 Tom Link - g:tlib_inputlist_livesearch_threshold defaults to 1000
- tlib#World: optional scratch_pos field
- tlib#input#List: By default <m-NUMBER> selects by number but NUMBER is interpreted as string
- tlib#date
- TTimeCommand
tlib.vba.gz 0.36 2010-02-20 7.0 Tom Link - Display a message when the filter is for whatever reason invalid
- Removed tlib#paragraph#Delete()
- New: tlib#paragraph#Define(), tlib#textobjects#StandardParagraph()
tlib.vba.gz 0.35 2009-12-21 7.0 Tom Link tlib#input#EditList(): return the list if the user presses esc
tlib.vba.gz 0.34 2009-12-07 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#buffer#HighlightLine(line): call tlib#autocmdgroup#Init()  (reported by Sergey Khorev)
tlib.vba.gz 0.33 2009-10-11 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#agent#Exit: explicitly return empty value (as a consequence,
pressing <esc> when browsing an index-list, returns 0 and not "")
- tlib#signs
- tlib#input#List: set local statusline
- Don't reset statusline
- Don't use fnamemodify() to split filenames (for performance reasons)
- scratch: Set ft after setting up scratch options
- tlib#map#PumAccept(key)
tlib.vba.gz 0.31 2009-02-25 7.0 Tom Link - :TRequire
-tlib#input#List: For i-type list views, make sure agents are called
with the base indices.
- World#RestoreOrigin(): Don't assume &splitright
tlib.vba.gz 0.29 2009-02-12 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#string#Strip(): Strip also control characters (newlines etc.)
- tlib#rx#Suffixes(): 'suffixes' as Regexp
- World#RestoreOrigin(): Don't assume &splitbelow
tlib.vba.gz 0.28 2008-12-02 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#input#List():
-- Improved handling of sticky lists; <cr> and <Leftmouse> resume a suspended list and immediately selects the item under the cursor
-- Experimental "seq" matching style: the conjunctions are sequentially ordered, they are combined with "OR" (disjunctions), the regexp is 'magic', and "." is expanded to '.\{-}'
-- Experimental "cnfd" matching style: Same as cnf but with an "elastic" dot "." that matches '\.\{-}'
-- Filtering acts as if &ic=1 && $sc=1
-- Weighting is done by the filter
- tlib#agent#Input(): Consume <esc> when aborting input()
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Changed eligible values of g:tlib_inputlist_match to "cnf", "cnfd", "seq" and "fuzzy"
- NEW: tlib#buffer#KeepCursorPosition()
- tlib#buffer#InsertText(): Take care of the extra line when appending text to an empty buffer.
tlib.vba.gz 0.27 2008-10-16 7.0 Tom Link - NEW: tlib#normal#WithRegister()
- FIX: Try not to change numbered registers
- FIX: Cosmetic bug, wrong packaging (thanks Nathan Neff)
- Meaning of World#filter_format changed; new World#filter_options
- Filtering didn't work as advertised
tlib.vba.gz 0.25 2008-10-05 7.0 Tom Link - NEW: tlib#notify#TrimMessage(): trim message to prevent "Press ENTER" messages (contributed by Erik Falor)
- NEW: tlib#notify#Echo()
- FIX: World.CloseScratch(): Set window
- FIX: tlib#input#ListW(): Set initial_display = 1 on reset
tlib.vba.gz 0.24 2008-08-31 7.0 Tom Link - s:prototype.SetInitialFilter: accept list as argument
- Maintain buffer MRU if required
tlib.vba.gz 0.23 2008-06-21 7.0 Tom Link - FIX: very magic mode for tlib#rx#Escape()
- FIX: tlib#arg#Ex: escape "!"
- Respect the setting of g:tlib_inputlist_filename_indicators
- tlib#input#List(): Reset syntax on resume; option to make list window "sticky"
- tlib#agent#ToggleStickyList()
- Simplified tlib#url#Decode()
- tlib#arg#Ex(): use fnameescape() if available
tlib.vba.gz 0.21 2007-11-21 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#buffer#InsertText(): Respect tabs and (experimental) formatoptions+=or
- tlib/syntax.vim: Syntax-related functions
tlib.vba.gz 0.20 2007-11-12 7.0 Tom Link CHANGES:
- The arguments of tlib#tag#Collect() have changed.
- tlib#input#List(): The view can be "suspended" on initial display.
- tlib#input#List(): Follow/trace cursor functionality
tlib.vba.gz 0.19 2007-11-05 7.0 Tom Link NEW:
    - tag.vim
    - dir.vim: Use plain dir name in tlib#dir#Ensure()
    - tlib#input#List(): An initial filter argument creates [[filter]]
    and not as before [[''], [filter]].
    - tlib#input#List(): When type was "si" and the item was picked by
    filter, the wrong index was returned.
    - tlib#input#List(): Don't check if chars are typed when displaying
    the list for the first time.
tlib.vba.gz 0.18 2007-10-26 7.0 Tom Link NEW:
    - tlib/time.vim
    - g:tlib_inputlist_livesearch_threshold (useful on slower systems)
    - tlib#input#ListD(), World: Don't redisplay the list while typing
    new letters; calculate filter regexps only once before filtering the
    - World.vim: Minor changes to how filenames are handled.
tlib.vba.gz 0.17 2007-10-12 7.0 Tom Link NEW:
    - TBrowseOutput
- Some minor changes
tlib.vba.gz 0.16 2007-10-07 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#string#Printf1()
tlib.vba.gz 0.15 2007-09-30 7.0 Tom Link NEW:
    - tlib#string#TrimLeft(), tlib#string#TrimRight(), tlib#string#Strip()
    - Progress bar
tlib.vba.gz 0.14 2007-09-19 7.0 Tom Link NEW:
    - tlib#buffer#InsertText()
    - tlib#win#[SG]etLayout(): Use a dictionnary, set &cmdheight.
    - tlib#input#List(): Wrong order with pre-defined filters.
tlib.vba.gz 0.13 2007-09-11 7.0 Tom Link CHANGES:
    - Scratch: Set &fdc=0.
    - The cache directory can be configured via g:tlib_cache
    - Renamed tlib#buffer#SetBuffer() to tlib#buffer#Set().
    - tlib#input#List(): Select the active item per mouse.
    - TLet: simplified
tlib.vba.gz 0.12 2007-09-08 7.0 Tom Link NEW:
    - tlib/tab.vim
    - Renamed tlib#win#SetWin() to tlib#win#Set()
    - tlib#input#List(): <left>, <right> keys work in some lists
    - tlib#input#List(): If an index_table is provided this will be used
    instead of the item's list index.
    - tlib#input#List(): Problem with scrolling, when the list was
    shorter than the window (eg when using a vertical window).
    - tlib#cache#Filename(): Don't rewrite name as relative filename if
    explicitly given as argument. Avoid double (back)slashes.
    - TLet: simplified
tlib.vba.gz 0.11 2007-08-26 7.0 Tom Link NEW:
    - The :TLet command replaces :TLLet (which was removed)
    - :TScratch[!] command (with ! don't split but use the whole window)
    - tlib#rx#Escape(text, ?magic='m')
    - tlib#buffer#GetList(?show_hidden=0)
    - tlib#dir#CD(), tlib#dir#Push(), tlib#dir#Pop()
    - tlib#input#ListW: A slightly remodeled version of tlib#input#List
    that takes a World as second argument.
    - Added some documentation doc/tlib.txt (most of it is automatically
    compiled from the source files)
    - tlib#input#List(): The default keys for AND, NOT have changed to
    be more Google-like (space, minus); the keys can be configured via
    global variables.
    - In file listings, indicate if a file is loaded, listed, modified
    - tlib#input#List(): Highlight the filter pattern
    - tlib#input#List(): <c-up/down> scrolls g:tlib_scroll_lines
    (default=10) lines
    - tlib#input#List(): Centering line, clear match, clear & restore
    the search register
    - tlib#input#List(): Ensure the window layout doesn't change (if the
    number of windows hasn't changed)
    - tlib#arg#Ex(): Don't escape backslashes by default
tlib.vba.gz 0.10 2007-07-18 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#input#List(): (v)split type of commands leave the original window
untouched (you may use <c-w> to replace its contents)
- tlib#file#With(): Check whether an existing buffer is loaded.
- Scratch related functions went to tlib/scratch.vim so that they are
accessible from other scripts.
- Configure the list window height via g:tlib_inputlist_pct (1..100%)
tlib.vba.gz 0.9 2007-07-17 7.0 Tom Link - Re-arrangements & modularization (this means many function names have
changed, on the other hand only those functions are loaded that are
actually needed)
- tlib#input#List(): Added maps with m-modifiers for <c-q>, <c-z>, <c-a>
- tlib#input#List(): Make sure &fdm is manual
- tlib#input#List(): When exiting the list view, consume the next 5
characters in the queue (if any)
- tlib#input#EditList(): Now has cut, copy, paste functionality.
- Added documentation and examples
tlib.vba.gz 0.8 2007-06-24 7.0 Tom Link - FIX: Return empty cache name for buffers that have no files attached to it
- Some re-arranging
tlib.vba.gz 0.7 2007-06-20 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#InputList(): <c-z> ... Suspend/Resume input loop
- tlib#InputList(): <c-q> ... Input text on the command line (useful on slow systems when working with very large lists)
- tlib#InputList(): AND-pattern starting with '!' will work as 'exclude matches'
- tlib#InputList(): FIX <c-bs> pop OR-patterns properly
- tlib#InputList(): display_format == filename: don't add '/' to directory names (avoid filesystem access)
tlib.vba.gz 0.6 2007-05-23 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#InputList(): Disabled <c-space> map
- tlib#InputList(): try to be smart about user itentions only if a
list's length is < g:tlib_sortprefs_threshold (default: 200)
- tlib#Object: Super() method
- tlib#MyRuntimeDir()
- tlib#GetCacheName(), tlib#CacheSave(), tlib#CacheGet()
- tlib#Args(), tlib#GetArg()
- FIX: tlib#InputList(): Display problem with first item
tlib.vba.gz 0.5 2007-05-17 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#InputList(): FIX: Selecting items in filtered view
- tlib#InputList(): <c-bs>: Remove last AND pattern from filter
tlib.vba.gz 0.4 2007-05-15 7.0 Tom Link - tlib#InputList(): Up/Down keys wrap around list
- tlib#InputList(): FIX: Problem when reducing the filter & using AND
- tlib#InputList(): FIX: Problem when using shift-up/down with filtered lists
- tlib#InputList(): Made <a-numeric> work (can be configured via
- tlib#InputList(): special display_format: "filename"
- tlib#Object: experimental support for some kind of OOP
- tlib#World: Extracted some functions from tlib.vim to tlib/World.vim
- tlib#FileJoin(), tlib#FileSplit(), tlib#RelativeFilename()
- tlib#Let()
- tlib#EnsureDirectoryExists(dir)
- tlib#DirName(dir)
- tlib#DecodeURL(url), tlib#EncodeChar(char), tlib#EncodeURL(url)
tlib.vba.gz 0.3 2007-04-26 7.0 Tom Link - Show feedback in statusline instead of the echo area
- tlib#GetVar(), tlib#GetValue()
tlib.vba.gz 0.2 2007-04-24 7.0 Tom Link - More list convenience functions
- tlib#EditList()
- tlib#InputList(): properly handle duplicate items; it type contains
'i', the list index + 1 is returned, not the element
tlib.vba.gz 0.1 2007-04-18 6.0 Tom Link Initial upload
ip used for rating:

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