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Searched scripts for "" Showing 1 to 4000 of 5942 results
Script Type Rating Down
difffilter utility 0 13 Selectively compare lines as you want in diff
fancyterm.vim utility 4 42 Simple plugin that allows sending buffer text into an active terminal.
findgrep.vim utility 8 71 An interactive FindGrep command to mimic emacs find-grep command
vim-md-link utility 8 31 Keep long URLs out of your way in Markdown documents
vim-weaselwords utility 8 53 Crafting polished prose by highlighting weasel words and passive use in Vim
sharegpt-vim-editor utility 0 34 sharegpt ai ml dataset viewer/edit jsonl json
vim-chore utility 0 31 v0.1
vim-gpt-commit utility 27 98 Generate git commit message using ChatGPT in Vim
vim-stream-editing patch 11 53 Edit text without moving your cursor!
vim-color-export utility 21 74 A tool to backport NeoVim colorschemes to Vim
vim-color-patch utility 25 61 Load colorscheme patch script automatically after ":color xxx" command !!
FixUp-GetLatestVimScripts patch 0 76 after/ plugin that fixes settings for stock GetLatestVimScripts.vim plugin
ProjectConfig utility 0 42 Per-project Vim configuration
HiTags utility 0 73 dynamic symbol (e.g variable) highlighting with minimalistic requirements
gnt_poignant color scheme 3 189 color scheme based on why_poignant
wrapwidth utility -1 285 Wraps long lines virtually at a specific column
ipxe syntax 0 86 Syntax highlighing of ipxe scripts
Popcorn utility 4 165 You can define your own pop-up menu.
preseed syntax 13 189 Provide syntax highlighing of debian preseed files
KeySound utility 0 89 Turn Vim into a typewriter!
SudoEdit-TEST utility 0 76 test-upload
KeySound utility 0 0 Turn Vim into a typewriter
KeySound utility 0 0 Turn Vim into a typewriter!
vim-navigator utility 33 138 An whichkey alternative to provide keymap hints.
rpi-vim utility 0 128 Vim integration for emulated Raspberry PIs
terminal-drawer.vim utility 1 113 Vim plugin for quick open/close terminal drawer
vim-highlight-yanked utility 5 132 Highlight yanked text.
vim-conda-activate utility 1 87 Activate Conda environments in Vim.
vim-writegood utility 1 122 Check your English prose in vim.
fuzzyy utility 30 245 A fuzzy finder for vim
organ utility 8 100 Generalize Orgmode to Markdown and any Folded file
GoSeigen color scheme 5 217 A programmer's color scheme
vim-helpme utility 8 139 Try this if you can't remember all that stuff!
vim-outline utility 9 106 A simple outline sketcher for Vim.
vim-replica utility 4 110 Enjoy Jupyter through Vim!
vi-si-weg utility 4 107 Toggle text into tags
vim-py-kid ftplugin 4 89 Block-wise python script execution in vim (bit like Jupyter)
vim-table ftplugin 11 125 Edit tabular data with the ease of vim
gpt-vim utility 7 391 brings chat gpt to Vim and NVim
template.vim ftplugin 0 122 A template plugin for LaTeX
tex_compile.vim ftplugin 0 110 A compile plugin for LaTeX
omni.vim ftplugin 1 173 An omni completion plugin for LaTeX
parbermad.vim color scheme 0 126 A color scheme
tex_fold.vim ftplugin 4 158 A manual LaTeX fold plugin by analogy to syntax fold
octave.vim indent 1 156 Indent file for the GNU Octave language
vim-softwrap utility 0 117 Soft-wrap current line  when they spill beyond the available textwidth
WinZoZ utility 0 116 Plugin for easy window-oriented movemets
HexX utility 1 173 Hex editor
Neural utility 0 113 ChatGPT Vim plugin, OpenAI Vim plugin, and more!
vim-rebrackets utility 4 88 Recursive parentheses
Vim is done utility 9 99 A Todo UI for vim
make-my-code-better.vim utility 1 116 Use ChatGPT to suggest ways to make your code better
vim-ai utility 72 439 AI-powered code assistant for Vim. OpenAI and ChatGPT plugin for Vim and Neovim
vim-dirdifftree utility 4 145 Diff two directories and represent them as a tree
wrapfiller utility 0 191 Align each wrapped line virtually between windows
iBasic.vim syntax 0 163 VIM Syntax file for iBasic
iwbasic.vim syntax 0 187 A syntax file for IWBasic
camelcomplete utility 4 112 Vim 9 plugin to complete CamelCase and snake_case identifier abbreviations.
vim-hex-rework utility 12 170 vim hex edit plugin
vim-unitex utility 4 110 Superior alternative for vim's conceal feature
irclog.vim syntax 1 138 Syntax Highlighting for X-Chat and Irssi Log Files
noodle.vim utility 4 106 A minutes-timer vim plugin
Miesl.vim color scheme 13 173 Monochrome colorscheme.
Mies.vim color scheme 30 195 Bauhaus monochrome colorscheme.
VimRegDeluxe utility 1 163 VimRegDeluxe - edit registers as files, e.g. system clipboard & recorded macros
ecfdef syntax 1 105 Syntax high
vim-deadc0de ftplugin 8 307 Hex editor for Vim. It uses UNIX utility xxd for conversion.
dialog.vim syntax 2 147 Syntax for dialog
FX-602P Bundle syntax 4 157 Preparation Release to create a script on vim.org
fuzzy utility -1 117 Add fuzzy search capabilities to your Vi editor
MOS 6502 Assembler syntax 0 149 Vim syntax highlighting for the ca65 assembler
tinygo.vim utility 0 114 TinyGo support to Vim
The ObjectSense Programming Language utility 8 314 An object-oriented reincarnation of VimL
astro ftplugin 18 210 Astro language indentation and syntax support in Vim or Neovim
cscope_helper.vim utility 0 127 Loads and updates cscope.out when gvim/vim is invoked in subdirectories.
The NERD term utility 10 224 A term toggle plugin
human utility 17 323 Collection of vim default options for humans.
Ebitengine Kage syntax 17 206 Basic Kage language support for Ebitengine
popdef utility 1 130 Displays a list of function and class names in the popup window
tabs.vim utility 0 171 Tabs manager, handy when you open 10+ tabs.
Modern Borland color scheme 2 200 A modern Borland-like colorscheme for Vim
vim-groff-viewer ftplugin 5 331 Display Groff files in a document viewer
vindent.vim utility 8 244 Navigate and select text based on indentations.
SwitchColor utility 9 649 Lets you switch colorschemes easily, and make vim remember your choice.
highlight.vim color scheme 4 185 A Vim colorscheme with almost no highlighting, except where it matters!
gitTools utility 9 479 Set of tools to perform multiple git commands.
soicode.vim utility 4 134 Soicode plugin for vim
vim-linebox utility 11 278 The VIM lines and boxes plugin
Birdie utility 9 320 A Vim plugin that facilitates Verilog netlist tracing.
MarkX utility 16 427 Places signs in the margin to indicate where marks are, (auto-)sel. & del marks,
vim-board utility 8 1101 Easy notes and shortcuts
Tumnus color scheme 5 405 Vim colors approved by Mr. Tumnus
auto-marks ftplugin 2 165 auto set a mark to A-Z.
extend_line utility 1 176 extend_list: add new elements to existing lists
pr0kter.vim color scheme 17 254 Vim colorscheme (a clear one)
clrzr syntax 2 157 Color highlighting for Hex & CSS color representations
vim-rsvp utility 0 161 rapid serial visual presentation speed-reader
vim_hdl_trace utility 0 170 similar verdi trace connect.
nginx_conf_syntax_highlighting syntax 1 223 Syntax Highlighting for NGINX Conf Files
vim-surround-funk utility 42 425 Delete/Change/Yank/Paste surrounding function calls (based on tpope's surround)
vim8 > vim9 utility 5 189 Be happy with vim8!
ColorScheme2CSS utility 0 275 Converter Vim colorschemes in CSS files
vim-slime-cells utility 0 142 A plugin on top of vim-slime to enhance its cell feature.
replacer.vim utility 0 146 Find and replace in vim
ag-search utility 0 547 search with ag/grep in background, save/load searches on quickfix
tosvg utility -1 181 Exports the current buffer as a SVG.
vim-ivy syntax 16 147 Syntax plugin for the IVy language
dev-goodies utility 0 211 useful commands for working with code.
vim-yank-window utility 1 149 A small plugin to yank and paste windows
vimcrypt2 utility -1 287 open encrypted files in vim, enter password once for the same buffer
enfocado color scheme 32 579 How themes should be.
sign-marks utility 5 527 Unlimited marks. Save/restore marks. Display marks quickfix/window. MarksConfig
YANP utility 0 204 Notetaking plugin with recurring topics structure and customisable syntax.
vim-adif syntax 0 145 ADIF syntax support
verilog_smn.vim utility 3 351 To display the module name and instance name when viewing verilog file
taberian utility 1 426 Clickable tabs per VIM window
cmap.vim syntax 4 268 Save time in C in Vim
4colors color scheme 6 281 Distraction-free theme that only uses 4 colors
GitBlame utility -1 374 plugin provides minimal command set for working with git
MarkdowneyJr utility -1 331 Format Markdown files with simple keystrokes.
vim-qf-diagnostics utility 1 179 Highlight quickfix errors, and display error messages in a popup window
vim-jqplay utility 0 178 Run jq interactively in Vim
vim-jq ftplugin 0 194 Runtime files for jq (the command-line JSON processor)
vim-qf-history utility 0 183 Navigate the quickfix or location-list stack using a popup menu
vim-qf-preview utility 0 159 Preview the location of a quickfix item in a popup window
vim-fzy utility 0 175 Navigate projects using fzy in a (popup) terminal-window
vim-cmake-help ftplugin 0 165 View CMake Documentation inside Vim
vim-cuda-syntax syntax 0 155 CUDA syntax highlighting for Vim
vim-cpp-modern syntax 16 323 Extended syntax highlighting for C and C++ (C++11/14/17/20)
viora.vim utility 4 283 Access Oracle from Vim
vimwintab utility 3 361 "IDE-like" tabs in Vim
doas.conf syntax syntax 1 178 Syntax Highlighting for doas.conf(5)
vsh ftplugin 1 167 vim shell, https://github.com/zetatez/vsh
FZF-Ack-Project ftplugin 0 178 Auxiliary tools of  FZF&Ack
smartq utility 0 343 Master key for quitting vim buffers
Minimd utility 17 411 A fast, folding Markdown outliner.
vim-movelines indent 2 170 Vim plugin for moving lines in normal and visual mode.
bookmarks.vim utility 2 216 enhanced bookmarks
ruted-vim utility 0 154 The ruted-vim plugin allows you to enter Unicode symbols easily in Vim
enwise utility 6 220 Press `enter` to close unbalanced brackets in cursorline.
vim-highlighter utility 40 1442 Highlight words and expressions
addr2line utility 3 200 Perform address to line on a backtrace, load results on quickfix window..
ge-qwerty-keymap utility 0 155 Georgian QWERTY keyboard layout
projmakers ftplugin 0 166 auto create makeprg commands per project
vimspectorpy ftplugin -1 288 python default configurations for vimspector
redebug utility 0 185 An interactive Python regular expression debugger.
onetags ftplugin -1 341 vim tag files management
oonav ftplugin 0 214 Plugin for navigating object oriented code
VimBlame.vim utility 4 189 Open "git blame" info in a new tab
VimSub color scheme 7 609 A color scheme that looks like the default Sublime Text 3 theme
VimAtom color scheme 10 518 A color scheme that looks like the default Atom theme
VimVSCode color scheme 31 1110 A color scheme that looks like the default VSCode theme
gitgrep utility 4 237 An easy way to issue a git grep command and navigate between the results
deleft.vim utility 4 278 Delete a wrapping if-clause, try-catch block, etc. and shift left.
flipdir.vim utility 5 226 Direcotry viewer
tagasort.vim utility 44 387 Sort and format the attributes of html and jsx tags.
nerdtree-harvest utility 0 213 Yank modified file paths from NERD Tree
gen_clang_conf utility 0 219 easy generate simple clang config.
vim-auto-popmenu utility 26 402 Display the Completion Menu Automantically (next AutoComplPop) !!
tangram.vim utility 5 237 Lightes snippet plugin in the vim market! Only ~90 lines of code.
vim-simplified-surround utility 8 186 Very simplified version of Tpope's vim-surround.
leftmargin.vim utility 2 309 Vim plugin that adds left margin to vim windows. Similar to goyo.vim
conjoin utility 4 150 Remove continuation characters when joining lines in vim
vim-files utility 9 300 This is a simple plugin to create directories and files from vim, and even using
vim-shitespace utility 9 269 Show bad whitespace
vim-numbers utility 4 300 Text objects for numbers
vanity (colour scheme manager for vim) utility 19 266 Manage vim colour schemes with ease
gift.vim syntax 45 293 Syntax Highlighting for Moodle's GIFT format
vim-highlight-hero syntax 4 264 Highlights multiple words and visual selections in different colors
NERDTree react/ts component ftplugin 13 174 Adds an option for adding react component folders through NERDTree
vim-earthbound-themes color scheme 11 535 A set of 10+ color themes inspired by the SNES game Earthbound
jreplace.vim utility 0 186 Repeat you last SEARCH+REPLACE with your grepprg
vim-ffs utility 0 200 Web searching scoped to the current filetype
complete_filename_keepenv utility 16 397 complete filename without expanding envrionment variables
rust-snippets utility 1 214 Rust snippets for Vim
DrawX utility 10 1032 ASCII and Unicode Art (etch-a-sketch style)
vim-macroscope utility 0 248 Quick macro editing
vim-scranch utility 0 170 Git branch based note-taking
vim wiki utility 0 259 Recognizes wiki-like hyperlinks [[word]] and jumps to the corresponding file.
Toast color scheme 5 496 A colorful, medium-contrast light and dark theme with full Vim and Nvim support
vim-jira utility -1 306 Browse JIRA inside Vim!
hcch utility 8 207 Vim plugin for creating header/source pair for c/c++ languages
Zeef utility 9 297 Interactively filter a list of items
VPE - Vim Python Extensions utility 4 969 Extension for Vim scripting using Python 3
todo.vim syntax 13 387 Syntax coloring for todo lists.
tabpages utility 5 268 Load multiple files in tabs upon startup.
unintellisense.vim utility 3 206 A plugin that generates + inserts a random variable name into the editor
vim-shoot utility 0 254 Vim plugin to take screenshots of code
blockwisediff.vim utility 4 298 A block-oriented diff to compare selected lines virtually
vim-easy-term utility 0 221 The Easy Term makes using vim's terminal feature easier to use.
viMTG game 0 224 The VIM 'Magic: The Gathering' deck builder
jcallers.vim utility 3 625 grep calls to function under the cursor
vim-readonly utility 0 526 Automatically set readonly option on specific files.
vim-bujo utility 9 281 Manage todolist with vim
jobs.vim utility 0 369 Run system commands in background.
svnTools utility 20 737 Perform subversion commands from within vim.
kanvim ftplugin -1 297 Simple Kanban board for Vim
winStack utility 10 318 Commands to manage window splits as a window stack.
vim-nobin utility 0 358 Plugin to load original source code instead of executable binary.
vim-nobin utility 1 401 Plugin to load original source code instead of executable binary.
vim-cpywrite utility 8 948 Generate copyright headers for any open source license
hi.vim utility 54 1267 Syntax highlighting and text filter tool, enhanced log analyzer.
boxcar utility 4 239 unicode boxes in vim
spaceline.vim patch -1 261 emacs spaceline port on vim
vim-venter utility 5 260 Vim plugin to horizontally center the current window(s)
gitdraw.vim ftplugin 4 248 draw git heat map by vim
vim-pastebins utility 9 272 A vim plugin that helps you using pastebin services!
Buffer selector utility 0 355 Buffer Selector - Vim plugin for selecting a buffer to edit using a popup menu
ephemeris utility 4 573 diary, agenda, notes plugin
easter utility 0 292 compute the date of Gregorian Easter for a given year
vim-mr-interface utility 1 376 vim plugin that support doing CRs and MRs in gitlab from vim
indent-bar utility 9 398 Use vertical bar to display indentation level
SelX utility 5 1476 A Rainbow of Vim selection/highlighting & search
SessX utility 4 700 Simple session management
painless-digraph utility 1 245 Enter a sequence of digraphs with ease!
vim-macaw color scheme 21 358 A colorscheme editor for terminal vim
vim-ripple utility 20 417 Minimalist plugin to interact with a REPL
wheel utility 0 620 Buffer group & workspace manager
sql_tool_swb utility 0 581 run sql statements using sql workbench/j
vim-deb-preview utility 2 256 Preview / Modify / Repackage debian packages from vim
vim-strip-trailing-whitespace utility 8 283 Removes trailing whitespace from modified lines on save
better-vim-tmux-resizer utility 0 262 Resize tmux panes and Vim windows with ease
CmdlineSpecialEdits utility 0 376 Useful replacements of parts of the cmdline.
any-jump.vim utility 12 316 Jump to any definition and references 👁 IDE madness without overhead
fogbell_light.vim color scheme 36 376 monochrome.
vimkubectl utility 19 638 Manage Kubernetes resources from Vim
fogbell_lite.vim color scheme 33 339 monochrome.
fogbell.vim color scheme 36 357 monochrome.
Syntastic Checker for Verilog/SystemVeri syntax 9 416 ModelSim verilog/SystemVerilog Syntastic Checker
screenspace.vim utility 0 355 Provides shortcut commands to hide or show GUI options and to set preset screen
a ftplugin 1 315 a
sonokai color scheme 43 1574 High Contrast & Vivid Color Scheme based on Monokai Pro
VimSafe ftplugin 4 260 A VIM Password Safe (Vault) like tool
fixtermkeys utility 4 528 Fix terminal Ctrl Alt Shift modifiers for keys like Tab CR Space BS cursor
asynctasks utility 42 1185 Modern Task System for Project Building/Testing/Deploying !!
edge color scheme 48 1147 Clean & Elegant Color Scheme inspired by Atom One and Material
astra color scheme -1 2464 astra
reedline.vim utility 6 335 Simple Readline/Bash-like shortcuts for command-line mode
vim-codelf utility 0 368 Vim plugin for searching useful variable names
vim-node-inspect utility 5 765 Interactive Node.js debugger
vim-langtool utility 3 508 list and jump to grammar errors found by LanguageTool
sfz.vim syntax 0 394 Syntax file for .sfz
vim-quickui utility 182 1410 The missing UI extensions for Vim 9
greenwood color scheme 63 878 A green color scheme
git.vim utility 4 306 Use git in neovim and vim8
save utility 5 293 remap Ctrl-S for saving in all conditions
markdown-drawer utility 4 348 Simplify navigation in large markdown files.
vim-substy utility 4 284 Input substitution command
reftools.vim utility 1 257 A vim plugin for https://github.com/davidrjenni/reftools
memobook note suite utility 4 652 Memobook functionality - easy annotation and lookup of notes, reminders, etc
Jsonviewer utility 1 296 JSON browser in Vim.
Vorg ftplugin 4 270 Vim organizational format
stan-vim syntax 31 666 Vim plugin for the Stan probabilistic programming language.
lingo.vim : NEW Syntax for LINGO syntax 4 346 optimization modeling language for linear, nonlinear, and integer programming
vim-gdiff utility 0 294 The missing :Gdiff command for Vim
ticket.vim utility 4 270 Manges git branch specific vim session files
Whisk color scheme 1 500 My vim color scheme
stable-windows utility 0 286 Keeps your vim windows stable when layout changes
SpaceVim utility 18 650 A community-driven modular vim distribution
roku.vim syntax 13 547 roku development plugin
borlandp.vim color scheme 2 509 a Vim colorscheme that looks like good old Borland IDEs.
vim-notmuch-addrlookup ftplugin 1 304 complete e-mail addresses in Vim by those indexed in your mail folders
vim-hello-word game 3 443 A vim plugin to recite English vocabulary
vim-dbml syntax 2 251 Database markup language syntax
vim-open-or-create-path-and-file utility 13 319 Open or create a file under cursor
RunCommand utility 0 552 Run shell command within a vim buffer
equalise-window-widths.vim utility 1 321 Equal width windows in one operation
vim-floaterm utility 16 529 Use (neo)vim terminal in the floating/popup window.
calculator.vim utility 4 415 Calculator inside of Vim
vim-airline-stopwatch utility 9 787 a vim-airline extension that implements a stopwatch
vim-smartsplit utility 0 357 You're lazy. Let Vim decide your split directions.
gruvbox-material color scheme 65 2712 Gruvbox with Material Palette
emoji-ab utility 8 412 Emoji Abbreviations in Vim 🔥
vim-auto-abbrev utility 0 323 Automate abbreviates for you
vim-color-vanilla-cake color scheme 8 853 🍰 Light & Eye-friendly Color Scheme
vim-color-desert-night color scheme 14 798 🏜️  Dark, Warm, Eye-friendly Color Scheme
vim-marc ftplugin 8 309 A vim plugin for converting between bibliographic formats
vim-office utility 8 729 read common binary files, such as PDFs or those for Libre or Microsoft Office
vim-sentence-chopper indent 0 739 version-control friendly formatting of prose (and LaTeX markup)
vim-unicode-homoglyphs utility 1 490 Highlight and normalize unicode homoglyphs in Vim.
vim-serape color scheme 17 661 a bright and vivid color scheme
vim-pwsh-formatter syntax 3 314 Poor man's vim powershell code formatter.
everforest color scheme 106 2259 🌲 Comfortable & Pleasant Vim Color Scheme
vim-doge ftplugin 133 4362 Generate proper code documentation skeletons with a single keypress.
Jira-Vim ftplugin 41 806 A vim plugin to access your Jira workspace directly from Vim
vim-loclist-follow utility 0 864 automated selection of location list item based on cursor position
vim-mutt-aliases ftplugin 0 511 complete e-mail addresses in Vim by those in your mutt aliases file
vim-mailquery ftplugin 0 584 complete e-mail addresses in Vim by those in your inbox
AdvancedMarks utility 0 433 Work with marks with more power.
dsf.vim utility 0 386 Delete surrounding function call
SpaceCamp Lite color scheme 69 1143 Vim colors for the final frontier.
SpaceCamp color scheme 96 1584 Vim colors for the final frontier.
carbonpaper.vim utility 0 315 Transfer code to LaTeX with your colorscheme in Vim
rubocop utility 0 331 Run rubocop async within vim!
vcs-jump utility 0 489 Jump to interesting places with a Git or Mercurial repo
hlparser utility 0 637 parse `:hi {name}` into a dict
shellcheck.vim ftplugin 25 701 Vim wrapper for ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts.
qbcolor.vim color scheme 0 547 a colorscheme that looks like good old Microsoft QuickBASIC.
vim-translator utility 13 744 Asynchronou translating plugin for Vim/Neovim
tagalong utility 9 1004 Change an HTML(ish) opening tag and take the closing one along as well
vim-select-replace utility 0 725 selectively replace or delete the cur. word or selected text in multiple places
vimtags utility 0 483 Create and update tags files with pure VIM (without ctags etc.)
markdown-preview-sync ftplugin 0 384 A quasi real-time vim markdown preview plugin
VIM Search utility 1 438 VIM Search é um simples script vim para pesquisar arquivos e pastas
vimfocus utility 9 503 Inverse visual selection commenting
coc.nvim utility 327 2528 Make your vim/neovim smart as VSCode
vim-mma syntax 6 678 A Neovim plugin to provide Wolfram Mathematica language support
MarkMarkup utility 23 832 Convert mark.vim highlighting to markup inside the text.
yamsong utility 0 392 Edit JSON files in YAML
ACE Log syntax syntax 22 371 Syntax Highlight for ACE log file
foldout utility 0 553 Outline-based folding with syntax highlighting.
deline utility 12 2287 A lightweight statusline plugin with construction functionality
vim-kinesis-kb900 ftplugin 0 423 Syntax support for Kinesis Freestyle Pro (KB900) keyboard layout files
notepad16 color scheme 58 1464 notepad16 is a 16 color light theme for Vim
vim-searchhi utility 1 2493 Highlight the current search result differently
termdbg utility 3 507 Terminal debugger for vim
vim-contemplate utility 0 451 Autcommand scaffolding with snippet exapnsion
ModelineCommands utility 4 695 Extended modelines that allow the execution of arbitrary Vim commands.
vim pivotal utility 6 449 Access Pivotal stories in Vim!
Simple bottom line for gVim utility 0 668 Simple bottom line for gVim
jupytext.vim utility 4 935 Plugin for editing Jupyter ipynb files via jupytext
subversive.vim utility 0 518 Provides operator motions to quickly replace text
cutlass.vim utility 0 490 Adds a 'cut' operation separate from 'delete'
yoink.vim utility 1 500 Maintains a yank history to cycle between when pasting
vim-rzip utility 13 765 Extends stock zip.vim to allow recursively browsing and writing zip files
vertical_region.vim utility 1 533 Move to lines bounding a vertical indent region
vim-docvim syntax 0 520 Syntax highlighting for Docvim comments
vim-decode-qp ftplugin 0 485 Decode Quoted-Printable text
ctrlp-grep utility 0 502 grep your files via ctrlp interactively
vim-ls ftplugin 0 453 LiveScript support for Vim
Venu utility 0 424 Simple menu for vim
cosmic-barf.vim color scheme 105 1921 A dark, solarized based colorscheme
glsl.vim syntax 22 656 Syntax File for the Desktop OpenGL Shading Language Version 4.6 GLSL GLSlang
vim-mac-dictionary utility 0 588 A Vim plugin that helps you find words using Mac's dictionary app.
vim-git-msg-wheel ftplugin 0 628 Show recent git commit messages and support line autocompletion.
vim-headfirst utility 0 666 Edit sibling files like a boss
typecast utility 4 475 add type cast surrouding.
vim-determined utility 0 967 A wrapper to make term_start more friendly
vim-whelp utility 0 694 A historical record of your help queries
vim-rumrunner utility 0 1052 A better MRU list.
devops.vim utility 1 576 DevOps ide for VIM
squeeze_repeat_blanks.vim utility 16 547 Squeeze repeated blank lines into one
replace_operator.vim utility 15 612 Replace text from register with a motion
colon_operator.vim utility 20 590 Use colon commands with motions
cursorline_current.vim utility 25 837 Show cursorline only in active window
EXtend utility 7 557 When the Ex commands evolve into operators
rle.vim syntax 0 456 Hyperion Financial Management (HFM) rule syntax file
vim-eyaml-gpg ftplugin 6 446 Plugin to fold gpg encrypted blocks managed by eyaml.
vim-the-little-commenter utility 3 445 This is a little vim plugin to comment single lines using <C-/>
vim-branch-stack utility 0 846 plugin helping to find the branching path to current line of code
vim-browser-search utility 32 1146 A Neovim/Vim plugin to open your browser and search for text selected in
vim-pivotal-tracker-jump utility 0 707 Jump to the Pivotal Tracker story under the cursor
Smart Mark utility 7 498 Display current marks in the buffer
vim-term utility 1 666 Run programs in a terminal via :terminal command.
gsql-vim syntax 0 415 Syntax highlighting for gsql
vim-systemverilog-syntax syntax 0 532 systemverilog syntax
vim-buffest utility 10 521 Edit registers and the quickfix/location list as buffers
undoquit.vim utility 2 617 Undo a :quit -- reopen the last window you closed
digraph_search.vim utility 22 569 Search for a digraph by name while inserting
insert_timeout.vim utility 14 606 Leave insert mode after a period of inactivity
jsonpath utility 25 941 Navigate JSON documents using dot.notation.paths
git-backups utility 2 517 uses git to back up all files
perl_version_bump.vim ftplugin 23 543 Increment Perl version numbers
simpleterm.vim utility 0 493 simple terminal in vim
require.vim utility 0 452 require vim easy
insert_cancel.vim utility 8 602 Cancel an insert mode operation
cmdwin_ctrlc.vim utility 6 624 Tweak CTRL-C command line window behavior to be a bit more useful
make_target.vim ftplugin 6 681 Make target for Makefile recipe under cursor
vim-json-format utility 1 652 format json text
clear_local_maps.vim utility 6 508 Clear buffer-local leader mappings
diff_prune.vim ftplugin 23 631 Reverse changes in selected lines of a diff
paste_open.vim utility 23 632 Mapping targets for opening new lines in paste mode
object.vim utility 0 468 A pythonic object oriented framework.
peachpuff256mod color scheme -2 1462 peachpuff256mod is the terminal version of the vim builtin peachpuff color theme
vim-colors-nobold color scheme 1 1023 Vim color schemes with "bold" attribute removed - except for text console.
redact_pass.vim utility 24 606 Set options to edit pass(1) files securely
markdown_autoformat.vim ftplugin 5 571 Automatic formatting heuristics for Markdown
put_blank_lines.vim utility 0 629 Mapping targets to insert blank lines
git-blame.vim utility 65 2567 See Git Blame information in the status bar for the currently selected line.
k.vim syntax 1 493 syntax for the k language.
j.vim syntax 0 621 j syntax
smullyan.vim color scheme 0 878 Light colorscheme for brightly lit conditions.
voodooChild.vim color scheme 0 874 Low contrast colorscheme for low light conditions.
vim-indexer utility 13 610 Vim plugin that provides async tags generation with project management.
auto_cache_dirs.vim utility 4 619 Create and set cache file directories easily
uncap_ex.vim utility 9 594 Correct accidentally capitalised ex commands
big_file_options.vim utility -1 611 Automatically set options to speed up working with big files
strip_trailing_whitespace.vim utility 12 650 Strip trailing whitespace exactly the way this author wants
sahara.vim color scheme 10 1108 Tweaked desert256 colorscheme
copy_linebreak.vim utility 8 622 Switch between readable and terminal-copy-friendly wrapping options
toggle_flags.vim utility -2 662 Toggle flags in option values
fixed_join.vim utility -1 610 Join lines without jumping around
insert_suspend_hlsearch.vim utility 5 652 Suspend search highlighting in insert mode
nextag.vim utility -3 617 Move to next/previous XML/HTML tag
juvenile.vim color scheme 18 721 Colorscheme with only grey comments and non-text
vimteractive ftplugin 9 2260 Sending commands from vim to interactive programs
Exoskeleton utility 0 554 Skeleton - improved!
vipsql utility 9 792 A vim-frontend for interacting with psql
uncrustify utility 0 642 uncrustify formatter support
evince-synctex ftplugin 0 1140 Python-based vim script for bidirectional synchronization between Vim and Evince
vpager utility 0 663 Pipe input from Vims internal terminal back into Vim
vim-tmux-pilot utility 22 786 Unified navigation of splits and tabs in vim and tmux
yaTranslator utility 0 502 Translation inside VIM
vim-remembrall utility 36 532 Helps users remember their mappings
vim-preview utility 2 730 The missing preview window for vim
traces.vim utility 21 982 Range, pattern and substitute preview for Vim
Flexagon utility 0 586 Fold switcher with variety of prepackaged folds
git-remote-open utility 0 550 Copy/Open url of files directly from vim on github/bitbucket
move-less utility 12 2109 plugin for faster navigation without changing the cursor position
vim-hardaway color scheme 71 1760 Vim colorscheme with Airline integration.
rested color scheme 29 1290 A desert based scheme with more colors.
vinegar.vim utility 213 1039 Combine with netrw to create a delicious salad dressing
simplebuffer utility 1 613 a very simple buffer manager.
nimble-anyjump.vim utility 16 1519 Initial upload.
open-browser-github.vim utility 4 1085 Open GitHub URL of file, issue, pull request (GitHub Enterprise supported)
open-browser-unicode.vim utility 0 649 Open fileformat.info page about character on current cursor / given character
dadbod.vim utility 322 2271 Modern database interface for Vim
copy paste finder utility 4 1122 utility for viewing copied-pasted code side-by-side
aa utility 0 555 A plugin for managing time and note taking
txtmux.vim utility 0 1312 ( tabwins x textwins ) multiplexer
textwins.vim utility 0 1486 Windows that text
streamline.vim utility 0 1277 Essential wares, to get there
copytoggle.vim utility 0 1765 Vim's pastetoggle for copying
vim-ruby-block-helpers ftplugin 2 1861 Helpers for maneuvering between ruby blocks, and context output in rspec files
JumpToVerticalBlock utility 0 793 Like W / E, but vertically in the same column.
Toki Pona syntax 0 607 syntax coloring and filetype settings for the Toki Pona minimalist conlang
vim-masquerade utility 9 774 Tools to edit multiple selections
vim-multiselect utility 25 862 A library for multiple selection
vim-auf utility 10 715 Format Your Lines And Be Reminded By Coloring
vim-fetlang syntax 24 628 Vim language support for Fetlang, the fetish-themed programming language
qt-support.vim ftplugin 16 1106 Simple Qt support for Vim
Realcolors color scheme 0 901 Utilities for tweaking and creating 24-bit true color schemes for Vim at runtime
Gruvbox 8 color scheme 10 1930 Simplified and optimized Gruvbox colorscheme
textfilter utility 0 971 Several useful text filters.
jbuilder.vim syntax 0 557 Jbuilder syntax hilighting
Pickachu utility 0 561 Color, date, and file picker for Vim using Zenity
cmod.vim syntax 8 1451 Cmod syntax colouring (Pike development)
If I Only... utility 51 835 An only slightly smarter :only
twiggy utility 14 586 Git branch management
autodoc.vim syntax 7 1553 Autodoc syntax colouring
pike.vim syntax 14 1364 New and improved Pike syntax colouring
Hearts of Iron Syntax syntax 2 510 Add syntax highlight for Hearts of Iron files
debugstring utility 45 637 Debug printf()-style at the speed of light
readline.vim utility 505 8036 Readline-style mappings for command-line mode
DumpX utility 32 1115 Disassemble C/C++ code
place.vim utility 11 954 Enter characters without moving
vim-terminal utility 151 1636 A Vim plugin that opens an interactive terminal in a buffer for running programs
rainbow_levels.vim indent 61 3113 A different approach to code highlighting.
bioSyntax syntax 0 916 Syntax Highlighting for Computational Biology
i3config.vim syntax 9 871 Vim syntax highlighting for i3 config
Libertine color scheme 2 1632 A complex mix of seven strong bodied colors with citrus flavors and pine notes
Github.vim utility 12 858 Another github v3 api implemented in vim script
match-up utility 47 2199 even better %, navigate & highlight matching word, modern matchit replacement
SQHell.vim utility 32 1702 A lightweight SQL wrapper for vim
vim-lessmess ftplugin 2 822 Removes trailing white-space, fix mixed-indent and remove empty lines at the EOF
mkdx.vim ftplugin 117 10945 Adds useful mappings for working with markdown files
SearchAsQuickJump utility 0 1187 Quick search without affecting 'hlsearch', search pattern and history.
AutoSave utility 0 924 Automatically persist a buffer frequently.
files-complete utility 0 592 completefunc which looks to all files in the current directory
Archery color scheme 7 1036 Vim colorscheme inspired by Arch Linux colors
man.vim utility 1 1531 open man pages within vim using :e man:page or :e man:section:page
Colortemplate ftplugin 17 3943 The Toolkit for Color Scheme Designers!
WORDComplete utility 0 781 Insert mode completion that completes an entire sequence of non-blank characters
highlight-groups.vim utility 5 803 Add words in highlight groups on the fly.
verilog-instance.vim utility 17 857 Create SystemVerilog port instantiation from port declaration.
makery.vim utility 3 2850 A plugin for managing makeprgs.
qcvim syntax 3 839 Highlighter for quantum chemistry input files
vim.emacs utility 4 495 vim.emacs is a vim plugin to evaluate elisp expressions in Emacs.
purge_undodir.vim utility -1 538 Purging useless undofile on exit
MarkdownCopy utility 0 1281 Copy Markdown to clipboard as HTML
vim-Verdin ftplugin 0 737 An omni-complete function for Vim script
vim-scratchpad utility 15 1557 toggle a scratchpad
fix-vim-pasting utility 26 661 Fixes pasting in Vim, so it works as you expect.
AutoOrigami.vim utility 2 912 Automatically set 'foldcolumn'
vim-CtrlXA utility 37 2514 make Ctrl-X and Ctrl-A run through keyword cycles
octopus.vim syntax 45 917 syntax highlighting for octopus
mbed-vim utility 433 1457 Execute mbed CLI commands without exiting Vim!
SubstituteExpression utility 0 867 Pass text through an expression.
smart-tabline.vim utility 20 1168 maintains buffers for the tab it belongs to
subnetquicksearch.vim utility 0 717 Searches for a highlighted subnet
VimRpc utility 99 811 VimRpc is a Vim plugin that helps you embed vim in your programs
mintycode color scheme -29 2985 Dark color scheme focusing on cool colors
dirconf.vim utility 0 640 project specific vim config and notes
VimCalc3 utility -3 2590 Plugin that provides a convenient interactive calculator inside a Vim buffer
quickmenu utility 185 3646 A nice popup menu for vim
vim-todo-lists utility 25 4702 Plugin for TODO lists management
vim-game-code-break game 30 3565 block-breaking game
factorus utility 34 2632 Vim plugin for automated refactoring
stunter.vim utility 0 706 stunter.vim: run vim test
Vim PHP Wrapper ftplugin 4 1615 A plug-in to speed up PHP development
DeleteHiddenBuffers utility 21 652 Clean your file buffer when you work for long periods on a large project
ZFVimFoldBlock utility 18 712 fold code block using regexp
ZFVimIndentMove utility 12 715 move cursor quickly accorrding to indent
ZFVimTxtHighlight syntax 0 664 highlight plain text files, suit most cases
change-case.vim utility 31 1566 Operator to change case (camelCase, snake_case, UPPER CASE etc.) of text
LiterateVimrc utility 8 1321 Plugin for creating
CompleteParameter utility 84 3665 complete parameter after select the completion.
Absolute color scheme 3 2049 Light Colorscheme
WWDC17 color scheme 0 3432 Colorful light color scheme inspired by WWDC17 page
golint-fixer.vim ftplugin 2 778 A vim tool for fix goling warnings, which generate by vim-go or ale.
yankee utility 0 665 minimal plugin to make yanking more fun
vim-prettier utility 404 9832 A vim plugin wrapper for prettier
remaining-todos utility 3 682 There are remaining TODOs in this file!
quickEditTab utility 0 878 A new command to open files in the same or another tab.
botlang-syntax syntax 22 635 Botlang support for vim
vim-transit utility 0 697 Translates a given text from source language to target language via Google Trans
bal.vim syntax 0 613 Provides ballerina support to vim, when coupled with the bal ft script.
tiny-todo utility 0 959 A simple todo list.
rst-robotframework-syntax-vim syntax 6 897 Extends RST syntax to highlight Robot Framework code snippets
opensips.vim syntax 40 870 Syntax highlighting for OpenSIPS script
vim-game-snake game -1 1115 snake game
bal.vim ftplugin 2 640 Provides ballerina support to vim, when coupled with the bal syntax plugin.
VIM MySQL Suggestions utility 4 1167 A plugin of VIM to show suggestions from MySQL database structure.
vim-yaml-folds ftplugin 10 1404 Folding rules for YAML, RAML and SaltStack SLS files
vim-sass-colors utility 6 5035 sass/scss/less/css color variable highlighting (works with imports)
auto_update_cscope_ctags_database ftplugin 9 4478 1:auto update cscope ctags database2:easy create database 3: auto plugn database
Multiplayer utility 15 823 Collaborative Editing
SumOfSelection utility 101 4565 Calculate sum of visual (block) selected numbers
vim-daps utility 19 1288 Adds daps (https://opensuse.github.io/daps) functionality to the Vim text editor
foldtext ftplugin 0 1003 Folding support for some filetypes that don't do so by default
vikibase syntax 0 1214 A slimmed-down version of the viki plugin: a personal wiki
autoproject utility 3 1537 Set buffer-local options, the working directory etc. specific to a project
tstatus utility 0 952 Monitor buffer-local options and variables in the statusline
js_alternate utility 2 687 A JavaScript plugin to easily navigate between alternate files
vim-custom-surround utility 44 1222 Define your own surround patterns
goyo-doc utility 3 852 Vim
CurtineIncSw.vim utility 357 1784 Easily toggle between *.c* and *.h* buffers.
vim-sourcer utility 2 719 Several new commands for sourcing vimscript files
eclipse-lite color scheme 16 3333 a vim scheme appears to eclipse
note.vim syntax 2 1018 A syntax highlighting for general text notes
R4vim utility 0 739 Plugin to work with R scripts.
vim-fileHeader utility 0 936 add information about source file at head of file
GVFilter.vim utility 0 862 VIm plugin to filter current buffer by given arguments, like :g or :v
vnote ftplugin 0 754 A dairy or note edit and manage tool in vim
vimloo utility 0 692 Write VimL Script in an Object Orient Style
Agrep utility 6 813 Asynchronous grep plugin for Vim
bargreybars.vim utility 10 932 remove gray bars from maximised gvim windows, on Windows
nonclobbering-shift utility -1 729 Visual shift without clobbering formatting
visual-search utility 0 734 Search for or only within visual selection
dubs-midnight color scheme 0 1705 An other member of the dubs color scheme family
gina.vim utility 149 2157 Asynchronously control git repositories in Neovim/Vim 8
doctabs utility 0 2681 A plugin to manage large files
verilog-support.vim utility 26 2481 Verilog IDE -- Insert UVM & SystemVerilog code snippets, classes, comment, etc
add-git-managed-file-to-buffer.vim utility 0 2073 Add files that are changed, modifiled, untracked in git to the buffer.
workbook utility 0 1721 Notebook-like interaction with R etc.
autopack utility 5 1516 Load optional packs by command, map, filetype etc.
vim-indentguides syntax 17 767 Simple indentation guides for your buffers
rel.vim utility 49 2467 Follow and define links to files
VIM syntax highlighting & filetype plugi ftplugin 9 881 Makes for easier writing and viewing of HP-25 calculator program files
vim-eslint-fix patch 1 807 A vim plugin that fix the current file by eslint
vim-numbers utility 4 903 A plugin for intelligently switching between absolute and relative line numbers
Terminalogy utility 12 2163 Show and tell with a shell
showhidefoldsby utility 0 754 Show and hide folds by various criteria.
z.vim utility 0 704 Help jumping to the most used directories in vim.
istanbul.vim utility 16 1761 Visualize code coverage and summarize uncovered lines into quickfix
json-ponyfill.vim utility 0 1578 Provide json_decode and json_encode to VIM < 7.4.1304
ruta.vim syntax 8 796 Syntax for Apache UIMA Ruta Script
madlang-vim syntax 1 726 Syntax highlighting for the Madlibs DSL
spotdiff.vim utility 32 3621 A range and area selectable diffthis to compare partially
greek_mac.vim utility 0 1287 Vim keymap to write traditional (“polytonic”) Greek in the Mac OS way.
Arcadia color scheme -2 3277 Term and Gui
ipynb_notedown.vim utility 43 1700 plugin for editing jupyter notebook (ipynb) files through notedown
vmux utility 0 1691 vim/neovim session handler within tmux
Sprint utility 0 1371 Async file running
yarn.vim utility -1 812 Yarn for Vim.
vim-workspace utility 310 6929 Automated Vim session management and file auto-save
rpgle.vim syntax 13 1051 Free (7.1) syntax highlight, folds, indent, etc for RPG/ILE
vim-paragraph utility 2 1343 Vim plain text utilities
gen_tags.vim utility 4 2012 Async plugin for vim and neovim to ease the use of ctags/gtags
Broduo Color Scheme color scheme 0 1916 A dark color scheme for Vim.
Grammalecte utility 9 1665 Vim plugin for the Grammalecte French grammar checker
coverage.vim utility 0 631 Show code coverage as signs
ExpandBackspace utility 0 1056 Make backspace eat white space to the last tabstop
vtags utility 319 7984 verdi like, verilog code signal trace and show topo script  
far.vim utility 25 1037 Find And Replace Vim plugin
vim-loggly-search utility 9 608 A vim plug-in to easily search in loggly
vim-base64 utility 47 1510 Vim plugin to encode/decode base64 strings
minimalist.vim color scheme 175 6924 A Material Color Scheme Darker for Vim
vim-DetectSpellLang utility 0 1195 autodetect the spell-check language of the current buffer
flatwhite color scheme 9 1135 A Vim port of biletskyy’s flatwhite-syntax for Atom
ViewMaps utility 0 862 Lightweight plugin for viewing mappings from vimrc
vim-yesod syntax 0 639 Syntax and utility for the Haskell Yesod web framework
vim-shaderlab syntax 34 731 Unity ShaderLab
syn-preproc syntax 1 946 C preprocessor syntax on top of other syntaxes.
Replay utility 0 2015 Convenient re-run of last recorded Vim macro
vim-matchit utility 61 1424 Extended matching with "%"
gnugo.vim game 27 1003 Play a game of Go in your text editor, using GnuGo
StyleGuide utility 27 772 Code with google-syleguide. Readability, quality and unity well be better
vim-makejob utility 12 3748 Minimal, asynchronous quickfix commands for Vim 8.0
mythos color scheme 26 1459 A dark, low contrast, Cthulhu-esque colour scheme
vim-codequery utility -1 702 An asynchronous code searcher
xdg_open.vim utility 0 556 Run xdg-open from Vim; re-implements netrw's gx.
Install a Plugin in Vim ftplugin 2 687 symlinks don\\'t overwrite existing files, uninstall only deletes symlinks
auto_mkdir2.vim utility 9 563 Automatically create directories
nordisk color scheme 79 2814 A calm, fairly low contrast, dark color scheme
pace.vim utility 0 1682 Measure the pace of typing (in Insert mode &c.)
MUcomplete utility 189 7367 Chained (fallback) completion that works the way you want!
Subnet Search utility 0 1245 Match all IP addresses withing a given IPv4 CIDR address block
glsl.vim ftplugin 10 629 Utilities for WebGL/GLSL/Three.js developers.
vim-jobs utility 0 873 Manage async jobs
vim-kramdown-tab utility 1 675 A vim plugin to resolve indent issue of content nested in Markdown lists, especi
TabList for terminal vim utility 21 1070 Get list of tab pages and the windows in them in a quickfix like window.
Despacio color scheme 66 3616 Vim Colorscheme
dutch_peasants color scheme 15 1586 A dark scheme of earth colours
vim-markdown-toc utility 62 3053 A plugin to generate table of contents for Markdown files.
syntax for verilog 2001 syntax 1 1587 set vim for verilog
vim_comment_toggle ftplugin 1 1053 Simple and lightweight comment toggle scripts
vim-tail utility 17 1049 Makes vim behave like tail -f
lilycomment.vim utility 4 738 comment plugin for csharp
Buffy.vim utility 0 662 Switch between buffers with a handy menu
vim-seattle color scheme 44 3653 An elegant yet efficient color scheme for coders
unicon color scheme 59 2419 uniform contrast light and dark colorscheme
ALE - Asynchronous Lint Engine utility 534 8697 Lint while you type in Vim
vim-zim utility 0 777 Zim desktop wiki syntax and helper functions
pgn.vim syntax 8 1356 syntax highlighting for .pgn (chess) files
git-switcher.vim utility 38 6194 Automatically save and load vim session based on switching of git branch.
rimas.vim utility 0 611 Diccionario de rimas para Vim
wordbyword.vim utility 0 567 Word by word search in dictionaries over cursor.
stardict.vim utility 0 610 Quick access to stardict dicts
WWDC16 color scheme 49 3591 Colorful dark color scheme inspired by WWDC16 page
vim-sml ftplugin 26 1941 Vim support for Standard ML programming
SearchCompleteMotion patch 0 665 Updated SearchCompete plugin with support for motions
hindent ftplugin 0 613 Automatic Haskell code reformatting
composer.vim utility 0 1103 Initial release
vim-anyfold indent 0 1934 Generic folding mechanism and motion based on indentation
ctrlp-obsession utility 2 907 A super simple session-navigator using obsession / prosession
speedy utility 0 1406 super fast gulp task execution
Omnipytent utility 0 1967 The all powerful Pythonic task runner
asyncrun utility 1772 13022 Run Async Shell Commands in Vim 8.0 and Output to Quickfix in Realtime
FocusPrevious utility 14 964 Focus previous window/tab when closing the current one.
Smile utility 59 1326 Vimscript implementation of the :smile command
dut.vim syntax 0 617 Syntax file for the Dut programming language.
vim-gotofile ftplugin 0 799 Enhance the native `gf` command to go to `node_modules`.
wildignore.vim utility 13 1587 A simple plugin that reads wildignore patterns from a file
highlightedyank utility 13 1399 Make the yanked region apparent!
dialect.vim utility 13 682 Project specific spell files
ditto.vim utility 8 813 Highlight overused words
vseq.vim utility 0 608 Generate sequential number vertically
audionote.vim utility 0 780 Audio note - voice recorder
cpf_upf_sdc utility 36 1251 Syntax highlighting for CPF, UPF and SDC
gtm-plugin.vim utility 6 2313 Simple, seamless, lightweight time tracking for all your git projects
vimmake utility 297 5561 Customize shell tools for vim (supports async jobs)
python-compilers.vim syntax 0 1012 Just a python compilers for VIM
vim-two-firewatch color scheme 8 1553 A blend between duotone light and firewatch for atom
vim-one color scheme 4 2037 one dark and one light for atom adapted to Vim
vim-tf2 syntax 0 1363 TF2 .cfg syntax highlighting. https://github.com/au/vim-tf2
vim-dispatch-vimproc utility 0 819 the plugin to add vimproc strategy to vim-dispatch
One Half Color Schemes color scheme 142 2403 Clean and vibrant light/dark color schemes for terminal and gui Vim.
Srcery color scheme 4 3688 Vim color scheme
radical.vim utility 8 1199 Convert decimal, hex, octal, binary number representations
vim-java-ununsed-imports utility 40 1280 Allows showing and removing unused imports in a java file.
fluid.vim indent 0 866 Plugin for the Fluid Template Engine (TYPO3), indenting, and syntax plugin.
Impl Switcher utility 9 903 Easily switch between impl and header files
BTN: Better tab new utility 9 817 Adds a tab new command accepting file:lin_num as a parameter
searchant.vim utility 33 3894 searchant.vim is obsoleted by vim-searchhi
vimport utility 0 1004 Allows you to easily add imports within java, groovy, grails
columnMove.vim utility 0 1633 move along vertical axis, to next/previous character-blocks end/start
vim-gencode-cpp ftplugin 8 1416 auto generate c++ function definition or declaration
Cheat40 utility 81 2402 A cheat sheet that makes sense, inside Vim!
ember_tools.vim utility 17 1615 Tools for working with ember.js projects
verilog_emacsauto.vim ftplugin 0 754 Minor update based on vimscript #1875
Closing Brackets utility 0 802 A dead-simple Vim plugin to automatically insert closing brackets
ranger.vim ftplugin 46 1030 Ranger integration in vim and neovim
tabulous ftplugin 0 1868 Lightweight Vim plugin to enhance the tabline including numbered tab page labels
twig.vim syntax 0 1292 Twig syntax highlighting, indentation and neocomplete snippets
vim eslint syntax 65 760 eslint
SIDECAR Assembly Syntax Highlighting Fil syntax 0 638 SIDECAR Assembly Syntax Highlighting File
easy-execute utility -1 1040 Execute files easy in unix
tortus.vim color scheme 1 5513 Dark (grey and yellow on black) color scheme based on on torte.vim
RougherExp utility 2 1027 Changes your search expression into rougher regexp.
Solarized 8 color scheme 119 9742 Optimized Solarized colorschemes. Best served with true-color terminals!
definition.vim utility 0 890 Jump to the last place where [command|function|mapping] was set
vim-logreview utility 5 844 plugin to help log reviews and navigation
vim-freemarker ftplugin 23 1006 Freemarker syntax and functions
vim-stackoverflow utility 11 937 A tiny plugin for searching Stackoverflow from VIM editor
caw.vim utility 0 904 Comment plugin: Operator mappings/Dot-repeatable/300+ filetypes
ensime-vim ftplugin 9 753 Ensime support for Scala and Java files
Scalpel utility 0 2350 Fast within-file word replacement for Vim
splat-syntax syntax 0 596 Syntax for Splat
Mesonic ftplugin 12 652 A Vim plugin for Meson build system
vim-grimmjow color scheme 56 3109 Light Theme for Gvim, MacVim and Neovim
Syntax match utility 0 1231 Saving syntax match rules to be loaded next time
vim-diction utility 9 1598 Write better with vim-diction - find frequently misused, bad or wordy diction
droWMark utility 0 1203 Post to WordPress using Pandoc Flavoured Markdown
Translate Vim utility 0 810 Translate text directly in vim from the google translate page.
extra-instant-markdown utility 0 731 Instant Markdown previews from VIM!
Vim-janitor utility 0 739 Clean up multiple blank lines and trailing spaces.
Outlaw ftplugin 10 1230 The wanted outliner!
apthogen utility 19 869 Easily manage your vim's plugins
cpp-devel ftplugin 0 768 Vim C++ development; This vim script (adopted from kde-devel-vim).
vim-alias utility 13 2788 versatile vim-command line aliases
you-debug-it utility -1 2391 Vim plugin that helps to track your debug code
vim-shebang ftplugin 13 605 Better filetype detection by the she·bang line at file
expresso.vim utility 0 829 Evaluate text as a math expression
Pinnacle utility 0 2284 Highlight group manipulation for Vim
vim-hdl utility 28 972 Vim plugin to aid VHDL development
pgsql ftplugin 1 3050 The best PostgreSQL plugin for Vim!
md_insert_equation.vim ftplugin 0 567 Easily generate link to image of equation in markdown file
codeFrame utility 0 659 CodeFrame is a vim plugin that makes the skeleton of programming language
sqlite.vim utility 0 1700 Plugin that provides sqlite database access to vimscripts
cwdtabline.vim utility 0 545 cwd's in the tabline
Vedict utility 0 521 Fast Japanese / English Dictionary Lookup
GoDiff utility 42 1333 Quick Inline Colored Diff
license-to-vim utility 48 581 Insert code licenses from Vim
RAPID-Syntax syntax 12 6018 Syntax, indent and more for Abb industrial robots
color.vim utility 0 882 color parsing functions - lighten/darken color under cursor
Bullets.vim utility 21 651 Bullets.vim is a Vim plugin for automated bullet lists.
vim-header utility 2 601 Easily Adds Brief Author Info and License Headers
KRL-Syntax syntax 79 6463 Syntax, indent and more for Kuka industrial robots
Vimliner Outliner ftplugin 42 999 The smallest, fastest outliner for vim. One file install.
stata-syntax syntax 29 973 Enhanced and updated Stata syntax highlighting in Vim
thesaurus_query.vim utility 69 6606 Multi-language Thesaurus Query and Replacement plugin
password bunny utility 0 742 Manage passwords with Vim
helplink.vim utility 14 685 Link to Vim help pages with ease.
startscreen.vim utility 34 778 Customize Vim's start screen.
proto.vim utility 0 652 https://github.com/mateusz-pietruch/proto.vim
vim-checksum utility 0 694 Plugin to cryptographically checksum files
vulkan1.0.vim syntax 91 3870 Syntax file for the Vulkan
wordmotion.vim utility 37 1055 More useful word motions for Vim
vimhelplint ftplugin 1 763 A lint tool for vim help files.
braceless.vim ftplugin 15 2015 Text objects, folding, and more for Python and other indented languages
Sierra color scheme 25 3839 A colorscheme for Terminal Vim and GUI Vim.
Hunter utility -1 592 Package fiinder for vim
vim-latex-light ftplugin 0 624 LaTeX Light compiles LaTeX and shows errors and warnings in Vim
lib.kom utility 0 1070 Scripting highly advanced-functions
sky color scheme 44 1593 Color scheme.
Quickalign utility 0 568 Marker-based alginment of small chunks of text.
vim-maven-syntax syntax 6 674 Apache Maven syntax highlighting plugin for Vim
markdown-preview.vim utility 10 2105 preview markdown through browser with no external dependencies
vim-llvmcov utility 1 619 The llvm-cov tool shows code coverage information for C,C++,Objective-C
vim-fake utility 20 874 A random dummy/filler text generator
Alduin color scheme 68 2872 Vim Colorscheme for Terminals and GUI
vim-swap utility 19 2743 Reorder delimited items.
hiPairs utility 11 691 Highlights the pair surrounding the current cursor position.
todoapp utility 0 756 Manage your todos in vim with app like experience
vBox utility 0 594 A simple template engine for vim
vim-macos utility 0 626 Autoload functions to help vim user work with macos
macdown.vim utility 12 8900 Live preview markdown in Chrome using applescript
Snake game 43 1642 Snake game in vim
VimSum utility 1 653 Simple visual mode arithmetic in Vim
vZoom utility 6 783 Quickly maximize/unmaximize the current window
vimdiffext ftplugin 16 2088 An easier way to vim-diff files and directories.
vim-keeppad utility 0 742 Keep padding!
vim-signjk-motion utility 0 717 j/k motion with Hit-A-Hint
mycomment utility 1 711 quickly toggle comment without thinking
unite-gitlog utility 0 697 A unite source for git log
easygit utility 11 723 A git wrapper focus on simplily and usability
vim-NotableFt utility 0 687 Changes 'f' and 't' to only match notable characters
oldfilesearch.vim utility 0 605 search the :oldfiles list and edit one file
Base2Tone color scheme 23 2189 Base2Tone themes use only 2 hues, this leads to a more calm color scheme
Ranger.vim utility 5 624 Ranger for vim.
Citation.vim utility 4 1020 Insert citations from zotero or bibtex files.
vim-love-docs syntax 57 5426 Highlighting and help file for the LOVE framework
iterm-start utility 0 958 Dispatch a task for iTerm2 in MacVim, used for async command line task
vim-run utility 0 640 Run command in vim with current buffer and see the result side-by-side
csscomplete.vim ftplugin 1 805 CSS omni complete function
lightline utility 149 2596 A light and configurable statusline/tabline for Vim
vim-operator-flashy utility 1 751 Highlight yanked area
vim-gtest utility 2 888 Vim plugin to quickly select and asyncronously run GoogleTest
vim-uncommenter utility 107 832 Automatically deletes all comments in a programming source file.
partialnumber.vim utility 2 1198 yet another line number option
tgf-vim utility 0 479 This is a PureFun-Tiger Language syntax and indent script.
vim-rubyformat utility 134 1858 Automatically reformats/beautifies ruby source code
Esper programming language syntax syntax 45 546 Basic syntax highlighting
vim-unite-cscope utility 4 823 Use cscope within vim
vim-babel utility 6 601 Wrapper around babel.js (ES2015, React, ...)
vim-dtsm utility 0 598 Commands for TypeScript dtsm
ESI VPS FEA-Solver Syntax Highlighting syntax 249 2924 Syntax Highlighting for ESI VPS (Pam-Crash) FEA-Solver
vim-do utility 7 743 Run shell commands asynchronously and show the output in Vim when they finish
Tabstuff utility 0 1474 Tabstuff is a plugin to sulplies various tabrelated stuff
snpsMan2VimSyntax syntax 0 714 Perl script to parse Synopsys man pages to create a vim syntax file
vim-stata ftplugin 69 1143 Vim Plugin for Running Selected Do-File Lines in Stata
vim-uci ftplugin 2 628 Syntax, ftdetect and ftplugin for OpenWRT's UCI format
vim-cloud-buffer utility 0 552 Save your buffers remotely
optcmd utility 1 932 plugin provides dialog for choicing command and process it by prefix option
Delphi ftplugin 1 608 Executes your python code as you write it
Buffer Hint utility 147 2013 A handy buffer switcher
EasyClipRing.vim utility 0 588 Autocomplete style vim pop-up menu for your registers.
todo-vim utility 3 974 todo-vim is plugin for manage your todo notes
Nette utility 5 1092 Plugin for Nette Framework; syntax, indent
fountainflow.vim utility 0 601 Convert Fountain screenplay files to HTML and LibreOffice
simple_playground.vim utility 1 533 make vim be language playgrounds
vim-maildrop syntax 0 586 Syntax highlighting for Courier maildrop filters
wimproved.vim utility 167 1274 Better fullscreen and more on Windows.
vim-abbrev-matcher utility 0 547 Abbreviation matcher plugin to be used with CtrlP and Unite
Never Optimal Wiki utility 2 2522 a minimalistic pure vim personal wiki
ttodo utility -1 2634 Edit, view, sort, and filter todo.txt files
Exeline utility 5 1074 execute commands on save
visualMarks utility 1 577 Save and restore visually selected areas
pp.vim utility 0 724 Pretty-printer for vimscript expressions -- colors -- pretty colors.
vim-gradle ftplugin 4 849 The purpose of this project is to maintain missing Gradle capabilities in Vim.
groovyindent-unix indent 4 1355 groovy indent script
markdown-preview.vim ftplugin 81 1646 yet another markdown preview plugin
Tabtastic utility 0 627 Helps make multiple tabs in Vim quick and easy
Typer game 37 799 This is VIM typing file plugin to simulate work
autolinker utility 0 1937 Automatic links for any filetype (e.g. for a markdown/latex based wiki)
vimagit utility 57 4144 Ease your git workflow within vim.
robcolors color scheme -1 1513 Color scheme by Robert Nowtniak
vim-json-line-format utility 18 1715 format json line
togglenumber utility 10 1114 easy toggle between different numbering modes in vim
logo syntax 0 626 horrible language, teoretical for learn programming language.
quickBuf utility 1 2125 Simple and quick buffer explorer
ansible-vim syntax 74 4528 Syntax highlighting Ansible's common filetypes
8ch.vim syntax 0 639 8chan markdown formatting
vim-follow-my-lead utility 25 1115 Shows all your <Leader> mappings in a readable table including the descriptions
vim-sipindex ftplugin 0 980 shows index of a sipp xml file
easy-navigate.vim utility 0 577 Commonly used navigation keymaps for Vim
log4j highlighter syntax 15 891 Syntax highlighter for log4j log files
true-monochrome color scheme 135 1976 This is a true black/grey/white theme for vim.
Replace operator utility 1 855 R (replace) operator
CBOT.vim syntax 1 902 CBOT fictional programming language from Vim
coco utility 11 1243 vim code commentator
proteinFasta.vim syntax 0 654 Syntax file for protein-based FASTA files
Vizardry utility 0 2871 A vim plugin manager for lazy people
lazyList utility 1 1177 A quick way to create lists in Vim
pypi.vim utility 22 719 Simple plugin for checking the latest version of the Python package in Vim.
vital-power-assert utility 0 792 Power Assert in Vim script
vim-zimwiki-syntax syntax 8 612 Syntax highlight and file type detection for Zim
vim-es6 syntax 36 1689 List of JavaScript ES6 snippets and syntax highlighting for vim.
glsl syntax 0 1321 Functionality for editing OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) in Vim
copy-cut-paste.vim utility 13 784 Naturally copy, cut, and paste between Vim terminal buffer and system clipboard
finance.vim utility 31 590 Simple plugin for checking your stock in Vim (Yahoo Finance).
quick-scope utility 84 1313 Highlights the optimal characters to target for the "f" key and family
pipe-mysql.vim utility 2 735 MySQL Client for Vim (easy-to-use / hassle-free configuration)
progress.vim syntax 7 899 Update - taking over as maintainer
vim3diff utility 3 618 3 way diff
vim-js-pretty-template ftplugin 0 733 highlights JavaScript's Template Strings in other FileType syntax rule
ctrlp-locate utility 0 2073 locate and open it via ctrlp.vim!
Ferret utility 43 6692 Enhanced multi-file search for Vim
airline-colornum utility 23 1016 Cursor line number color = Airline mode color
vim-gurl utility 5 499 Grabs link to Github / Gitlab remote repository for current file & line range
vim-clipper utility 6 1908 Clipper integration for Vim
Terminus utility 35 4504 Enhanced terminal integration for Vim
Loupe utility 2 2926 Enhanced in-file search for Vim
vim-qlist utility 0 1304 Persist the results of :ilist and related commands via the quickfix list.
vim-AHKcomplete ftplugin 2 769 Omnicomplete for autohotkey script.
vim-on-write utility 0 550 Easily register commands executed when the current buffer or a given files match
vim-qf utility 7 3595 Tame the quickfix window.
autoSolarize utility 5 589 Automatically switches between light and dark background for solarized
confirm_quit.vim utility -1 720 Ask for confirmation before quitting Vim
complete_email.vim utility 0 771 Allow completion of email addresses
undofile_warn.vim utility 1 669 Warn when using the undofile.
auto_autoread.vim utility 17 999 Automatically read files when they've changed. Does what 'autoread' promises.
ShaderHighLight syntax 2 740 常用的shader文件语法高亮
mirror.vim utility 9 2833 Efficient way to edit remote files on multiple environments
asynccompl utility 1 1007 A simple asynchronous complete plugin
supersearch ftplugin 75 2156 source view plugin
scilab.vim syntax 34 2507 Scilab syntax highlighting (Linux)
vim-js-arrow-function ftplugin 0 1258 changes a JavaScript anonymous function to an arrow function expression (ES2015)
flagship.vim utility 32 1684 Configurable and extensible tab line and status line
vim-aertre utility 11 738 Adds aertre
Dokumentary utility 16 1184 Improve what K does.
Indent Detector utility 8 1248 detect indent automatically
cpp_doxygen ftplugin -1 1297 Add Doxygen templates and fold Doxygen comments.
zftool.vim utility 0 567 PHP plugin for running ZFTool commands
cpp_cppcheck.vim ftplugin 21 1091 Run Cppcheck on the current window.
scilab.vim syntax 27 1026 Scilab syntax highlighting (Windows)
vim-tag-comment utility 13 1677 property comments HTML/XML tags
ctrlsf.vim utility 17 1481 an ack/ag powered global code search and view tool
vim-web2py utility 17 493 A plugin to browse web2py files
ftcompl utility 0 522 Command line completion for :set filetype
betterga utility 5 1268 Yet another :ascii command
Pretty Printing C like syntax utility 5 701 Format files with C-like syntax
contextcomplete utility 0 1162 Plugin which decides which type of insert completion to use based on context
vim-gitignore utility 1 989 Another gitignore plugin for Vim
Vim REST Console (VRC) utility 66 4319 A REST console for Vim
vim-javacomplete2 utility 56 3655 Updated javacomplete plugin for vim.
Hardy ftplugin 0 1149 Arduino IDE intregation for vim
Scrawl utility 1 587 Utility plugin which provides a customizable scratch buffer
vim-sandwich utility 18 2985 The set of operator and textobject plugins to edit sandwiched textobjects.
PaperColor.vim color scheme 234 9146 Light & Dark Vim color scheme inspired by Google's Material Design
dotenv.vim utility 1 1085 Basic support for .env and Procfile
git-flow-format utility 14 1308 Formats Git Flow prefixed branch names to take less space in your status line.
slashcomment.vim utility 0 646 slash comment works like eclipse.
systemrdl.vim syntax 10 1009 Syntax highlighting for SystemRDL files
logsyntax.vim ftplugin 6 827 A simple (web) log file syntax highlighting Vim plugin.
liblognorm.vim syntax 1 547 Syntax definition for liblognorm rules files
oasisprj.vim syntax 0 498 syntax highlighting for _oasis files
erlang_spec.vim utility 0 535 Generate specifications for your Erlang functions
vim-radioss ftplugin 0 543 VIM filetype plugin for Radioss
greekde_utf-8.vim utility 1 765 Keymap for Unicode polytonic Greek, for the German QWERTZ keyboard
foldMarker.vim utility 0 834 Creat fold marker and adjust fold level with a new command ':FoldMarker'
MapToSideEffects utility -1 602 Create mappings to function side effects
avrm48.vim syntax 0 1005 AVR Mega48 Syntax script
mpi.vim syntax 2 510 Syntax highlight, matching rules and mappings for the mpi
vison utility -1 735 Completion JSON files with JSON Schema
yats syntax 5 1043 Yet Another TypeScript Syntax
primary.vim color scheme 91 4909 Inspired by Google's official colors
gcov-marker utility 0 491 Show Gcov coverage within vim
XMLExpander utility 0 728 XML Pretty Printer
Treemap utility 20 2682 Create Treemaps with VIM
AtelierEstuary color scheme 0 826 Estuary is a yellow/greenish colorscheme
AtelierSavanna color scheme 1 753 Savanna is an understated greenish colorscheme with desaturated colors
AtelierCave color scheme 0 788 Cave is a “cool-warm” colorscheme
AtelierPlateau color scheme 0 828 Plateau is a warm colorscheme with desaturated colors
createfilenext.vim utility 0 619 Creates a new file in the directory of the current buffer.
tsuquyomi ftplugin 78 4389 Vim plugin for typescript
vim-mediawiki-editor utility 18 624 Edit MediaWiki right from Vim!
underscore.vim utility 0 923 Vim script utility library
ShowSpaces syntax 2 766 Highlight indentation characters if they contain spaces, even mixed with tabs
AtelierSulphurpool color scheme 6 770 Sulphurpool is a purplish colorscheme
spss syntax highlighting file syntax 3 833 syntax highlighting file based on spss version 22
gulp-vim utility 1 2300 Simple gulp wrapper for Vim + ctrlp-vim + unite-gulp
Quicker_file utility 4 663 2-step search plugin for quicker open
unmaze.vim utility 16 558 A vim plugin that shows the C/C++ preprocessor conditions that need to be met fo
vim-uncrustify utility 5 480 Helper to call uncrustify in vim.
vim-http-client utility 9 904 Make HTTP requests from Vim without wrestling the command line!
vim-scrum-markdown utility 0 610 manage a scrum dashboard inside vim
vim-markdown-wiki utility 13 1520 Links manipulation and navigation in markdown pages
vim.ergonomic utility 5 580 use vim more ergonomically
plugconf utility 0 432 A VIM plugin for managing configurations of other plugins.
ColumnTags utility 5 478 Navigate your tags in column-view
todo-txt.vim ftplugin 22 3167 Vim plugin for Todo.txt
vim-compile ftplugin 15 2480 Yet another compile plugin for vim
vim-mail ftplugin 0 2352 A plugin to ease mail redaction from vim
VimPyServer utility 23 1147 A Python server to remote control Vim without X-windows or vim-server
vim-tlv-mode syntax 6 1377 Transaction-Level Verilog support for Vim
textobj-functioncall utility 0 1125 The textobject plugin to select a region that calls function.
vim-quick-radon ftplugin 0 457 vim-quick-radon is a Vim plugin that applies radon to your current file.
vim-ranger ftplugin 26 2416 A vim plugin which uses ranger as explorer
vim-snoopy utility 4 696 snoop around the script-local things
love-launch utility 15 1689 Run LOVE
Vinfo utility 1 723 Read Info documentation files
codeforces.vim utility 16 1322 Vim plugin for CodeForces
RedirCommands utility 0 488 plugin for redirecting command output
EnhancedDiff utility 11 2204 A Vim plugin for creating better diffs (sometimes)
SpecialLocationComplete utility 0 1086 Insert mode completion for special custom patterns.
WholeLineColor utility 9 588 plugin for changing background color of lines
AppendToClip utility 13 489 plugin for appending to the default register
vim-stardict utility 12 3657 Looking up meaning of words inside Vim using SDCV dictionary
vim-consul utility 1 498 basic vim/consul integration
vim-fixprotocol utility 9 773 parse a FIX protocol message into xml
vim-webdevicons utility 383 7647 Adds file type glyphs/icons to popular Vim plugins: NERDTree, vim-airline, Power
sonicpi.vim syntax 18 553 Syntax highlighting and autocomplete for Sonic Pi / Ruby files
Perfect Dark color scheme 167 6468 Dark & cold color scheme inspired by gedit
glsl_es_100.vim syntax 0 455 Syntax file for GLSL ES 100
pl65.vim syntax 0 519 Syntax file for Noahsoft's PL65 for Atari 8-bit computers
delview utility 12 744 'delview' command to delete mkview/loadview files
vim-hackernews utility 67 1588 Browse Hacker News in Vim
vim-conda utility 0 713 Conda environment manager
Indentwise utility 1 572 Indent-level based motion
h2cppx utility 1 783 parse the c++ header file and generate c++ implement code
FastFold utility 28 3501 Speed up Vim by updating folds only when called-for
haystack.vim utility 0 1008 Fuzzy matching algorithm
vital-snoop.vim utility -1 667 Snoop script-local functions
enabler utility 6 1331 Load plugins/bundles as needed
vim-cursorword utility 20 2386 Underlines the word under the cursor
vim-stay utility 11 1829 Make Vim persist editing state without fuss
cscope_dynamic utility 22 1049 quick automatic dynamic cscope updates
vim-less syntax 1 545 LESS css syntax updated to v2.3.0 - 2015
Space Ident Highlighter ftplugin -1 571 Plugin to mark vertically identation made by spaces
codekit.vim utility 0 471 CodeKit 2 support for Vim
partial utility 5 517 Easily extract partials from your code
readdir utility 7 597 A very minimal directory browser
screensaver.vim utility 12 832 Screensavers for Vim
perline-diff.vim utility 6 1369 this line, that line, then diff comes up
vim-lastplace utility 82 4090 Intelligently reopen files where you left off.
vim-fetch utility 16 2585 Make Vim handle line and column numbers in file names with a minimum of fuss
vim-pandoc-bundle ftplugin 10 817 pandoc markdown support for vim + utilities
DidYouMean utility 13 786 Ask for the right file to open
Boston ftplugin 6 533 a key mapping plugin for commonly used coding shortcuts
Falmouth color scheme 1 1714 Falmouth is a pastel color scheme that is easy on the eyes.
yowish color scheme 26 3303 A yellowish dark colorscheme
vital-string-interpolation utility 5 694 String interpolation library for vim
Vim SQL Workbench utility 75 10621 Provides sql access from vim to any DBMS
MacDict utility 0 464 Search your system dictionary from within Vim
Darcula Color Scheme color scheme 34 2204 Dark color scheme that is easy on the eyes
permut.vim utility 0 858 Plugin for swapping text columns separated by arbitrary character.
vim-abaqus ftplugin 22 1248 VIM filetype plugin for Abaqus
tex-syntax syntax 47 1616 Vim TeX syntax file
cf5-compile.vim utility 1 515 Compile files right from vim.
grimoire.vim utility 1 427 Access Clojure Grimoire documentation from Vim
EntryComplete utility 0 1465 Insert mode completion based on lines in designated files or buffers.
vim-nose utility 6 486 Plugin wrapping nosetests command to be executed inside Vim
Spacegray.vim color scheme 82 4194 An elegant dark colorscheme for Vim
vim-tab utility 13 634 plugin that maintain each tab different working directory
Vim-Swoop utility 31 2287 Grep and replace easily in multiple files being context aware !
vim-terraform utility 5 1632 basic vim/terraform integration
vim-packer utility 0 433 basic vim/packer integration
Escape Search utility 14 636 escape special characters in your search expressions
filestyle utility 1 3537 filestyle is a Vim plugin that highlights unwanted whitespace and characters.
FileSync utility 0 1192 FileSync offers file synchronization functionality.
Casetrate utility 0 899 Modify the case of identifiers
argwrap.vim utility 5 1968 Wrap and unwrap function arguments, lists and dictionaries in Vim
yoda.vim ftplugin 0 608 A VIM plug-in for completion using Clang.
jspc.vim ftplugin 0 681 JavaScript Parameter Complete
vim-asterisk utility 4 2271 *-improved
emoji_complete utility 4 586 A plug-in for insert completion of emoji.
buftabline utility 54 1363 Use the tabline to render buffer tabs
css-color utility 171 1557 Preview colours in source code while editing
vim-www utility 1 2464 Toolbox to open & search URLs from vim
atom-dark color scheme 19 2753 Dark theme inspired by Atom's default dark theme
rengbang utility 9 578 sequencial numbering with pattern
shot-f utility 6 484 highlights the characters where the cursor can move directly (by f,F,t,T)
directionalWindowResizer utility 7 667 Adjust window size with Ctrl +jklh
numbers.vim utility 1 596 plugin for intelligently toggling line numbers.
ab-prefix ftplugin 9 713 Conditionally expand abbreviations on a matching prefix.
RootIgnore utility 0 1141 Set 'wildignore' from git repo root
VIntSearch utility 0 3378 "One should be able to jump between all kinds of search results".
ReplaceWithSameIndentRegister utility 7 1161 Replace lines with the contents of a register, keeping the original indent.
miv.vim ftplugin -2 589 markdown in vim
vimdir.vim utility 9 716 Manage files and directories in vim
ShowWhiteSpace ftplugin 1 1380 Display WhiteSpace
vim-xblogger ftplugin 6 670 A set of Vim-files for publishing posts to Blogger or WordPress
Sweater color scheme 198 1973 Light color scheme for Vim.
verilog.vim indent 36 3745 Automated indentation for Verilog and SystemVerilog
vi-clone.vim color scheme 53 1299 Elvis-like syntax highlighting.
incsearch.vim utility 85 4433 Improved incremental searching for Vim
Vim SELinux suite ftplugin 0 616 A collection of vim scripts to help you write SELinux policy modules.
vim-chip8 syntax 6 878 Syntax highlighting and indentation rules for Chip8 assembly.
whitespace syntax highlight syntax 83 1112 whitespace syntax highlight
Dragon Curve game 3 807 Draws the Dragon Curve - purely recreational
Maven Compiler ftplugin 5 1201 VIM compiler setup for Java with Maven
ctrlp-hibuff utility 11 1176 A better buffer explorer for CtrlP
lua_indent indent 0 610 best lua indent plugin
splunk.vim syntax 10 900 Syntax file for Splunk Search Language
vim-shellutils utility 3 531 Provides shell-like commands in Vim
ftcolor.vim utility 5 878 Switches colorschemes according to the file type.
Open Plugin Page utility 1 479 A script for quick opening plugin page on Github
cascadia.vim color scheme 21 1888 Color scheme representing the beauty of the Cascadia Bioregion.
vim-sjson syntax 10 716 Syntax highlighting for Bitsquid JSON files.
vim-geeknote syntax 13 2022 Geeknote/Evernote VIM Integration
vim-line-jump utility 0 642 easier way to jump lines in Tagbar and NERDTree
cobalt color scheme 56 3343 A dark blue color theme that works in both GUI and 256 color terminals.
vim-lamdify syntax 14 1444 Conceals lambdas as lambda characters in various languages
VIM PHP Refactoring Toolbox utility 34 1599 Easily refactor your PHP Code
oengsimple.vim utility 15 753 simplified keymap for Old English (Anglo Saxon)
vullScreen utility 14 1448 Full-screen mode for Vim on GNU/Linux
rogue.vim game 49 1240 Porting of Rogue-clone II for Vim
autocdls utility 1 503 Automatically shell-like ls after ':cd' in Vim
C64.vim color scheme 6 1643 A scheme using the 16 Commodore 64 colors
vim-nerdtree_plugin_open utility 6 612 Open files independent from vim (NERD tree extension)
autotype.vim utility 9 1267 Yes, Vim will work for you.
Vim Markdown Preview utility 53 1642 A Vim plugin for previewing markdown files in a browser.
autorepeat.vim utility 8 817 Repeat the normal mode command automatically.
json-formatter.vim ftplugin 3 1053 A Vim plugin for formatting saved JSON file.
256_darkdot color scheme 3 1244 DarkDot color scheme for 256 color terminals
a indent utility 11 600 a_indent helps you to select/move in different code block
phpmanual ftplugin 1 883 PHP manual for vim, update to PHP5.5
Vim-EPUB ftplugin 21 2608 Plugin for EPUB ebooks' edition
Session-Viminfo-Management utility 0 752 The plug-in improves upon Vim's built-in :mksession and :wviminfo commands.
vim-rubygems utility -1 618 The plugin provides ability to work with rubygems.org inside Vim
Dutyl ftplugin 34 4349 Coordinate D tools to work together for you
vim-autoprefixer utility 13 831 Adds CSS autoprefixer support to Vim.
logstash.vim syntax 65 2576 logstash.vim highlights configuration files for logstash (see http://logstash.ne
clickable.vim utility 9 1455 make things clickable
InstantRst utility 0 750 Preview rst document instantly.
doctest.vim utility 0 716   DocTest in vim
SearchInRange utility 1 1367 Limit search to range when jumping to the next search result.
AdvancedDiffOptions utility 17 1444 Additional diff options and commands to manage them.
vCoolor utility 29 2933 A Simple color selector/picker plugin
cloudboard.vim utility 0 1041 A cloud-based clipboard, copy text on a machine, paste it on another
vim-root syntax 11 932 Basic syntax highlighting for the ROOT Data Analysis Framework
elm.vim ftplugin 14 573 Plugin for the Elm programming language
a_pair utility 40 677 combine {}, [], () into one text object :
srec.vim syntax 13 645 Colorizes SREC (Motorola S-Record) files
projectionist.vim utility 16 2029 Granular project configuration
SpellLangIdentifier utility 13 1464 Automatically identify buffer's language and set the spell lang
vim-simple-session utility 0 583 Super simple sessions
glowshi-ft.vim utility 5 612 Improve movement of f/t with glow shift.
filemaker.vim ftplugin 3 645 FileMaker calculation syntax highlighting and snippets
PHPSyntaxCheck ftplugin 92 4587 PHP语法检查
Clighter utility 28 2015 Plugin to improve c-family development environment based on Clang
Buddy Challenge game 0 2914 Teases you on things you are unsure of
elevator utility 0 1320 Scrollbar for VIM
quick-file ftplugin 136 1538 to quickly jump to file in current or sub directory
Improved AnsiEsc syntax 26 5567 Improved AnsiEsc.vim : ansi escape sequences highlighted and concealed
fireplace.vim utility 313 3146 Clojure REPL support
textobj-delimited utility 2 1532 The textobject plugin to do well with each delimited part of a string.
vim-gista utility 0 2956 An alternative gist.vim, vim plugin which manipulate gists in Vim
unite-linephrase utility 0 917 A unite source for set phrases
YAJS: Yet Another JavaScript Syntax syntax 22 4741 Yet Another JavaScript Syntax file for Vim
erlang-motions.vim ftplugin 0 568 Motions and text objects for erlang
vim-fanfou utility 0 775 Fanfou client for VIM
SwapText utility 13 1536 Mappings to exchange text with the previously deleted text.
rdark-terminal2.vim color scheme 13 2252 Modified rdark-terminal color scheme to enhance visibility for Dark Pastels
Fist of Vim utility 9 1735 Super simple and awesome gist support for vim
AutoCWD.vim utility 0 1967 Automatically updates vim's CWD depending on the current file path
Nefertiti color scheme 21 903 Dark-background Vim Color Scheme with Dynamic Brightness Control (GUI-only)
arnoldc.vim syntax 65 635 Syntax highlighting for ArnoldC language
OCamlJump ftplugin 0 748 Allow to jum between let and in keyword.
FileBeagle utility 0 886 A VINE-spired (Vim Is Not Emacs) file system explorer
SmartColumnColor utility 0 698 vim plugin for alert when we reach a defined numbers of characters in a line
Kerbal Space Program Syntax syntax 1 1053 Simple syntax highlighting for Kerbal Space Program saves and .craft files.
vimf90+ ftplugin 7 1220   A fortran-90+ plugin for easy editing
AdvancedSorters utility 36 2539 Sorting of certain areas or by special needs.
zeavim utility 14 2880 Execute the documentation browser Zeal from Vim
vimbed utility 5 879 A plugin for embedding vim
Merginal utility 6 4289 Fugitive extention to manage and merge Git branches
purpledrop color scheme 17 1978 dark purple backdrop nice for coding
dubs-green color scheme 0 1110 dubs-scheme gone green
dubs-red color scheme 4 922 A reddish version of the dubs scheme
caniuse.vim utility 1 522 Quickly search caniuse.com from vim
Lua Support 2 utility 27 2798 Lua IDE -- Insert code snippets, run and check the code and look up help
SearchRepeat utility 17 1976 Repeat the last type of search via n/N.
SearchSpecial utility 0 1465 Generic functions for special search modes.
Find in Files, feature like Notepad++ utility 0 657 "Find in Files and Directories" like Notepad++
Gtags And Man Proto (GAMP) utility 140 1539 Full function completion using Linux manual and GTags (not mandatory).
SemanticHL syntax 8 1323 Semantic highlighting for C/C++ (v1.0 20140521)
Switch c/c++ source and header files utility 3 1089 Switch current vim buffer between c++ header and cpp files
vim-ralf-syntax syntax 2 795 Syntax highlighting for Synopsys Register Abstraction Layer ralf files
vim-do-syntax syntax 6 569 Syntax highlighting for Mentor Graphics Questa Sim do files
Vebugger utility 65 2690 frontend for interactive shell debuggers
BufLine utility 4 845 This script will show your buffer list in the tabline.
TWstack utility 0 643 Smart commands for moving between tab pages and windows with history stacks.
cmake syntax 0 714 CMake syntax update
RubyJump utility 0 671 Vim plugin for ruby editing. Quick jump to method, class, module defenitions.
mrtg.vim syntax 0 704 Multi Router Traffic Grapher config file
Syntax for Clustal syntax 0 735 Highlighting for Clustal Alignment
lite-dfm utility 0 665 A plugin to remove distractions
diffchar.vim utility 318 11987 Highlight the exact differences, based on characters and words
vimtux utility 5 1307 Send commands from Vim to Tmux.
EightHeader utility 7 1639 Easily create custom headlines, foldtext, toc, etc.
unite-spell-suggest utility 4 2151 A spelling suggestion source for unite.vim
clang_pro.vim utility 21 5767 auto complete c/c++/java ,using global make a proj to find define and reference
Autosave utility 1 1319 Auto save new empty buffer to backup folder.
vim-clang utility 58 4667 Yet another C/C++ code completion plugin based on Clang
snare utility 1 627 Snippets Again, with Regular Expressions
FormatToWidth utility 25 943 Apply the gq command to the selected / count width.
autoswap.vim utility 33 1288 Switch to open editor window instead of asking what to do with swapfile
FindOccurrence utility 0 1245 Extended mappings for :isearch, :ilist and :ijump.
Simple TODO syntax 3 1094 A simple plugin that can use VIM as TODO
Spiffy Foldtext utility 1 831 easy foldtext via a format string, with added features
Tabv utility 1 1215 Easily open relevant groupings of files as a tab in Vim
otaku color scheme 20 1356 Inspired by Lucky Star
vim-lldb utility 13 1057 lldb debugger integration for vim
vim-onoff utility 25 1443 Turn Vim options on. Off.
heroku.vim utility 6 1223 Heroku toolbelt wrapper
repeatable-motions.vim utility 29 2097 Make most motions repeatable
ttfzoom utility 45 1351 For gvim, provide font zooming with Ctrl-MouseWheel like others
AlphaComplete utility 0 1138 Insert mode completion based on any sequence of alphabetic characters.
LineComplete utility 2 1066 Insert mode completion of entire lines based on looser matching.
nc.vim syntax 30 2041 Syntax highlighting for NC (G-Code) files
vim-sails utility 6 779 Vim navigation plugin for Sails framework. Heavily inspired by vim-rails.
visualHtml ftplugin 22 1529 script to preview in live html, php and css edition
angular.vim ftplugin 25 1425 Some niceties for the AngularJS framework
Peggi utility 0 515 A Parsing framework for Parsing Expression Grammar
apprentice.vim color scheme 49 4817 A dark low-contrast colorscheme.
avahi-syntax color scheme 1 998 VIM syntax highlighting for Avahi
github-issues.vim utility 0 678 Github Issues integration with Vim
VimCompletesMe utility 88 3067 Simple tab completion for Vim
vim-lsdyna ftplugin 51 1523 VIM filetype plugin for Ls-Dyna
Arrow Key Repurpose utility 0 868 A plugin for repurposing the arrow keys mostly for shifting lines of text around
cra.vim utility 5 582 yearly timesheet
VIDE utility 25 1795 Simple IDE interface for vim
cloneSimilar utility 0 878 Create a duplicate clone of the current buffer with a similar name.
clone utility 18 2180 Create a duplicate clone of the current buffer.
Pterosaur utility 6 2247 Makes firefox text-inputs use vim.
Markology utility 0 970 Mark Visualization, Navigation and Management
vim-bookmarks utility 52 3177 bookmark and annotate lines of code
vim-less syntax 47 3847 Less syntax highlighting
nomad utility 0 459 Keep your environment variables in sync with tmux
quickfix-reflector.vim utility 17 574 Change code right in the quickfix window
likelycomplete utility 0 2085 Collect & rank words for completion
svnj.vim utility 73 3761 vim svn plugin (subversion svn ) and browser
REPL plugin utility 9 1536 A plugin for handling a REPL interpreter in a scratch window
ConsultADict.vim utility 0 737 ConsultADict is plugin that provides easy way to consult a dictionary
FilePathConvert utility 0 1475 Convert filespec between absolute, relative, and URL formats.
ctrlp-py-matcher utility 38 1574 Fast matcher for CtrlP plugin written in python.
pipe2eval utility 0 519 simple REPL inside vim
wipeout utility 7 1039 Destroy all buffers that are not open in any tabs or windows.
patternjump utility 0 2649 Move cursor as you like.
columnmove utility 0 2537 Bring cursor vertically in similar ways as line-wise commands.
vim-autoflake ftplugin 0 853 vim-autoflake is a Vim plugin that applies autoflake to your current file.
Abridge utility 6 913 Vim code snippets creation made easy
magnum.vim utility 0 2490 Pure Vim script big integer library
TWcmd.vim utility 29 1753 wincmd-style tab / window moving commands.
industry.vim color scheme 136 3254 Standard industrial color scheme for Vim
LeaderF utility 76 2335 Quickly locate files, buffers, mrus, tags, ... in large project.
gnuplot syntax highlighting syntax 209 5247 syntax highlighting for gnuplot
a syntax 36 1067
Licenses utility 10 1700 Provides commands to add licenses at the top of the buffer
ExtractLinks utility 1 998 Replace inline links with unique references and a link table.
searchmatch utility -1 1240 Easy search highlight pinning in Vim with :match
wildfire.vim utility 5 765 Smart selection of the closest text object
fuckpep8 indent 26 978 Make life feasible in the presense of crazy space-hippies.
prop.vim color scheme 9 1171 Android system properties highlight
writable_search.vim utility 0 1350 Perform a grep and edit the results directly
c.vim syntax 17 1443 Highlight more syntax items of C program
jdaddy.vim utility 39 1610 JSON manipulation and pretty printing
hybris ImpEx syntax 71 1487 Providing syntax highlight for hybris ImpEx file
sql.snippets utility 1 3651 T-SQL snippets
VimMahewinHub indent 12 716 Interface for hub command.
better-whitespace utility 140 2986 A better whitespace highlighter for Vim
stdtabs indent 6 591 Indentation for some languages according to their most used style guidelines.
APL character picker utility 33 1480 A pop-up menu for inserting APL characters
CRDispatcher utility 20 1595 dispatch CR in the command line
scd.vim utility 0 1567 smart change of directory in Vim
vawa.vim utility 9 778 A plugin that will highlight all occurances of the php variable under the cursor
grin.vim utility -1 674   Vim plugin for 'grin', the Python port of 'ack'
vim-colors-pencil color scheme 17 3230 A light (and dark) color scheme inspired by iA Writer
Enchanted Vim utility 40 2960 persistent very magic option
blockit utility 0 889 a vim plugin to wrap lines in a block
phpspec.vim utility 0 692 phpspec compiler
TWMC: Tab/Win Move Commands utility 0 1730 Tab/Win Move Commands for vim.
Html Template ftplugin 13 1186 This plugin paste a base frame in your new html- or php-file.
poshcomplete-vim ftplugin 13 1676 Omni Completion for PowerShell
CopySel utility 0 1637 Extract arbitrary selections to workfile
InsertFromAround utility 1 1482 Insert mode mappings to fetch text or indent from surrounding lines.
JumpToVerticalOccurrence utility 7 1315 Like f{char}, but searching the same screen column, not line.
rename utility 0 913 Rename a buffer within Vim and on the disk. Supports relative path.
writepath utility 7 658 Open a buffer for writing without having to create the parent directories.
counterpoint.vim utility 21 2096 Easily navigate file counterparts.
vim-bemhtml syntax 6 700 Syntax for bemhtml template language
NERDTree Fetch utility 9 1772 NERDTree plugin to pull a file from the internet in the current node
microViche utility 35 5174 pan and zoom through the archive!
vimcaps utility 138 2367 Toggle off capslock when back to normal mode.
vim-clojure-highlight utility 0 626   Extend builtin syntax highlighting to referred and aliased vars in Clojure buf
vader.vim utility 5 1970 A simple Vimscript test framework
vim-airline-todo ftplugin 4 822 TODO list plugin
excel.vim utility 20 1551 A simple vim plugin for displaying texts of an excel file.
cs class split utility 0 675 cs class split
vim-plug utility 426 11823 Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager
vim-gitgutter utility 31 1413 Shows a git diff summary in the sign column and stages/reverts individual hunks.
arnaudmix2 Color Scheme color scheme 1 1275 A dark color scheme vim and gvim.
Elda color scheme 102 3779 Dark 256-color scheme
vim-pencil utility 8 1602 Rethinking Vim as a tool for writers
RadicalGoodSpeed.vim color scheme 11 1847 Dark colorscheme,  for web front end.
potion-support utility 0 634 potion-support
Iceberg color scheme 430 4355 A dark blue color scheme with calm color palette
select & search utility 20 1414 select text in v mode, then press n to search next one (N for prev one)
vizardry utility 13 1046 A pathogen-based plugin manager for lazy people
increment-activator utility 16 1133 Enhanced to allow increment the list that you have defined
publish_helper utility 1 6978 vim code highlights in pandoc documents (HTML and TeX)
choowsewin.vim utility 40 2938 land to window you choose like tmux's 'display-pane'.
vim-howdoi utility 27 540 Howdoi VIM Plugin
candyVirus.vim color scheme 36 2865 An elegant dark 256 colors colorscheme for cterm
vim-sexp utility 20 582 Precision Editing for S-expressions
vim-textobj-quote utility 10 3029 Extending Vim to better support typographic (curly) quote characters
LEF_DEF_syntax syntax 19 960 Design/Library Exchange Formats syntax files
vim-sneak utility 148 1488 motion improved
auto-pairs-gentle utility 16 757 Gentle version of Auto Pairs plugin: Insert or delete brackets, parens in pair
Accurev diff tool utility 4 677 Tool to view the changes that you make in accurev workspace
vim-systemverilog ftplugin 9 1427 system verilog indent, syntax, and ftdetect
MultiWordComplete utility 0 1179 Insert mode completion that completes a sequence of words based on anchors.
InnerFragmentComplete utility 0 1392 Insert mode completion based on fragments inside words.
ft-cmake ftplugin 30 591 dict and snippet for cmake files (e.g. CMakeLists.txt)
vim-javacompleteex ftplugin 9 814 better java omni-completion.
vim-skuld utility 3 1686 A pomodoro timer that runs inside Vim.
Investigate.vim utility 13 731 A plugin for viewing documentation
Include Fixer for C/C++ utility 1 613 Categorizes and Alphabetizes C/C++ #include directives
swamplight color scheme 13 1425 light color scheme, GUI and 256
CtrlP-SmartTabs utility 6 2834 Vim CtrlP plugin to switch between opened tabs
vim-nfo ftplugin 0 670 ftplugin for .nfo files
ExtractMatches utility 14 3732 Yank matches from range into a register.
AddCppClass_Plus ftplugin 13 663 this plugin is to help you add a c++ class conveniently
easydir.vim utility 134 1611 An easy way to create directories and files at the same time!
netgrep utility 0 603 vim plugin for grepping and finding on a remote server
SwissCalc utility 25 659 A powerful interactive calculator for geeks
gsl.vim syntax -1 727 Resaltador de sintaxis para GNU SL
Vim-CtrlSpace utility 125 1976 Vim Workspace Controller
Vim-Kompleter utility 13 624 A smart, fast, simple, and reliable keyword completion replacement for Vim
vim-svngutter utility 0 756 A plugin to put SVN diff info into the gutter
update-time utility 20 1377 Automatic update Last Change time as you like!
goyo.vim utility 99 4777 Distraction-free writing in Vim
npm.vim utility 5 1877 Run NPM commands in Vim.
v2ex utility -5 820 v2ex for vim.
RPN utility 0 1113 Vim RPN calculator
bashizzle.vim utility 9 1754 deadsimple snippet/templating using bash
vim-slamhound ftplugin 0 658 Slamhound integration for vim.
QFEnter utility 68 4579 Open a Quickfix item in a window you choose
repeatableMapping utility 0 2006 Set up mappings that can be repeated via repeat.vim.
Projx utility 5 1554 Light weight project explorer
tex-breqn.vim syntax 0 759 LaTeX breqn package syntax highlighting support
p4checkout utility 5 1401 Automatically check out RO files from Perforce on edit
grishin-color-scheme color scheme 9 1270 A koehler-similar scheme
marslo.vim color scheme 111 3905 A dark-background color scheme made by Marslo
maven3.1.1 errorformat utility 10 1721 errorformat for maven-compiler-plugin(2.5.1), maven-javadoc-plugin(2.10.1)
noerrmsg.vim utility 17 1270 Hides the ErrorMsg while in insert mode
airlineish color scheme 28 1794 Custom theme for vim-airline (works perfect with dark background / UI)
natbib.vim syntax 5 1147 Syntax support for the LaTeX package natbib
tabwins.vim utility 23 3092 1 command for custom window structures that persist
sovim ftplugin 0 608 Goes up on directory structures and autosources Vimscript file.
axiom.vim syntax 0 2302 Syntax files for Axiom computer algebra system files
NERV-ous color scheme 87 3314 Evangelion-inspired dark colorscheme
cppnav utility 39 2756 C/C++ File navigation - using omnicppcomplete
vim-sunflower utility 0 723 Switch colorscheme depending on whether it is day or night.
HowMuch utility 28 1002 A Vim calculator for visual selections
vim-gnote utility 37 1037 keep your note in your gmail special box
minimal_gdb utility 5 713 lightweight vim->gdb broker. set and auto export breakpoints to gdb
Cosco utility 36 1427 Colon and semicolon insertion bliss
SlateDark color scheme 24 2493 Dark vim color scheme inspired by Slate.
vim-airline-tomato utility 21 747 Pomodoro Technique
launchassociated.vim utility 0 1065 Launches current file with the associated program.
mlessnau_block_shift utility 1 1032 Line-wise up/down shift of selected blocks
OpenURL utility 9 1163 Opens links found on the current line; can also send emails (with mailto://)
macvim-transparency utility 0 998 change macvim transparency easily
ruby-xmpfilter utility 6 942 xmpfilter.txt Helper for ruby's xmpfilter or seeing_is_believing
human.vim ftplugin -1 911 Vim plugin to enhance the writing of human readable formats, such as Markdown.
vim-gains-nrepl utility 0 900 Simple vim plugin for dealing with nrepl
JavaScript Context Coloring ftplugin 20 3648 JavaScript plugin to highlight scope regions
felipec color scheme 17 2033 FelipeC's colorscheme
tocterm2 utility 0 900 This script converts the guifg/guibg parameters of a colorscheme to cterm.
unkiwii color scheme color scheme 13 1956 a dark high contrast theme
unbundle.vim utility 7 1059 A filetype lazy, disjoint folder Vim script loader!
systemverilog.vim indent 486 15475 Indent & syntax script for Verilog and SystemVerilog
columcille.vim utility 0 744 split window management
TextFormComplete utility 2 1536 Convert textual options into completion candidates.
vim-toplevel utility 6 691 Quickly change to a root directory.
extline utility 2 870 Plugin for extending lines (e.g., underlined titles)
vim-isort utility 22 2103 sort python imports using the isort lib
ctrlp-cmdpalette utility 1 733 ctrlp extension to search and execute vim commands
navigate-softtab utility 7 1546 simulates tab cursor movement over leading space in normal mode
accordion utility 1 763 A window manager for people who love vsplits
united-front utility 16 613 Autoshare yank registers across vim instances.
Sol color scheme 4 1178 Simple colorscheme created for fun and day usage
Integrake utility 1 2472 Abuse Rake to do project chores around Vim
cmake.vim utility 6 2732 Incorporates CMake support to Vim.
pastek.vim syntax 6 1067 Syntax for Pastek files
VerticalHelp utility 0 1297 Launch help in vertical window for wide-screen displays
Tags Updater utility 9 1159 Simple tags automatic updater
stringliteral ftplugin 0 671 C++ multi-line string literals from common text
Extended-FT utility 9 891 Extended functionality for 'f' and 't' commands
vim-emoji utility 2 1148 Emoji in Vim
Ultimate Test Utility utility 38 1206 A straightforward, fully documented unit testing utility.
fontdetect utility 11 1910 Detect installed fonts
DuplicateWrite utility 1 1964 Cascade the writing of a file to another location.
vim-polyglot syntax 68 2828 A collection of language packs for Vim.
vim-django-i18n ftplugin 0 814 transform text to django i18n format
Yankitute utility 6 1605 Regex powered yank+substitute
SuperSub utility 5 861 Enhanced Substitute Command
svnim utility 0 772 svn plugin
files.vim utility 7 1623 List files for partial search using 'ls' command
Hardcore Mode utility 16 1400 A mode that helps get rid of the habit of using evil cursor keys, mouse, and GUI
KillBrackets utility 27 1398 Removes matching brackets/parens. Very handy in LISP/Scheme
reco utility 74 1038 backup and recovery solution for Vim
FindYamlKey utility 1 816 Search for nested keys in a YAML document
tweetvim-advanced-filter utility 0 884 A high-configurable timeline filter for TweetVim.
unite-n3337 utility 0 1014 A vim plugin for unite.vim to look in N3337 quickly.
open-pdf.vim utility 9 1312 Convert pdf file to plain text, cache it and open it quickly in vim using pdftot
clever-f.vim utility 22 2907 Extended f/F/t/T mappings for more convenience.
excess-lines utility 0 792 Highlight surplus characters of long lines
AtelierDune color scheme 5 1307 Part of a set of colorschemes that come with a light and dark background
vim-vsnumber utility 1 804 vim script to make the number sort in selection area
surfer.vim utility 0 987 Code navigation built upon Ctags
tex-fold ftplugin 6 2055 Easy TeX folding
mlp.vim color scheme 57 1524 My Little Pony-Inspired Color Scheme
libxml2 syntax 0 1023 syntax for libxml2
webkitgtk syntax 1 988 syntax for webkitgtk-3.0
nextfile.vim utility 24 2615 Vim plugin to open related files by key(i.e. \n or any)
perl-nextmethod utility 0 802 ]m, ]M, [m, [M next/previous perl method motions
liquidfold.vim syntax 1 1693 liquidfold.vim provides Vim syntax folding for Liquid templates. It supports any
0x7A69_dark.vim color scheme -1 1772 0x7A69
WSearch utility -1 678 Web Search Plugin
fixkey utility 75 5532 Use non-ASCII keys in console Vim
desertink.vim color scheme 6 2519 Colorscheme based on desert
movealong.vim utility -2 966 Context-aware motion commands
oops_trace.vim patch 5 1532 oops_trace.vim - Use tag-style lookups on Linux kernel oops backtraces.
vim-kitchen utility 0 722 initial version
simple_highlighting utility 72 3322 Easily highlight multiple words in all buffers and search through them
move utility 73 3106 Move lines and selected text up and down
Crunch utility 30 1383 An easier way to perform calculations inside Vim
logpad-plus-duration utility 0 700 Emulate Windows Notepad logging feature, and log duration of each entry
EasyClip utility 69 2472 Simplified clipboard functionality for Vim
playroom color scheme 13 1562 A light colorscheme based on the FlatUI palette
jshint2.vim utility 5 822 Lightweight, customizable and functional Vim plugin for JSHint integration.
Pretty Args utility 4 2244 Pretty print for :args command
Visual Studio color scheme 138 5252 A color scheme that tries to imitate Visual Studio 2010.
Vim-Ultimate-Colorscheme-Utility utility 156 2708 Utility for managing multiple favorite colorschemes and fonts.
neat.vim utility 0 1036 A simple VIM plugin to help you pretty print your data.
unstack utility 1 1060 Open files from stack traces in vsplits
better-header utility 6 1131 add file header automatically and intelligently
Vertigo utility 8 817 A better way to move vertically.
node utility 116 6345 Tools to make Vim superb for developing with Node.js. Like Rails.vim for Node.
ctrlp-tjump utility 23 1733 CtrlP extension for fuzzy-search in tag matches (tjump/tselect replacement)
nerdtree-execute utility 33 1183 Execute OS file/dir handler from NERDTree
locate.vim utility 164 2181 lvimgrep search enhanced
android.vim utility 0 941 Initial release
bluecloud color scheme 26 2670 A blue/gray theme with a colorful palette.
TurboMark utility 19 1119 Mark and find lines in your open buffers on steroids
monokai color scheme 160 9988 Monokai colorscheme, originally ported to vim by Damien Gombault
vim-berks utility 0 708 basic vim/berks integration
ctrlp-ssh utility 3 1584 Open new SSH connections via ctrlp.vim interface
bbye utility 99 2539 Delete buffers & close files without closing or messing up windows. Like Bclose.
terra.vim syntax 17 916 Unofficial syntax highlighting for Terra (terralang.org)
sprunge.vim utility 9 2094 A pastebin vim plugin for http://sprunge.us/
vim-airline utility 671 12240 lean & mean statusline that's light as air
plum.vim color scheme 3 1685 Light and dark colorscheme
buildmenu utility 3 1166 Plugin for managing a list of build targets (so far only with Waf)
BidiComplete utility 5 2007 Insert mode completion that considers text before AND AFTER the cursor.
wabisabi color scheme -1 1027 wabisabi.vim is a colorscheme of Gvim
vim-addon-errorformats utility 0 1121 error formats for Vim
hsftp utility 5 778 Upload and download files through sftp
AutoAdapt utility 9 1875 Automatically adapt timestamps, copyright notices, etc.
presenting.vim utility 7 877 A simple tool for presenting slides in vim based on text files.
NPM utility 4 942 Using Node Package Manager in Vim
cottidie.vim utility 1 1350 Your quotidian Vim tip in 78 characters
conflictslides utility 0 732 Exchange or assemble conflict content
proguard.vim syntax 9 1066 Syntax highlighting for ProGuard configuration files
yet-another-vim-buffer-list utility 13 1274 https://github.com/jebberjeb/yet-another-buffer-list
ecostation color scheme 25 1448 Smooth natural colors on dark background. Put some jungle in your Vim.
sexy_scroller.vim utility 20 1878 Smooth animation of the cursor and the page whenever they move, with easing.
vroom-syntax.vim syntax 0 1004 Syntax for  Vroom-pm
git_shade.vim utility 7 1062 Colors lines in different intensities according to their age in git's history
mlessnau_dark color scheme 6 1594 dark 256 color scheme inspired by railscasts
mlessnau_bisectional_movement utility 0 1035 Allows horizontal movement in a bisectional fashion (command mode only)
mlessnau_case utility -1 1780 "in-case" selection, deletion and substitution for underscore, camel, mixed case
accelerated-smooth-scroll utility 34 1990 Scrolling in Vim with smooth animation and acceleration behavior
vim-wakatime utility 6 1151 Fully automatic time tracking for Vim
newnoise.vim color scheme 3 1825 Black and red, low contrast scheme
symfind utility 25 1858 find symbol or file in your project
TempKeyword utility 12 1217 Highlight keyword temporarily.
vim-github-dashboard utility 5 3224 Browse GitHub events in Vim
NumUtils utility 6 1055 calculator with regex support
robo utility 0 751 A vim plugin for Android development.
tjs.vim syntax 5 779 syntax file for kirikiri2 tjs script
vim-github-comment utility 14 2159 Comment on GitHub straight from within Vim.
vim-addon-errorformats utility 0 1030 error-formats only
LGS utility -1 776 Laravel 4 Generators interface.
bats.vim syntax 15 1004 Syntax highlighting for Bats - Bash Automated Testing System
auto tags gen utility 21 2589 Plugin for creating tags automatically (C/C++)
tex.vim syntax 8 2346 Every symbol defined by the unicode-math package
cisco.vim syntax 100 5559 Script to highlight cisco configuration files
muzzl.vim color scheme 6 1365 Tango colors with a torte scheme
wir_black color scheme 0 1071 heavily modified ir_black theme for 255 terminals
Luna color scheme 22 1544 Simple colorscheme created for fun and night usage
K.vim utility 0 1394 let you quickly run external command, and show the result in a scratch window.
kink.vim ftplugin 0 3035 Vim Plugin for Kink Programming Language
vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight syntax 235 8675 Improved C++ syntax highlight
shootingstar utility 1 1457 Like the magic * but start matching at the cursor position
thumbnail.vim utility 19 3805 A thumbnail-style buffer selector for Vim
vim-autopep8 ftplugin 82 5524 vim-autopep8 is a Vim plugin that runs the currently open file through autopep8.
vim-origami utility 84 961 A script to align, insert and delete foldmarkers conveniently
aPen color scheme 21 1669 like the Brackets
racoon.vim syntax 0 834 racoon config syntax
vim-c-cr ftplugin 1 739 Finish braces, brackets and parentheses with ctrl+enter in gvim
Psearch patch 84 843 Vim plugin for parallel searching the pattern string
darknight256.vim color scheme 13 2599 Just another dark color scheme
autoscroll.vim utility 2 1322 Automatically scrolls the window slowly so you can read a file hands-free
move_until_char_changes.vim utility 1 1120 Moves up or down the file until a different character appears under the cursor
seoul256.vim color scheme 110 8560 A low-contrast Vim color scheme based on Seoul Colors
Balsa-vim syntax 0 662 Balsa syntax and indent descriptions.
Emacs Org-protocol utility 11 776 Emacs Org-mode protocol
PatternsOnText utility 50 5155 Advanced commands to apply regular expressions.
grails-conque utility 24 2850 Run grails shell and unit/integration tests inside vim
Sprunge Paste Upload utility 39 972 Loading your code quickly on Sprunge
videm utility 153 10511 Vim's IDE Mode
rainbow_csv.vim syntax 45 2342 Highlight columns in csv/tsv files and run SELECT queries in SQL-like language
vim-misc utility 45 32331 Miscellaneous auto-load Vim scripts
verilog_auto_testbench utility 220 3833 auto generate testbench and component instance current design unit
vim-bufferline utility 9 2054 super simple vim plugin to show the list of buffers in the command bar
header-info utility -2 971 update your file header comments
fishruler utility 0 876 Fish text ruler
ctrlp-funky utility 97 5936 A super simple function navigator for ctrlp.vim
winresizer.vim utility 167 1661 very simple vim plugin for easy resizing of your vim windows
localcomplete utility 6 1295 Search the current buffer for completions
newt.vim syntax 4 749 NewtonScript syntax highlighting
vim-online-thesaurus utility 57 5967 A Vim plugin for looking up words in an online thesaurus
vim-neatstatus utility 31 1546 Simple and neat status line that looks good and works well.
vim-colorscheme-switcher utility 48 7295 Easily & quickly switch between color schemes
vim-bgimg utility 56 1547 Background Image for Windows GVim
mix.vim utility 9 604 Plugin for using Elixir's build tool, mix
DevLife game 1 947 A very basic text game. Sort of RPG.
Conque GDB utility 578 13839 GDB command line interface and terminal emulator in (G)Vim.
vim-identifier-movement ftplugin 0 1835 smartly move through program language identifier
vim-niji utility 1 2524 Yet another rainbow parentheses plugin.
keepcomment.vim ftplugin 12 1636 Simple comment easy to keep coding
throughpairs ftplugin 6 1496   spread or shrink the space of parenthesis symmetrically & smart traverse paren
linepower.vim utility 0 741 local themes for powerline
linepower.vim utility 23 2639 local themes for powerline
prev_indent utility 0 2465 Utility functions for custom indentation of line under cursor
dummy test spam script uploaded by maint color scheme -2 1054 xx
dummy test spam script uploaded by maint color scheme -2 1012 xx
mystatusline patch 18 1334 a statusline style with RICH INFOMATION
rel-jump ftplugin 17 732 Turn up-down motions into jump-motions
textobj-comment utility 4 945 Text objects for comments
breeze.vim utility 5 1389 Html navigation like vim-easymotion
gitignore.vim utility 1 3191 Gitignore files support
w3af.vim syntax 9 2377 Syntax file for W3AF scripts
php annotations syntax syntax 1 1896 syntax highlighting for php annotations
rspec.vim syntax 0 727 Rspec syntax highlighting
esperanto utility 20 905 Plugin for typing in Esperanto
reprocessed.vim ftplugin 8 948 A plugin for working with the Processing programming language.
PreserveNoEOL utility 71 2376 Preserve missing EOL at the end of text files.
svn_line_history.vim utility 1 875 display svn blame (history) for selected line: commit number, message and diff
vim-vagrant utility 1 1860 basic vim/vagrant integration
ruby-syntaxchecker ftplugin 0 794 Ruby syntax checker, display error and warnings in a quickfix split
vterm utility 17 1660 A terminal emulator inside vim without extra dependencies
MPage utility 24 1306 Shows synchronized pages of a file in multiple windows
vim-startify utility 218 3546 A fancy start screen for Vim.
eval.vim utility -1 703 Evaluate line or region with ^C
ctrlp-z utility 0 690 fasd interface with ctrlp.vim
fenced-code-blocks utility -1 661 Edit fenced code blocks inside a GitHub Flavor Markdown in a better way
project.vim utility 0 2266 lcd to the root of the project everytime you BufEnter a file inside a project
bookmarks.vim utility -1 641 Global markers like bookmarks
vim-gitmodeline ftplugin 6 781 Store modelines in git config
keymap.vim syntax 0 925 Highligting for Linux console keyboard map files
nextval utility 44 3177 Inc-/decrement the current value (bool, int, numeric, hex) with one keystroke
vim-smartclose utility 0 805 Close Vim windows in a smart way!
Deprecated utility -2 887 Deprecated
milk.vim color scheme 24 2433 A light milky color scheme
TweetVim utility 13 884 twitter client
ploticus.vim syntax 0 746 Syntax file for Ploticus.
MakeDoxygenComment 2013 ftplugin 17 2012 Generate Doxygen Comment Skeleton
GoldenView.Vim utility 37 4148 Always have a nice view for vim split windows
modepar utility 0 597 Extended modelines to execute real Vim script when loading a file.
vim-emblem syntax 1 2411 Adds emblem support to vim.
vimongous utility 0 775 Query MongoDB from inside Vim
vim-xtcl-syntax syntax 0 882 Syntax highlighting for Xilinx Vivado TCL scripts
vim-latex-live-preview utility 50 1662 This plugin provides a live preview of the output PDF of your LaTeX file.
vim-multiple-cursors utility 114 2285 True Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim
VERun utility 13 795 Easily run/compile your files inside vim
vim-auto-save utility 380 8624 Automatically save changes to disk
vim-easy-align utility 519 12922 A powerful, yet easy-to-use Vim alignment plugin
specta.vim syntax 6 667 Syntax highlighting for Specta/Expecta
translator utility 5 1041 Translate words with web translation engines and show result in vim
templateX utility 6 2647 An advanced templating system
Join utility 41 1517 A more powerful line Join command in vim
tornadotmpl.vim syntax 36 1117 syntax highlight for Python's Tornado templates.
forest color scheme 32 1766 Light background color scheme with earthy colors.
haml instant ftplugin 0 784 haml to html instant preview inside vim
thwins utility 0 956 Keep Vim Displaying Three Windows
vim-ember-script syntax 0 934 Adds ember-script support to vim.
HLPSL patch 0 1163 HLPSL plugin for GVim
TLA+ patch -1 927 TLA+ plugin for Gvim
pytest-compiler utility 0 3300 compiler plugin for py.test
conflicts.vim syntax 6 1184 Syntax for *.conflicts files
textobj-latex ftplugin 0 774 Text objects for LaTeX code
autohide utility 37 1897 Set 'hidden' attribute on swap files and the like in Windows
dispatch.vim utility 471 5296 Asynchronous build and test dispatcher
vim-xkbswitch utility 393 12814 Automatic Keyboard Layout Switcher
eighties.vim utility 12 3354 Automatically resizes your windows
table-mode utility 48 1592 Table Mode for VIM for allowing blazing fast table creation on the fly.
rebtags utility 18 1136 Easy tags rebuilding on your project directory.
vim-expand-region utility 36 1119 Incremental visual selection
Code Upstairs ftplugin 5 1344 A plugin for browsing source code at functions level.
Git Support utility 16 2592 Inspect the state of a repository and execute Git commands without leaving Vim.
colorful-statusline utility 0 967 A colorful statusline for vim.
molokai_nancle color scheme 13 1750 Modify the VertSplit color of the original one
Brolink.vim utility 27 1315 Live browser editing for Vim
vim-rusmode utility 44 2005 Bind pressing russian key in normal mode to toggle layout and repeat same key.
mercury utility 5 789 execute any fragment of code directly from vim
venom utility -3 789 vim python interface extension
QFGrep.vim utility 36 1652 A plugin to filter Quickfix entries
last256 color scheme 3 1860 A dark vim color-scheme, based on vim-hybrid
tbone.vim utility 123 2363 tmux basics
vim-signify utility 67 5651 Advanced plugin for showing VCS diffs in the SignColumn
vim-rst-sections ftplugin 0 694 Plugin to work with sections in ReST
vim-git-log utility 5 847 View your git log interactively in Vim.  Side by side diffs!
AssistEnclose.vim ftplugin 12 4694 Assist manipulation on brackets, quotes
zarniwoop.vim color scheme 1 1820 A colourful, dark colour scheme for Vim.
vim-tmuxify utility 13 1919 Handling tmux panes like a boss.
joy utility 5 765 Tab becomes Esc, just like Bill Joy!
composer.vim utility -1 1482 Composer plugin for Vim
iwilldiffer.vim utility 4 690 Show git/hg/bzr add/mode/del signs in buffer
vim-run-live utility 0 1187 Run or Preview current buffer in highly configurable ways
vim-php-namespace ftplugin 5 829 imports php namespaces
vim-scroll-position utility 18 1439 Displays the relative position of the cursor on the left side of the screen
voogle utility 2 1755 search google from vim easily with any modern browser
interactive-replace utility 1 844 InteractiveReplace lets you choose replacement text for your search
ghcmod ftplugin 87 4964 Happy Haskell programming on Vim, powered by ghc-mod
obsession.vim utility 266 1836 Continuously updated session files
noctu.vim color scheme 43 2419 16-color terminal color scheme
hemisu.vim color scheme 4 1298 A color scheme with light and dark variants
vim-forrestgump utility 25 1140 Run code inline and on-the-fly in vim. Inspired by TextMate's ⌘R.
dubs-scheme color scheme 5 1918 a color scheme mainly for programming
vim-multiedit utility 30 4873 Multi-selection editing for vim, inspired by Sublime Text
vim-transmitty utility 3 650 Transmit.app integration for VIM (Mac only)
LineJugglerCommands utility 3 2016 Commands to duplicate and move around lines.
vim-tayra syntax 0 832 Syntax highlighting for tayra scripts.
vim-easy-submode utility 4 743 using vim-submode easily
ProportionalResize utility 1 1695 Adapt the window proportions after Vim is resized.
RelativeNumberCurrentWindow utility 12 1523 Only show relative numbers in the currently active window.
neosnippet utility 49 1467 The neo-snippet plugin contains the neocomplcache snippet completion
textobj-gitgutter utility 0 1070 text object for a gitgutter hunk
convert_case.vim utility 9 808 Convert Case
vgdb utility 110 3791 visual gdb in vim
rbenv.vim utility 18 1974 Minimal rbenv support
vim-vimlparser utility 6 2187 VimL parser
play.vim ftplugin 3 1289 Play! framework plugin for Vim
vim-javascript syntax 117 1904 New maintained version of vim-javascript
pry ftplugin 14 1194 Pry/Vim Integration
ag.vim utility 60 3180 Use ag, the_silver_searcher (better than ack, which is better than grep)
QuickFixCurrentNumber utility 19 1750 Locate the quickfix item at the cursor position.
Flake8-vim ftplugin 65 5504 Automatic syntax checker for Python, bundled with pep8, pyflakes and mccabe.
Dev_Delight color scheme 1417 3732 This Color-Scheme provides a very Elegant Display with Minimal Eye-Strain
rythm.vim ftplugin 2 1503 Rythm template engine plugin
redif.vim syntax 1 1182 Syntax highlighting for ReDIF format used by RePEc
psearch.vim utility 5 1818 Quick access to search results
tla.vim color scheme 23 1691 TLA+ specification language
Erroneous utility 6 2150 The right way to handle errors
ingo-library utility 167 15645 Vimscript library of common functions.
zoomwintab.vim utility 11 881 zoomwintab.vim is a simple zoom window plugin
tcd.vim utility 23 1317 Tab-specific directories
Vimogen utility 8 3001 Vim Plugin Manager for Pathogen
Mini Year Todo & Gantt Planner for VIM utility 12 867 Draw a todo list and its Gantt chart over the year
JavaScript Libraries Syntax syntax 29 4345 Syntax for popular JavasSript libs
gf-ext utility 0 651 Extend "gf" to support opening files in external programs
find-complete utility 8 963 Find files on path with file-name auto-complete functionality
phonzia color scheme 0 1233 A dark color scheme
usefold utility 0 552 indent based fold marker creation
fat-finger utility 13 821 Simple vim plugin for common misspellings and typos
msbuild.vba ftplugin 0 1505 Vim plugin for MSBuild project support
texlog.vim syntax 4 1054 Syntax highlighting and folding for TeX/LaTeX log files
Fold License utility -1 1166 A vim plugin to hide the annoyng license at the top of each file
sunny color scheme -1 1439 Color scheme for __terminal__ vim
Bck utility 9 675 Enhanced searching for Vim
holokai color scheme 5 2510 A slightly darker version of molokai
vim-seek utility 52 1352 Seek makes navigating long lines effortless, acting like f but taking two chars
AWK-Support utility 4 4272 AWK IDE -- Insert code snippets, run and check the code and look up help
GlobalOptions utility 1 1119 Turn global options into buffer- or window-local ones.
darkgit.vim color scheme 1 1545 dark theme inspired in github.vim colorscheme
cljfold.vim ftplugin 1 671 Automagic folding of λ clojure code based on 'foldwords'
metaweblog utility 0 1046 Submit your RST article in VIM  to Blog with metaweblog interface.
characterize.vim utility 32 2046 Unicode character metadata
Vimpanel utility 74 1718 A modern side panel for Vim
accelerated-jk utility 3 813 accelerate 'j' and 'k' moving
haskell.vim indent 25 1085 Another Haskell indent plugin.
lithochromatic color scheme 47 4657 A clarity oriented, consistent vim color theme.
LaTeX-Support utility 24 4243 LaTeX IDE -- Insert commands, run the typesetter and BibTeX and look up help
vim-line-numbers ftplugin 0 695 adds line-numbers & ruler to most edit files
togglecursor utility 37 2560 Changes cursor shape in supported terminals.
vim-darksea color scheme 6 869 A vim colorscheme
vim-sunshine color scheme 0 1195 A vim colorscheme
tube.vim utility 2 1051 Painless MacVim/Terminal interaction
(color scheme) Faded-White color scheme 1 975 A light color scheme that looks as though it's been through the wash.
(color scheme) Faded-Black color scheme -1 2024 A dark color scheme that looks as though it's been through the wash.
CF Utils syntax 20 1524 ColdFusion (CF) syntax highlighting and utilities for Vim
RocketJump utility 0 720 Jump to a visible line using alphabetic signs instead of line numbers
jk-jumps utility -1 1900 Handle movements with j/k as if they were real jumps
scriptease.vim utility 75 2174 A Vim plugin for Vim plugins
boshiamy input method keymap file utility 1 13344 This is the keymap file for Boshiamy chinese input method
boshiamy-cue.vim patch 0 3464 Utilities for learning Boshiamy input method in traditional Chinese on vim
sensible.vim utility 564 3945 Defaults everyone can agree on
ferm.vim syntax 6 1334 Syntax highlighting for ferm; "For Easy Rule Making", a frontend for iptables.
ljyat color scheme 3 1147 base on desert. author ljyat
CoqIDE utility 31 3438 Emulate Coq IDE in VIM
projectroot utility 1 686 Automatic guessing of projectroots
Smartgf utility 1 1752 'goto file' on steroids!
Bufstop utility 50 2444 Fast and efficient buffer switching for Vim
File Pirate utility -1 1367 A very fast file picker plug-in
configurationUtility.vim indent -1 908 Save and load configuration files in a dictionary format with sections and items
asm2d-vim syntax 1 2354 Vim plugin for the asm2d assembly language
RepeatLast.vim utility 28 4033 Provides [count]\. to repeat the last group of actions you performed.
basicXmlParser utility 0 1326 Create object trees and save them as xml, or create trees from xml files.
paren-crosshairs utility 0 634 Displays crosshairs on the cursor when moving over parens
smartpairs utility -2 768 Fantastic selections for Vim
vim-tags utility 13 1287 The Ctags generator for Vim
vim-maximizer utility 36 989 Maximizes and restores the current window in Vim.
sleuth.vim utility 392 3436 Heuristically set buffer options
pyflakes-nopython.vim ftplugin 0 1216 Pyflakes.vim for Vim installations without Python support.
sh.vim indent 78 10701 Indenting for Shell script
awk.vim indent 49 5244 Indenting for AWK script
Gentooish II color scheme -1 980 A modified version of Gentooish
visualMarks.vim utility 50 2731 Show file marks visually
linuxsty.vim indent 290 10628 Vim plugin to respect the Linux kernel coding style
vim-steam utility -2 764 Launch Steam games from Vim
RGSS Script Editor Plugin utility 139 15655 An RGSS Editor Plugin
mylocalrc utility 2 712 Fixed classical localrc
trans.vim utility 1 1882 Easier translation in vim
ExplainPattern utility 13 2117 Give detailed help on a given regexp pattern.
vim-bind syntax 10 1049 bindzone syntax highlight
incbool.vim utility 0 610 Toggle boolean values with C-a an C-x
vimExplorer utility 16 5997 File manager. Explore directories quickly and operate on files.
rsi.vim utility 95 1509 Readline style insertion
Tablify utility 40 4562 Plugin for making nice-loking tables from plain structured text
DistractFree color scheme 47 3262 An WriteRoom/DarkRoom/OmniWrite like plugin
Dscanner ftplugin 13 1017 Autocompletion for the D language.
reStructuredText ftplugin ftplugin 0 835 Navigation and section handling for reStructuredText
indentLine.vim utility 1507 10262 An indent guides plugin displaying thin vertical lines.
line_length.vim utility 4 844 Toggle hilighting of too long lines
tex_alt ftplugin 0 1578 Lightweight alternative support for TeX
whitespaste.vim utility 0 1873 Automatically adjust blank lines when pasting
Inferno sh syntax syntax 12 1603 OS Inferno shell syntax highlight
gruvbox color scheme 2181 5520 Retro groove color scheme for Vim
textobj-indblock utility 0 1870 Text objects for blocks of indentation whitespace
qfnotes utility 0 992 Use quickfix to annotate your files
Providex V6.0 Syntax files syntax 1 727 Providex .vim files Syntax, Indent, colorscheme and ftplugin
templator utility 7 1884 Multi-file project templates using skeleton/snippets engines
lua.vim indent 27 3607 better Lua indent file
mkfile syntax syntax 28 1521 mk (OS Inferno/Plan9 make tool) syntax highlight
Lucid color scheme 21 2628 PHP, HTML, Javscript, CSS
VimLogViewer utility 5 986 log viewer like edit++
vim-addon-commandline-completion utility 0 1002 provide nice selection of all <tab> completion choices in commandline
kolor color scheme 676 11836 Colorful and eye comfortable. With 256 color terminal support.
SameSyntaxMotion utility 10 1395 Motions to the borders of the same syntax highlighting.
vim-autoformat utility 133 3450 Autoformat your code
REPL utility 9 2106 Minimalistic REPL
star search utility 47 2849 star search
TimeKeeper utility 6 3165 Time Tracking Utility
termpot color scheme 7 1931 Balanced color scheme (xterm-256color)
weibo-vim utility -1 670 a plugin for Sina weibo
TabLineNumbers utility 13 770 Initial upload
adt.vim utility 104 5188 android development utility in VIM
pl1.vim syntax 23 1093 PL1 Syntax Highlighting (aka PL/1 or PL/I)
easel utility 0 912 your one-stop-shop for making color scheme development a breeze.
rst tables ftplugin 13 2355 rst tables makes editing reStructuredText tables easy. [CJK, Unicode]
colorpicker utility 4 776 A vim color picker plugin using gtk color chooser. Based on VIM-Color-Picker.
vimcat utility 507 11306 print syntax highlighted file to terminal
Change Syntax utility 2 752 Simple script for changing the current buffer's syntax language
vim-simple-todo utility 94 4494 Useful mappings for manage simple TODO lists
ChangeGloballySmartCase utility 3 1618 Change {motion} text and repeat as SmartCase substitution.
ChangeGlobally utility 9 2622 Change {motion} text and repeat the substitution.
SearchHighlighting utility 40 3515 Highlighting of searches via star, auto-highlighting.
ColorSchemePicker color scheme 58 2832 Pick the VIM colorscheme that you are destined to be with.
tranquil.vim syntax 1 716 syntax highlighting for tranquil
CommentFrame.vim utility 17 1194 Create comment frames or right-aligned lines.
KingTop color scheme 28 1827 A dark and peaceful color scheme for long night coding
webBrowser utility 62 4821 Use vim as a web browser
simpleSnip utility 12 3245 Simple snippets utility.
BufNameComplete utility 2 1212 Insert mode completion of filenames loaded in Vim.
mymarksbrowser utility 0 1243 Improved marksbrowser
doctest.vim syntax 5 855 Highlighting for python doctest files including ReST markup
vim-lesscss utility 23 1942 Update corresponding css files on the fly while edits less files
multichange.vim utility 0 1541 Edit a word and have the change propagate throughout the buffer
psettings utility 0 1044 Allows you to have per-project settings files for vim.
show-git-log utility 23 1352 A plugin simply shows a file's git log in a new tab/split window.
HiCursorWords utility 63 3753 Highlights words under the cursor.
green_light.vim color scheme 5 1513 my favorite colorscheme
textobj-motionmotion utility 0 993 Text objects for bounds of 2 motions
custom_dict utility 9 2743 custom dict complete plugin
tshell color scheme 13 1835 A dark gray color scheme for GUI and 256 color terminal.
vim-moncf syntax 0 755 Vim syntax highlightning for mon.cf
eunuch.vim utility 149 2940 Helpers for UNIX
Vim bookmark utility 149 3129 A bookmark plugin
vimside utility 39 6422 Vimside - Vim Scala Ide
detailed color scheme 46 3825 Show subtler color variations than those lazy palette-shifting schemes!
ViewPort utility 16 2599 Make a buffer from part of a file
smartgrep utility 0 789 Grep word in source file excluding comment
git log utility 5 6911 A Git Tree, Log and History Viewer and Diff Tool
STL Syntax syntax 118 10339 Improved C++17 STL syntax highlighting
py-coverage ftplugin -1 1742 Show python coverage results
last_edit_marker.vim utility 0 876 Keybind to quickly return to the last code you edited.
back_to_recent_buffer.vim utility 10 1045 Goes back to the previous buffer (rather than C-O previous position).
blinking_statusline.vim utility 0 1096 Briefly flash the status line of the focused window whenever you change window.
highlight_line_after_jump.vim utility 1 1017 Briefly highlights the cursor line whenever the cursor jumps vertically.
highlight_word_under_cursor.vim utility 1 1339 Temporary highlighting of all occurrences of the currently focused word.
navigation_enhancer.vim utility 5 996 When moving between windows, uses history not cursor position to select target.
toggle_maximize.vim utility 30 1846 Keybinds to temporarily maximize the current window, squashing the rest.
windows_remember_size.vim utility 13 2765 Expands the current window when focused to the size you last gave it.
ctrlp-modified.vim utility 0 732 Easily open locally modified files in your git-versioned projects.
breakindent_beta.vim utility 17 2074 Improves indentation of wrapped lines by updating showbreak for current line.
yars syntax 17 1456 Yet Another reStructuredText Syntax
bundler.vim utility 36 2547 Lightweight support for Ruby's Bundler
vim-cmake-project utility 36 3030 CMake project management in VIM
Makeshift utility 26 4762 Selects the right 'makeprg' for your build system
Sunset utility 8 3231 Automatically set background on local sunrise/sunset time.
SnippetCompleteSnipMate utility 0 1428 Integrate snipMate snippets into SnippetComplete plugin.
sqlhana.vim syntax 4 1562 sqlhana.vim : Syntax file for SAP HANA
very monochrome grey theme color scheme -1 1464 Grey color sheme
autochmodx.vim utility -1 874 If a current file looks like an executable script, make it executable by chmod
Unicode RST Tables utility 7 1469 Allows to create and edit restructuredText tables easily (deprecated).
CY utility 44 2918 Fast input method for Chinese (穿越输入法)
vim-eco utility 0 1314 Eco support for Vim
rvm.vim utility 17 1525 Switch Ruby versions from inside Vim
ctagloader utility 12 1273 The script will traverse path tree and load ctag found on the way.
LineEndComplete utility 10 1001 Insert mode completion that completes the rest of the line.
BracketComplete utility 0 1968 Insert mode completion for text inside various brackets.
MotionComplete utility 2 1083 Insert mode completion for chunks covered by queried {motion} or text object.
VimChatBot game 19 3483 A simple self-teaching chat bot game for Vim
autotags utility 63 1687 vim plugin for easy ctags and cscope handling in a separate directory
vim-xdc-syntax syntax 7 1529 Syntax highlighting for Xilinx Design Constraints
tumblr.vim syntax 13 719 Syntax highlighting for Tumblr themes.
vim-herokudoc-theme color scheme 12 1592 Color scheme inspired Heroku documentation colors
sha3.vim utility 6 1095 sha3 function
djangojump ftplugin 1 1397 jump between template, view, url  in django project
ozzy.vim utility 9 2576 Database-driven file search
xqmarklogic ftplugin 1 2904 vim file type plugin to run an xquery against a MarkLogic server
plsql.vim syntax 67 2626 Syntax for Oracle PL/SQL language with folding feature
TagManager utility 0 1748 Project aware incremental tags manager
easytree.vim utility 21 2065 easytree.vim - is a simple tree file manager for vim
GuessIndent utility 0 1159 Indentation guessing plugin
CommandAlias utility 0 2915 Make aliases to vim command
write.vim utility 0 840 Get your author on.
PatternComplete utility 9 2255 Insert mode completion for matches of queried / last search pattern.
tabdiff utility 13 721 A different way to diff.
longline.vim utility 1 862 Avoid long lines.
butane.vim utility 0 794 Light up your buffers.
yacom utility 0 707 easily toggle comments in line(s)
IndentTab utility 7 1581 Use tabs for indent at the beginning, spaces for alignment in the rest of a line
SameFiletypeComplete utility 0 1265 Insert mode completion from buffers with the same filetype.
betterSearch.vim utility 10 3092 Provide better search functionality by capturing all matched line
colorschemer utility 21 1979 Vim colorschemer
Freya color scheme 97 3458 A dark color scheme with warm colors.
RepeatableYank utility 9 1846 Repeatable appending yank to a named register.
taboo.vim utility 7 1445 Easily customize your tabline
System utility 23 3231 A way to use system commands with `: !`
votl ftplugin 0 817 A Vim Outliner
conque-repl.vim utility 0 742 Use vim as a command editor for REPL programs
localbundle.vim utility -1 639   faster loading and working speed with vundle
cospe.vim utility 1 619 Script to send your buffer or selection to http://cos.pe and returns a url
mkvimball.vim utility 0 1319 Create a vimball from a list of input files
vim2grace utility 4 1020 Grace/Common Music integration
layoutManager utility 4 2217 Create layouts from tabs, templates and windows and control them.
fwk_ctags utility 1 735   Manage your ctags tags configurations simple and efficent
R-MacVim ftplugin 4 1451 R plugin for MacVim (R Vim Mac, R MacVim)
gvimt utility 26 5420 Open new files in gvim in new tabs, splits or vertical splits
jinja indent 14 740 jinja syntax and indent plugin
RelOps utility 19 1933 Relative line numbers for pending operations
PinyinSearch utility 56 1976 Allow you to search Chinese by the first letter of Chinese pinyin
easybuffer.vim utility 42 3284 vim plugin to quickly switch between buffers
Vimarok utility 1 1083 Plugin for control amarok via dbus-python
nant 0.91 errorformat utility 25 1072 nant 0.91 errorformat
vim-clojure-sql syntax 0 565 SQL syntax-highlighting within Clojure files
vim-java-sql syntax 0 684 SQL syntax-highlighting within .java files.
cppSyntaxCheck utility 53 3695 A syntax check script for cpp
My Code Style Toggle utility 32 945 help you toggle the style of the code blocks easily !
tropikos color scheme 26 1250 Tropikos color scheme
altr utility 0 1244 Switch to the missing file without interaction
tabpagecd utility 2 1150 Use one tab page per project
transliterate utility 8 2334 Text transliteration
tinykeymap utility 45 3385 Tiny, temporary keymaps
asyncfinder.vim utility 36 2270 asyncfinder.vim - simple asynchronous fuzzy file finder for vim
numsign.vim utility 11 1078 jump between signs  according sign ID or Line Number
GrepTasks utility 3 1389 Grep for tasks and TODO markers.
harlequin color scheme 156 6805 Dark, high contrast, warm colorscheme for gvim and 256 color terminal
FileTags utility 0 628 Easily locate previously-used files, directories and URLs
UtilityFunctions utility 1 712 Data structures and utility functions
html_annoyance syntax 11 565 HTML syntax file, removes annoying underlining from <a> whitespace
GrepHere utility 3 1973 List occurrences in the current buffer in the quickfix window.
easymenu.vim utility 0 566 Data-driven, hierarchical Menu Creation
Close Location List Before Quit utility 10 758 Simple closes the location list before quit
HybridText syntax 12 2386 A blend of useful document syntax for text files
cmd.vim color scheme 51 2366 Color scheme for the windows XP full screen console
dwm.vim utility 550 4665 Tiled Window Management for Vim
PrevInsertComplete utility 5 2119 Recall and insert mode completion for previously inserted text.
pybreak ftplugin 0 745 Fast toggling of set_trace statement in python files, for easier debugging
vim-g utility 2 1848 Quick Google lookup directly from Vim
shellasync.vim utility 13 3142 shellasync.vim plugin for asynchronously executing shell commands in vim
omgrofl.vim syntax 13 1323 syntax file for the Omgrofl language
vim-dict utility 10 2866 The Dict client for Vim
X Marks the Spot utility 0 486 Easy mappings for creating and navigating through lower-case marks
CursorLineCurrentWindow utility 26 1760 Only highlight the screen line of the cursor in the currently active window.
undotree.vim utility 739 7639 Display your undo history in a graph.
Rainbow Parentheses Improved utility 3676 14477 shorter code, no level limit, smooth and fast, powerful configuration.
rslate color scheme -1 916 a modified slate theme for R
rgbr color scheme 0 1009 a simple color scheme for R
GrepCommands utility 3 2054 Perform :vimgrep over arguments, buffers, windows.
switch.vim utility 0 3013 Switch segments of text with predefined replacements
sideways.vim utility 11 2840 Move function arguments (and other delimited-by-something items) left and right
Vdebug utility 276 7870 Multi-language DBGP debugger client (PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, etc.)
VPSIONKI DATA utility 1 771 Portable Vim code to handle database as CSV file (eg. for contacts)
SyntaxRange utility 73 3903 Define a different filetype syntax on regions of a buffer.
Area search utility -2 742 Search for area containing keywords
locator utility 13 1545 Shows where is your cursor, including folds, classes, functions, and more.
directoryBrowser utility 7 6479 Directory listing and file operations in vim (replaced by vimExplorer)
hybrid.vim color scheme 59 3868 A dark colourscheme combining Jellybeans, Solarized and Tomorrow-Night
michael.vim color scheme 13 1567 A dark background color scheme with (mostly) matte colors
Simple CSS align (SCSSA) utility 0 536 Align selected CSS properties
flexddpl.vim syntax 0 527 Basic highlighting for FlexDDPL policies
Drupal utility 4 809 A very simple plugin to help develop with Drupal
phpvim syntax 114 3410 PHP syntax file updated for PHP 5.4
bwm color scheme color scheme 21 1251 Color scheme
pb.vim utility 1 1427 plugin for interacting with Mac OS X pastebuffer
LogViewer utility 24 2178 Comfortable examination of multiple parallel logfiles.
AlignFromCursor utility 9 3105 Perform :left / :right only for the text on and right of the cursor.
allegro syntax 0 626 Allegro gaming library syntax file
stl syntax -2 875 C++ STL Syntax File
ArgsAndMore utility 22 3245 Apply commands to multiple buffers and manage the argument list.
vlog_inst_gen utility 187 4133 utility for verilog instance generation
forms utility 50 4068 Vim Forms TUI libraray
tui utility -1 739 Place holder for Vim TUI
Teradata 13.10 syntax syntax 13 751 Teradata 13.10 SQL and BTEQ syntax file
oldenglish.vim utility -1 733 Vim keymap file for Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
SearchAlternatives utility 9 1890 Add / subtract alternatives to / from the search pattern.
vim-rooter utility 16 1035 Changes working directory to the project root when you open a file.
vim-logaling utility 0 1073 A logaling-command front-end
seeks.vim utility 5 509 Make a seeks search inside vim
FileFastSelector utility 54 3743 Plugin allows to open files with minimal number of keystrokes.
Freebasic vim syntax file syntax 2 993 Freebasic syntax file.  Can be used since v5.7
LineJuggler utility 36 3956 Duplicate and move around lines.
star.vim syntax 0 572 syntax highlighting for Self-defining Text Archive and Retrieval (STAR) format
Toggle NERDTree width utility 31 1204 Changes width of the NERDTree to see even the longest file names
refactor-rails.vim utility 44 611 A vim plugin to help refactoring rails projects
Briofita color scheme 81 6234 dark, colorful, highly customized scheme for gvim and 256-color terminals
change-hash-syntax syntax 10 726 Change Ruby hash syntax to 1.9
spacepaste.vim utility 2 699 Interface to spacepaste-based pastebins
rainbow-end utility 5 836 Rainbow highlight Ruby block open/close keywords
QueryCommandComplete utility 0 1992 Create completions from any command
bls utility -1 1331 bls: is a python script to list buffers opened in all (g)vim servers
vim-pipe utility 13 1242 Send a buffer to a shell command & quickly see the result.
ConflictDetection utility 13 2644 Detect and highlight SCM conflict markers.
log4perl.vim syntax 0 699 Log::Log4perl configuration syntax
slapd.vim syntax 0 689 OpenLDAP (database, access and schema) configuration
fix-git-diff-path.vim ftplugin 0 479 Fix file paths from git diff output to DoTheRightThing
tagbar-phpctags utility 37 2806 Using phpctags to generate php ctags index for vim plugin tagbar.
oh-l_l_vim color scheme -3 844 oh-l_l_vim
TaggedSearchPattern utility 7 1234 Attach names to search patterns for easier recall.
ptsc-header utility 17 575 Header parser for the Plain Text/Source Code File Header
kickAssembler syntax syntax 16 1635 Kick Assembler syntax file
viske utility 6 661 timeline calendar.
vktheming utility 0 584 Make your vimwiki colorful
vim-signature utility 555 3585 Plugin to toggle, display and navigate marks and signs
VcsMessageRecall utility 6 1965 Browse and re-insert previous VCS commit messages.
MessageRecall utility 13 2238 Browse and re-insert previous (commit, status) messages.
BufferPersist utility 0 1152 Save certain buffers somewhere when quitting them.
LineMotion patch 2 497 a Vim Plug-in, move fast in linei of text.
hickop color scheme 72 2637 simple dark colorscheme for vim and gvim
riv.vim utility 82 7292 Take Notes in rst.
log4j.vim syntax 7 2271 Adds syntax highlighting for log4j and log4php log files
sml_polyml.vim ftplugin 17 654 Poly/ML integration
autumnleaf_modified.vim color scheme 33 2238 a light, simple and beautiful color scheme for programming and good for your eye
fish-syntax syntax 1 1605 fish syntax based on sh
pysource.vim ftplugin 0 1175 View python source easily
gdbmgr utility 21 4812 vim interface to gdb
GdbFromVim utility 11 1390 This pluging lets you debug your applications with gdb from vim,
vim-brunch utility 45 757 Easy file navigation for brunch projects
PEGJS.vim syntax 1 1123 syntax highlighting for PEG.js grammar files
abc-vim syntax 6 779 abc music notation syntax, 2.1 and up
oh-là-là color scheme 23 2166 High contrast dark color scheme with black background
sharefix utility 0 613 Share quickfixes among commands and functions
fisa-color-scheme color scheme 4 1718 soft color scheme for terminals with 256 colors
maven-ide utility 28 2075 maven-ide plugin
vim-django utility 30 2788 Support for Django through VIM
tips.vim utility 41 753 Show vim tips everytime when you enter vim
shuffle.vim utility 13 1056 Do the random shuffle of lines in vim's buffer
Vitra utility 33 2036 Trac UI for vim
Difference mode color settings ftplugin 18 651 plugin for setting colors in difference mode
css3 mod syntax 11 3955 Enhanced version of CSS syntax highlighting script for vim, supports for CSS3
taggatron utility 4 829 Lightweight tag file manager for use with ctags
EditPlus color scheme 103 3950 A color scheme that mimics the standard scheme found in the EditPlus text editor
python_fold_compact ftplugin 0 648 python fold
OnSyntaxChange utility 9 1907 Generate events when moving onto / off a syntax group.
cst syntax 0 562 CodeSmith syntax
php-cs-fixer utility 3 531 Integrate php-cs-fixer created by fabpot.
cscope.vim utility 117 6943 create/update/connect cscope database smartly.
EscapeBchars utility 0 769 Function to escape the characters used in comments.
HgCi utility 0 735 Script to be used with autocmd bufwritepost when a commit is needed.
sourcebeautify.vim utility 47 4527 make your source code pretty in vim
jshint.vim utility 0 1043 JSHint Integration
gprof.vim ftplugin 8 2280 A file type plugin for gprof (GNU profiler) output
vmark.vim: Visual Bookmarking utility 34 2408 Toggle visual bookmarking and jump through bookmarks
burnttoast256 color scheme 44 1864 A dark color scheme for 256-color terminals that I find easily readable.
Xdebug utility 13 1376 An awesome debugging client for Vim, Xdebug and PHP
highlights for radiologist color scheme 10 1026 color highlights for radiologist's reading job
sonoma.vim color scheme 2417 6594 -
PyChimp color scheme 66 7785 Colorscheme specifically for Python (and some others as well)
html_FileCompletion ftplugin 7 2131 Base dir- and URL-aware file completion for HTML links.
Ubloh Color Scheme color scheme 39 3230 A dark color scheme for Ruby.
lingodirector.vim color scheme 6 854 Lingo Director color scheme
automatic for Verilog & RtlTree ftplugin 137 9346 Automatic generator for Verilog HDL (upgraded) & RtlTree
matchindent.vim utility 1 907 Match indentation style
cmdpathup utility 0 466 Hotkey for going one level up when editing a path on command line
license loader utility 0 573 a vim script to load a license template
_jsbeautify utility 10 1571 Modified base on jsbeautify.vim (move comma to head of ojbect's attribute line)
vtimer.vim utility 21 932 Recording time spent with vim, and total lines written.
mathematic.vim utility 6 1254 for inputting mathematic symbols.
nosyntaxwords utility 0 1081 find words that are not syntactically highlighted in current buffer
DBGPavim utility 80 5198 An improved Python/PHP debugger
jsflakes ftplugin 0 1094 check errors for javascript on the fly
jsflakes.vim ftplugin 25 2742 A powerful vim plugin lint javascript code on the fly
jsoncodecs.vim utility 9 1717 Dumps lines from vim to a valid JSON string
TimeTap utility 0 582 TimeTap helps you track the time you spend coding on each project while in Vim.
PHPUnit QF utility 6 1906 Run PHPUnit tests from within vim and put the errors into the quickfix list.
Transpose utility 13 1461 Swap lines with columns in matrices of text, delimited text, etc.
vim-mou ftplugin 0 529 Preview Makrdown file with Mou.app
maven-plugin utility 1 918 Help development in Maven
jsruntime.vim utility 48 4025 Run javascript in vim
london.vim syntax 12 548 London Framework template syntax
AmbiCompletion utility 5 4098 Ambiguous completion
RbREPL.vim utility 0 612 Run a Ruby REPL in VIM.
neocomplcache-snippets_complete utility 54 1571 neocomplcache complete snippets source
Ideone.vim utility 9 1601 vimscript for ideone
VDBI.vim utility 17 1342 Database client for Vim
Fortune vimtips utility 26 3079 vimtips is a project to use fortune software to view vimtips.
evervim utility 70 2753 Edit evernote on vim.
vim-dasm syntax 0 573 Syntax highlighting for dasm & dasm16
bestfriend.vim utility 0 1342 Know your best friend
ucpp-vim-syntax syntax 4 513 uC++ Syntax Highlighting
modx syntax 10 675 Highlights MODX template tags within HTML.
SAS Indent indent 57 3492 Indent Script for SAS 9.1/9.2/9.3/9.4
vim4rally utility 15 734 Rally ALM Integration for Vim
muxmate utility 0 774 An easy way to send shell commands to tmux from vim.
rstatusline utility 2 2184 show buffer list on statusline with highlight
vim-cpp-auto-include ftplugin 9 846 Automatically insert or delete `#include`s for C++ code
a new txt2tags syntax syntax 1 737 a new version of txt2tags syntax file
vim-addon-ruby-debug-ide utility 0 1205 ruby-debug-ide implementation
vim-htmldjango_omnicomplete ftplugin 13 2366 htmldjango filetype omnicomplete - completes template tags/filters/variables
Splice utility 52 1989 Initial stable release.
DBGp X client utility 6 1325 a real remote debugger (tested only with XDebug/PHP)
vim-addon-rdebug utility 0 987 minimal ruby rdebug implementation
autolink utility 4 586 find and insert URLs for links in Markdown and ReST
SpaceBetween utility 1 728 This plugin fix spaces between = { } in your *.rb file before save it automat
restore_view.vim utility 163 5846 A plugin for automatically restoring file's cursor position and folding
flipwords.vim utility 0 951 Provides the command Flip that changes the order of two delimited words
WebAPI.vim utility 39 3625 vimscript for gist
clean_imports utility 4 807 Makes use of the Java checkstyle tool to clean your Java file of unused imports
vim-jsbeautify utility 20 1553 Simple javascript formater base on js-beautify
StripWhiteSpaces utility 0 1388 Strip White Space on save file
close-duplicate-tabs utility 11 528 A plugin for closing duplicate tab pages.
Vitality utility 6 1298 Make Vim play nicely with iTerm 2 and tmux.
readnovel utility 1 1495 看中文txt小说插件
Vimpy utility 43 780 Write Vim scripts in Python. Not Vimscript.
vimux utility 13 1881 effortless vim and tmux interaction
Vim-Gromacs syntax 10 559 Plugin Vim to manipulate Gromacs files (syntax highlighting, macros)
XDebug (DBGp) client (for PHP) utility 33 2457 minimal php debug client for XDebug (DBGp)
youdao.dict utility 12 1132 a translation tools use youdao dict
python-imports.vim ftplugin 1 1102 Scripted insertion of import statements
HyperList utility 335 9485 Everything. Concise and precise. Outliner, organizer, brainstormer, project mgmt
TextTransform utility 29 3683 Create text transformation mappings and commands.
dosbatch_movement ftplugin 0 1051 Movement over MSDOS batch file functions / labels with ]m etc.
vbs_movement ftplugin 0 1047 Movement over VBScript classes / functions / properties / subs with ]m etc.
vim_movement ftplugin 12 1216 Movement over Vim functions with ]m etc.
Clam utility 35 1975 A lightweight plugin for working with shell commands.
Ayumi color scheme 17 976 A color scheme like my favorite singer ayumi with colors defined by HighlightTag
paredit.vim utility 464 8309 Paredit Mode: Structured Editing of Lisp S-expressions
removed utility 1 1362
portmon utility -2 638 分析portmon的输出文件
vroom utility 4 928 Helps you run your Ruby tests
instant-markdown.vim utility 85 2759 Real-time Markdown previews from Vim!
gitvimrc.vim utility 0 768 Source .vimrc file from git repository's root
Sauce utility 7 2170 Manage multiple vimrc files dynamically
ConflictMotions utility 51 2894 Motions to and inside SCM conflict markers.
TaskMotions utility 1 1623 Motions to task and TODO markers.
phpqa utility 22 2885 Run PHP QA tools and show highlighted results
vim-pomodoro utility 4 779 Vim plugin for the Pomdoro time management technique
cudajinja.vim syntax 1 925 Jinja templating syntax for CUDA
vim-addon-commenting utility -1 1014 minimal commenting plugin
vim-human-dates utility 1 494 Wouldn't it be nice if you could view epoch dates in a format that made sense?
Finder for vim utility 4 506 Finder for VIm
showmarks2 ftplugin 28 1467 bookmark works like MS utilities
diff-toggle ftplugin 15 819 Toggle diff lines
css3 syntax plus syntax 4 1623 A lightweight css3 syntax file for vim
regexroute.vim syntax 4 499 Syntax Highlighting for Yate
mediawiki.vim syntax 6 1006 This holds a syntax highlighter for MediaWiki-based projects, mostly Wikipedia.
source.vim utility 41 642 source vim plugins and remote scripts
JumpToTrailingWhitespace utility 2 1903 Motions to locate unwanted whitespace at the end of lines.
DeleteTrailingWhitespace utility 114 4934 Delete unwanted whitespace at the end of lines.
ShowTrailingWhitespace utility 118 4080 Detect unwanted whitespace at the end of lines.
DynamicSigns ftplugin 6 1323 Use Signs for different things
vim less syntax 31 3013 less support for vim
Colorizer ftplugin 231 7853 highlight color codes and names
hammer.vim utility 0 696 Transform your markup language of choice to HTML, and open the transformed HTML.
flashdevelop.vim ftplugin 4 617 FlashDevelop features for VIM
tabman.vim utility 21 1163 Tab management for Vim
workflowish utility 26 1043 ToDo manager plugin inspired by workflowy.com
mystatusinfo.vim utility 10 687 Display Current Tab info on status line
calendar.vim utility 34 1584 calendar 日历 农历
fwk notes utility 0 1096 This plugin was created to manages your task/notes by days/weeks/years.
Add to Word Search utility 2 1553 Vim plugin to append more words to searches.
tortex color scheme -1 1241 clear & soft
Improved paragraph motion utility 29 1001 Improve paragraph motion
tmpclip.vim utility 5 504 Use a temp file as a clipboard
EasyColour utility 3 2569 Colour Schemes made Easy!
pyunit.vim ftplugin 0 607 A simple compiler for using Python unittest with VIM
django.vim ftplugin 0 761 A simple compiler for using Django unittest with VIM
Skittles Berry color scheme 35 2716 More colorful successor to Skittles Dark
hop language syntax highlight syntax 4 911 hop language (scheme web extention ) syntax highlight
fountainwiki.vim utility 10 2070 Wiki and indentation for Fountain screenplay files
Yii API manual for Vim utility 6 578 API manual for Yii PHP framework
pdv-standalone utility 0 492 PHP Documentor for vim as standalone plugin
sandbox_hg utility 0 567 Same as sandbox.vim but for hg(mercurial).
CodeCommenter utility -2 2343 Code Comment Assistant
writebackupAutomator utility 12 1958 Automatically write a backup on the first write.
ipyqtmacvim.vim ftplugin 15 501 Plugin to send commands from MacVim to IPython Qt console
Trailer Trash syntax 22 1714 Highlight trailing white space
vim-wmfs syntax 20 677 Syntax highlight  for wmfs.
Coverity compiler plugin utility 1 958 Compiler plugin for the cov-format-errors command in Coverity static analysis
thinkpad.vim color scheme 8 1125 dark and simple colorscheme
editorconfig-vim utility 90 5412 EditorConfig Plugin for Vim -- helps define and maintain consistent coding style
argumentative.vim utility 0 465 initial upload
murphi.vim syntax 11 674 Syntax highlighting for the Murphi model checker
Vim-Support utility 46 10181 VimScript IDE -- Insert code snippets, quickly comment the code and look up help
jbi.vim syntax 4 798 Vim syntax and filetype plugin for Motoman INFORM III
badwolf color scheme 114 5358 A dark colorscheme pieced together from various colors I like.
phpcs.vim utility 6 1272 PHP coding rules checking utility
vim-flake8 ftplugin 13 2312 vim-flake8 is a Vim plugin that runs the currently open file through Flake8.
lout.vim syntax 4 505 Syntax colouring for Basser Lout
ditaa syntax 4 928 Vim syntax for ditaa
flymaker utility 5 1452 Another GNU Flymake-like plugin for Vim
taskmanagementvim utility -1 605 It uses schema that uses GTD-like philosophy to let you manage tasks within vim.
Gummybears color scheme 124 4597 Nice dark pastel colorscheme - for GVim / MacVim and 256-color terminal
TagmaLast utility 5 590 Update the 'Last Changed' line in a file
WhiteWash utility 3 1734 Add and remove whitespace with strong opinions
pfldap.vim syntax 0 565 Syntax definition for Postfix LDAP lookup map description files
cd-hook utility -1 437 Provides a Cd command and associated autocmd calls
tagport ftplugin 1 559 Find and yank Python import statement for keyword under cursor.
vim-addon-haskell utility 0 941 run cabal within vim using vim-addon-actions + some goodies
CamelCaseComplete utility 33 1830 Insert mode completion that expands CamelCaseWords and underscore_words.
CompleteHelper utility 29 5692 Generic functions to support custom insert mode completions.
CapsulaPigmentorum.vim color scheme -2 755 mod of paintbox
toggle_comment utility 34 2756 To Toggle Comment of single/multiple lines of code
vim-punto-switcher utility 0 663 Works like punto-switcher app. Helps when you type text in wrong keymap.
gmlua.vim syntax 9 667 Garry's Mod Lua
e2.lua syntax 14 621 GMod Wire Expression2
mozjs.vim syntax 0 521 JavaScript with Mozilla preprocessor support
mozpp.vim syntax 0 516 Mozilla's preprocessor for JavaScript and XUL
ocamlMultiAnnot ftplugin 17 951 Annotation for mutiple files + bugfixes
vombato-colorscheme color scheme 13 1252 Inspired by wombat, but more complete
nsl.vim syntax 0 829 VIM Syntax file for NSL hardware description language.
xsnippet utility 0 430 A plugin for XSnippet.org pastebin service
compot color scheme 5 933 Erlang-friendly gVim/MacVim colorscheme
coffee-check.vim ftplugin 0 1196 Automatic CoffeeScript syntax validation checker for Vim
coffee-check.vim ftplugin 0 888 Automatic CoffeeScript syntax validation checker for Vim
indent/java.vim indent 1 1470 Vim indent file for java source files
gtk-mode utility 0 581 Collection of gtk/vala tools
pwdstatus.vim utility 8 710 a statusline that highlights key information (such as the pwd)
buffet.vim utility 67 3832 A fast, easy to use buffer list plugin for switching and managing buffers.
rhinestones color scheme -1 733 initial upload
Limbo syntax syntax 29 1686 Limbo (OS Inferno's language) syntax highlight
viewdoc utility 83 6634 Flexible viewer for any documentation (help/man/perldoc/etc.)
gf-diff utility 0 897 Go to a hunk from diff output
gf-user utility 0 1116 A framework to open a file by context
simple-dark color scheme 1 1000 A low contrast, low distraction, dark 256 color scheme
switch buffer quickly utility 0 441 A simple way to switch buffer quickly
qtpy.vim ftplugin 13 747 Quick unit testing for python from within VIM
Independence utility 4 444 Automatically loads .vimrc files in your git project root
textobj-line utility 17 1289 Text objects for the current line
ruscmd utility 137 3023 Support command mode in Russian keyboard layout
DfrankUtil utility 3 5580 Just a library for some scripts.
autosess utility 37 3869 Auto save/load sessions
EasyDigraph.vim utility 6 1399 input special characters easier (+digraphs).
vim-powerline utility 482 9334 The ultimate vim statusline utility.
fountain.vim syntax 183 5352 Syntax for Fountain screenplay files
ambicmd.vim utility 1 731 You can use ambiguous command.
nerdtree-ack patch 22 1923 NERDtree + ack.vim
ft_improved utility 73 4311 improved f/t command
git diff ftplugin 7 672 make a git diff when edit git log file in vim IDE
html-xml-tag-matcher utility -1 647 Matches closing tag of an opening xml or html tag by scanning the document
turbux.vim utility 1 501 Turbo Ruby tests with tmux
vimprj utility 43 6996 Plugin for managing options for different projects
SmartusLine utility 17 1176 Plugin that changes the color of the statusline according with the current mode
vm.vim syntax 16 1073 velocity vtl
lightdiff color scheme 7 1229 Light colorscheme
multiwindow source code browsing ftplugin 56 1558 multiwindow tag stacked code browsing
phidgets.vim syntax 0 441 C highlighting for Phidgets USB sensing and control interfaces
behat.zip ftplugin 50 785 behat runtime files (adapted from cucumber ftplugin)
Eddie.vim color scheme 56 1303 A dark pastel colorscheme my friend spent too much time on
epegzz.vim color scheme -1 637 Just another dark color scheme
grads.vim syntax 17 1126 GrADS syntax highlighting and indentation rules
Lawrencium utility 59 1768 A Mercurial wrapper for Vim.
shelp utility 5 532 Plugin for customer vim's toolbar and popup menu
Xoria256m color scheme 8 2129 256 colorscheme forked from Xoria256
rmvim utility 4 470 Remote editing with local gui Vim instance
Word Fuzzy Completion utility 26 1708 A word fuzzy completion plugin for vim.
tocdown utility 4 981 display the headlines of a markdown document in an extra window
ide utility 135 4610 ide for C/C++/Java with syntax coloring and tab buffer tracking
unite-scriptenames utility 0 490 a Unite.vim plugin to find/open runtime scriptnames
dokuwiki utility 4 567 use vim as your personal wiki using dokuwiki syntax
Festoon color scheme 9 2272 Light colorscheme with dark option
Mark-Ring utility 6 492 Cycle through your marks.
boolpat.vim utility 0 1545 Boolean-logic patterns, based on LogiPat
git-time-lapse utility 47 2003 Perforce-style
visualrepeat utility 69 3793 Repeat command extended to visual mode.
cue.vim syntax -1 658 syntax highlight for .cue file
lrc.vim syntax 2 772 basic syntax highlight for lyric file (.lrc)
SpellCheck utility 18 5396 Work with spelling errors.
nodeunit.vim utility 0 544 A simple compiler for testing javascript/coffeescript with nodeunit
nose.vim utility 0 748 Simple compiler for testing python with nose
vim-django-support ftplugin 1 861 Add DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULES to enable pythoncomplete or whatever for django
vim-python-virtualenv ftplugin -1 911 Activate python virtualenv within Vim
weibo.vim utility 24 2276 用vim发腾讯微博
nscripter.vim syntax 8 536 syntax file for Nscripter
ChickenSetupXp utility 0 502 Xptemplate snippets for Chicken Scheme setup files
ChickenMetaXp utility 0 650 Xptemplate snippets for Chicken Scheme meta files
vim-octopress syntax 0 519 Syntax highlighting for Octopress-flavored Markdown
yankstack utility 299 2398 lightweight implementation of emacs' kill ring for vim
TVO: The Vim Outliner with asciidoc supp ftplugin 0 614 Easy and quick documentation in asciidoc.
SchemeXp utility 0 830 Scheme snippets for xptemplate
LastBuf.vim utility 4 690 open last closed buffers.
better-snipmate-snippet utility 26 1388 Better Snipmate Snippets for VIM
inline_edit.vim utility 36 2223 Edit code that's embedded within other code
aurum utility 44 8014 Plugin for dealing with source files under various VCS control
modeleasy-vim-plugin ftplugin 5 936 This is a syntax highlighting for the econometric package modeleasy
simple_bookmarks.vim utility 47 2080 Named bookmarks, storing both filename and cursor position
Colour theme (neon-pk) color scheme 0 1314 A variation on the neon colour theme that uses the DejaVu Sans Mono font
nu42dark color scheme color scheme 2 851 Started as a variation on CandyCode and took on a life of its own
csslint.vim utility 0 552 Vim plugin of csslint
vim-ocaml-conceal syntax 1 538 ocaml.vim - vim conceal enhanvement for ocaml
Dart syntax 2 1423 Syntax file for Dart Language
Lisper.vim utility 30 1905 Yet Another Lisp Engine Written In Pure VimScript
MatchTag ftplugin 689 12152 MatchParen for HTML tags.
vim-kickstart syntax 5 494 Syntax for Linux Kickstart files
mirodark color scheme 3 1031 A Vim color scheme based on Jason W Ryan's environment configuration.
log.vim syntax 4 633 Syntax file for make output
tex_AutoKeymap ftplugin 4 681 Vim Tex / LaTeX ftplugin to automatically change keymap (language)
project.vim utility 6 2278 Fast  to open  C project
RSTO utility 0 576 Goto function (open/create) for ReStructured Text directives
ipi utility 14 1524 Load plugins individually - cut down start-up time.
TFS utility 34 1997 Use TFS version control from within VIM
apg.vim ftplugin 1 440 Auto generate and append password
openrel.vim utility 0 492 Open relatively-described files under the cursor
vim-diff utility 14 904 diff written in VimL.
vim-symbols-strings utility 4 383 A silly little plugin to convert Ruby symbols to strings and vice versa
prop.vim syntax 2 466 -- trying to remove --
fontforge_script.vim syntax 0 445 Syntax highlighting for FontForge scripts
anwolib utility 7 1359 Yet another vim library
Cleanroom color scheme 27 2043 A clean, light colour scheme
node.js utility 9 1192 File type detect plugin for vim which detects node.js shebang
C++11 Syntax Support syntax 409 9605 A port of the existing C++ syntax to allow for C++11 features
php doc utility 0 604 phpdoc
codepaper color scheme 7 1025 light yellow gvim color theme
html-source-explorer utility -1 628 The "HTML Source Explorer" plugin is meant to aid on the html source exploring.
desert-warm-256 color scheme 16 1166 A slightly-modified desert theme, for 88- and 256-color xterms.
Tagma Buffer Manager utility 17 1029 Simple Buffer Manager
vim-mnml syntax 0 395 Syntax highlighting and indenting for mnml files
SonicTemplate.vim utility 4 4654 Easy and high speed coding method
statline utility 7 646 Add useful information to the statusline
VIM Metaprogramming utility 5 589 Metaprogramming in VIM scripts
vim-json-bundle ftplugin -1 534 Pathogen friendly file type plugin bundle for json files
Python Syntax syntax 3 889 Revised version based on Ian McCracken's version
Twilight for python color scheme 2 939 Twilight mod based on famous Jellybeans scheme
indentfolds utility 0 978 Indentation-level based folds with a twist
mango.vim color scheme 19 4199 Pretty syntax highlighting tailored for JavaScript and Coffeescript
utags utility 246 1639 Find usage of a word (tag) in the project.
RST Tables (CJK) ftplugin 6 1098 Allows to create and edit restructuredText tables easily (CJK)
todotxt.vim syntax 1 634 Vim does TODO-lists
wiki.vim utility 0 626 Use curl to get and post pages in mediawiki sites using basic auth
abbott.vim color scheme 50 1512 A warm, dark color scheme for prose and code, with pastels and pretty greens
Lyrics utility 9 429 Show lyrics
rainbow_parentheses.vim utility 181 4205 Better Rainbow Parentheses
tagfinder.vim utility 6 1368 A simple vim plugin to look for tags of specific kinds: classes, functions, etc.
Python-mode-klen ftplugin 511 8790 python mode
ahkcomplete ftplugin 5 958 autohotkey ahk complete
mappingmanager utility 6 595 easy navigation between keyboard mappings
MapFinder utility 4 1015 Find Maps with vim patterns matching rhs.
vimroom.vim utility 9 603 WriteRoom in Vim.
TagmaTasks utility 14 835 IDE like Task List for Vim buffers.
fcitx.vim utility 163 9110 keep and restore fcitx state when leaving/re-entering insert mode
vim-google-scribe utility 0 495 Keystroke saving with Vim and Google Scribe
Speech utility 34 1132 Speech to text and text to speech via google speech api
slide show utility 0 686 A tool for viewing source code in a slide show fashion.
vim-dokuwiki syntax 18 2268 syntax highlighting for dokuwiki
White color scheme 5 837 color scheme only two colors
Ambient Theme utility 1 415 Sets your theme's background based on ambient light
racket-auto-keywords.vim utility 0 684 Populates syntax keyword racketFunc/racketSyntax/scribbleMarkup
scribble.vim syntax 7 1273 Syntax for scribble (http://docs.racket-lang.org/scribble/index.html)
racket.vim syntax -1 829 Simple syntax for racket (http://racket-lang.org)
baancomplete ftplugin 1 691 Omni completion for the baan scripting language
vim-pad utility 24 3079 a quick-notetaking plugin
Vimpy utility 1 801 Vimpy helps in Navigating through Python code easy.
google_prettify.vim color scheme 39 2248 a color scheme mimicking google-code-prettify
TclShell utility 4 1443 Tcl Shell for Vim
NagelfarVim utility 0 607 Integrates Nagelfar with Vim
pylint-mode ftplugin 4 680 pylint
syntax/dosini.vim syntax 4 1343 Syntax file for dosini (*.ini)
watchdog.vim utility 3 884 Comprehensive, dynamically resizing statusline
linediff.vim utility 356 3401 Perform an interactive diff on two blocks of text
MarkdownFootnotes utility 4 577 Insert Extended Markdown Footnotes with Vim
Vimerl utility 135 5233 The Erlang plugin for Vim
mediawiki syntax 6 441 Mediawiki+templates
kiwi.vim utility 0 409 Support for writing Kiwi specs
gccsingle.vim utility 0 1744 Quick run single C source file
blue_sky color scheme 8 3442 light/dark color scheme for both gvim & vim
TagmaTips utility 7 1113 Tool Tips for Vim
sexy-railscasts color scheme 6 940 initial version
ctrlp.vim utility 1640 17039 Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ... finder with regexp support.
bad-whitespace utility 13 2164 Highlights whitespace at the end of lines, only in modifiable buffers
statusline.vim utility 84 3716 Beautify statusline
olga_key syntax 11 686 Syntax file for SPT Group OLGA .key and .genkey files
vim-rpsl syntax 1 575 RPSL languge syntax highlighter
putcmd.vim utility 4 1233 Insert command and its result
vim-pandoc ftplugin 36 1812 a plugin for writing in pandoc's extended markdown
galaxy.vim color scheme 5 2071 Simpler colorscheming.
right_align utility -1 4164 Right alignment of string under cursor
easychair syntax 1 448 Syntax definition for EasyChair review files
mcabberlog.vim syntax 10 1256 Watch your mcabber logs in vim
indent-motion patch 13 550 Vim motions to the start and end of the current indentation-delimited block
SimpylFold ftplugin 64 2669 No-BS Python code folding
quickfixstatus.vim utility 6 774 show quickfix errors/warnings as you move through the file
Threesome utility 20 619 A plugin for resolving conflicts during three-way merges.
noweboutline.vim utility 0 1944 a noweb file out line tool
diffwindow_movement utility 10 1628 Movement over changes in a diff window.
melt-syntax syntax 0 489 MELT Syntax
SnippetySnip utility -1 2556 Inserts named snippets from various other files into a file
fuzzee.vim utility 21 1182 Fuzzy expansions for :e and :E
numlist.vim utility 7 1274 Add and remove id to a list items
light2011 color scheme 96 2435 light colorscheme suitable for programming
tabasco utility 3 442 Saves and loads tabs
tabpage.vim utility 18 823 Beautify the tab pages
chinachess.vim ftplugin 102 2956 中国象棋 china chess 游戏 game
EasyPeasy utility -1 708 Easily create and include system tags
vim-ipython ftplugin 26 1262 A two-way integration between Vim and IPython 0.11+
swapcol.vim utility 34 1604 Swap two columns
lemon256 color scheme 1 1017 colorscheme for 256-color term
obvious-resize utility 11 733 Resize Vim windows in an obvious way.
Rcode utility 3 1439 Run various types of code against current buffer
Transcription Name Helper ftplugin 2 973 Allows the user to quickly switch between speakers whilst transcribing
zim-syntax syntax 21 1295 Enable syntax highlighting for the Zim Wiki Syntax
sql.vim syntax 33 4849 Better SQL Syntax
fthook.vim utility 3 967 simplify filetype specific setting.
tryit.vim utility 0 763 Open scratch buffer to try idea.
Premailer.vim utility 0 792 Use Premailer in Vim.
html_emogrifier.vim ftplugin -1 804 Create HTML email from HTML and linked CSS
cssbaseline.vim utility 0 845 Build empty CSS blocks from HTML.
prefixer.vim utility 0 921 Add browser prefixes to CSS3 properties.
commentary.vim utility 856 4938 Comment stuff out; takes a motion as a target
enablelvimrc.vim utility -2 454 load a .lvimrc when starting vim if it exists.
FixCSS.vim utility 0 477 Add whitespace to junk CSS files
quickhl.vim utility 29 2409 Quickly highlight multiple word.
annotatedmarks utility 1 561 Enhancing the built-in marks functionality of vim.
golden-ratio utility 55 1586 Resize windows automatically using the Golden Ratio
Ambient Color Scheme color scheme 65 3529 color scheme based off of Ubuntu's Ambiance
Rst edit block in tab utility 0 478 Opens a particular reST directive block in a new tab
Calm Breeze color scheme 134 1530 A calming breeze of colors for the heat of code
RegImap utility 10 1327 Plugin for automatically execute regular expression substitutes in insert mode
werks.vim color scheme 787 4780 -
ctags_cache ftplugin 14 1337 generate and cache tags for C language uses ctags
wikiatovimhelp utility 4 623 Convert VimWikia Article to Vim help file
hints_opengl.vim ftplugin 4 1229 show prototypes for all opengl functions
functionlist.vim utility 71 3822 This plugin makes it easy to navigate between functions in a long file.
tablistlite.vim utility 13 970 Tracks the previously accessed tabs,and provides interface to switch back.
saturn.vim color scheme 17 1319 Light colorscheme
rfc5424 syntax 13 778 Vim syntax for RFC5424 syslog file
baobaozhu color scheme 34 1050 For My ex-girlfriend
copy-as-rtf utility 7 1347 Copy syntax-highlighted code from vim to the OS X clipboard as RTF text
cab.vim utility 1 1002 Vim plugin for using ack-grep with iterm for fast and easy search in project
univresal-blue scheme color scheme 12 1536 blue vim scheme that aims to work well in gvim, vim in console and terminal
aldmeris color scheme 108 2615 A colorscheme based on oblivion for gedit that support GVIM and 256 colors term
textgenshi.vim syntax 4 811 Syntax Highlighting for Genshi Text Templates
cdevframework utility -1 743 C/C++ development framework
orangeocean256 color scheme -4 1091 high contrast, 256color, vivid, blue bg, orange/white fg.
rake.vim utility 36 3394 It's like rails.vim without the rails
sgmlendtag ftplugin 6 1173 Auto completion of sgml (html, xml, etc) end tags.
Toxic color scheme 2 737 Dirty industrial colorscheme.
skyWeb color scheme 8 1374 A white, clean colorscheme made for CSS, HTML and PHP.
repeat motion utility 16 743 give vim support of repeat motion operations
SnipMgr utility 0 780 A simple snippets manager for 'snipMate' Vim plugin
lemon.vim syntax 9 778 syntax file for Lemon Parser Generator
Intelligent Tags utility 11 814 Automated Tag creation/inclusion
Lookup ftplugin 1 1134 ftplugin for vim files to quickly find element definition, occurrences, or docs
ldap_schema.vim syntax 0 482 ldap schmema definition language
LycosaExplorer utility 55 2341 A dynamic filesystem and buffer explorer
Powershell FTDetect ftplugin 5 659 ftdetect plugin for Powershell files
transpose-words utility 43 1259 Swap two words as M-t (transpose-words) in Emacs or bash.
xorium.vim color scheme 33 2048 Colorful, dark background, unobtrusive invisibles, 256 colors
vrackets utility 32 1819 automatically close different kinds of brackets
brep utility 0 1530 Scan certain buffers for a regexp and save the result as quickfix list
vim-task-org utility 4 706 Manipulate TODO/FIXME/etc marks (tasks) in your sources.
googleclosurevim utility 1 510 Google Closure plugin for vim
cakephp.vim utility 4 797 Tools for working with CakePHP from vim
simpleRGB color scheme -1 790 Simple color scheme for using 4 colors.
AutoCpp utility 5 708 AutoCpp types complex C++ typenames for you.
VimLite utility 203 13257 Make vim as a C/C++ IDE inspired by CodeLite.
Filesearch utility 55 1913 Filesystem searching using glob or regular expression patterns
gnupg.vim utility 1105 20854 Plugin for transparent editing of gpg encrypted files.
vimgtd utility 15 1845 gtd by vim
Vimper IDE utility 18 1108 vimper : Yet another IDE using Vim...
vim-orgmode ftplugin 212 22873 Text outlining and task management for Vim based on Emacs' Org-Mode
Atomic Save utility 14 1306 Save files atomically with ordinary "w" command
The Old Ones utility 0 1128 Alerts you to old buffers.
svnst.vim utility 0 601 easy way to use "svn status" in vim buffer.
Handlebars syntax 85 3942 Vim syntax for Handlebars
gUnit syntax syntax 0 558 Syntax file for ANTL3 gUnit tests
ReplaceFile utility 4 893 Replace Current File with new File
WinFastFind utility 4 655 Fast replacement for vim "find" in windows
widl.vim syntax 5 639 Web IDL (widl) syntax highlighting
vim-snippets utility 8 947 snippets for a variety of vim plugins
git_patch_tags.vim utility 11 1151 Global plugin for adding patch tags from linux SubmittingPatches document
frawor utility 0 7176 Vim framework
IDSearch utility 11 737 Plugin to supplement id-utils gid command for super-fast find-in-files.
tangolight color scheme -1 1033 lighter version of original tangoshady
cpp_gnuchlog.vim ftplugin 0 514 cpp filetype plugin for gnuchangelog
resizewin utility 0 768 mini util for temporary widen window horizontally/vertically/both
AutoSaveSetting utility 30 1620 Persistent settings for gVim (Mac/Linux/Win)
lua.vim ftplugin 152 15960 Lua file type plug-in for the Vim text editor
indsas utility 0 1142 Indentation for SAS scripts
chef.vim utility 18 2109 make cookbook navigation quick and easy for Opscode's Chef.
beautiful-pastebin utility 11 682 Extract a code from pastebin
ri-viewer utility 0 803 ri-viewer.vim
Buffersaurus utility 110 2259 A Vim Plugin for Searching and Indexing Across Buffers (with Context!)
Buffergator utility 182 6692 Buffer listing, selection, and switching/navigation utility
wikilink utility 7 1234 Personal wiki link navigator
Quicksilver.vim utility 4 1850 Quickly open files from inside VIM.
warez colorscheme color scheme 8 1176 A transformation term >> gui jasonwryan colorscheme with modification
ShowMarks7 utility 10 1075 apply a patch for orgin ShowMarks(152)
vimshell-ssh ftplugin 355 1792 You can run Vim over ssh on Vim!
splitjoin.vim utility 59 6407 A plugin that helps with switching between single-line and multiline code
browsereload-mac.vim utility 10 966 vim plugin to reflesh your browser. his plugin works only MacOS.
XQuery indent/omnicomplete/ftplugin ftplugin 18 1554 XQuery indent/omnicomplete/ftplugin
operator-star utility 0 709 This plugin provides the operator versions of |star|, |gstar|, |#|, |g#|.
IDLE color scheme 32 3389 Python's IDLE like Colorscheme
nautilus-py-vim utility 15 1107 Edit with Vim in Nautilus
vim_django utility 10 1299 [UNMAINTAINED] Simplifies opening related files in Django projects
Diablo3 color scheme 75 4044 a dark color scheme for both gui and terminal
listtag utility 1 563 list all tags and jump to one of your choise
nicer-vim-regexps syntax 3 713 Nicer syntax highlighting for vim regexps.
calm color scheme 1 963 A simple light color scheme
reorder-columns utility 7 749 reorder columns.
cmdline-insertdatetime utility 0 727 insert date or datetime in command line.
octave.vim syntax 286 11741 Syntax highlighting file for GNU Octave language
Auto Pairs utility 411 13304 Insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair.
Advancer Abbreviation utility 1 1574 create code snippet through vim abbreviation
colorv.vim utility 95 4013 A powerful color  tool.
Fanfou.vim utility 14 1209 This is a Vim plugin for Fanfou (饭否)
ethna-switch utility 4 708 PHP Ethna Action/View/Template File Switch Plugin.
ucompleteme utility 0 772 better code completion for vim
pdub utility 0 548 dead simple vim-based password managment
jovial.vim syntax 8 868 syntax for JOVIAL (J73) programming language
browserprint utility 7 621 Prints text files to the browser
vim-coffee-script utility 353 19096 CoffeeScript support for vim
cake.vim utility 45 6214 Utility for CakePHP developers.
Find XML Tags utility 1 1081 Locate tags with out of order attributes
vim-soy syntax 10 589 Syntax file for Google Closure templates
Redhawk Vim Plugin utility 5 518 A plugin for redhawk: query and replace
typofree.vim color scheme 4 840 256 color terminal colorscheme
checklist.vim utility 5 1530 A super-simple way to create todo lists.
Comceal utility 8 872 Utility to hide comments with conceal feature
simplenote.vim utility 21 3192 plugin to interact with the simplenote web service
vim-textobj-quoted utility -1 500 A text-object for quoted text
ignore-me utility 0 678 accidental duplicate
lastmod.vim utility 7 1450 Update a last modification timestamp when saving a file
pacmanlog.vim syntax 10 1407 highlight pacman's log file
jshint.vim utility 19 1218 A plugin that integrates JSHint with Vim
Enter Indent utility 36 1063 By pressing enter between two tags, the cursor is repositioned <esc> O
gitv utility 329 2832 gitk for Vim.
quit-another-window utility 0 1264 Quickly close another window and keep working in current window
ro-when-swapfound utility 0 933 Open Vim in read-only mode when swapfile is found.
dogmatic.vim utility 0 464 Arrow keys are heretical
terse color scheme 5 1053 a terse color scheme for vim
modelica syntax 2 741 Modelica syntax file
Tabs only for indentation indent 4 731 Using tabs only for indentation while editing
colorizer utility 173 4813 Highlight #rrggbb or #rgb color
m2sh.vim syntax 0 661 Syntax highlight file for m2sh config files
Javascript OmniCompletion with YUI and j ftplugin 19 1295 DO NOT USE YET - jQuery and YUI Omni Completion
hier utility 14 1450 Highlight quickfix errors and location list entries
Amethyst color scheme 15 1099 A light colorscheme.
DayTimeColorer color scheme 2 950 Change color scheme according to position of the sun.
Table Helper utility 3 814 Utility to help in the creation of tables of data
PairTools utility 30 1287 Auto close pairs and tags
gtrans.vim utility 7 1106 Vim上的翻译插件
visual-increment utility 11 984 Use CTRL+A/X to create increasing sequence of numbers or letters via visual mode
editqf utility 18 2014 Make quickfix entries editable
openscad.vim syntax 151 3865 Simple syntax highlighting for the OpenSCAD language
fso utility 4 710 file system operations under cursor and more
emacscommandline utility 35 1427 makes command-line mode behave more like the Unix command line
sudoku_game game 45 1555 SudoKu, very popular game.The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with 1-9.
Message Formatter utility 1 2478 An plugin to ease typing of repetitive of code
gsearch utility 4 1019 Search Google inside Vim
vim-online color scheme 23 835 A color scheme based on the colors of *this* website
plexer utility 0 580 Arbitrary Multi-line multi-edit plugin
Dagon color scheme 15 1364 A dark and easy to read color scheme
jianfan ftplugin 7 1460 transcoding Simplified and Traditional
molly.vim utility 17 954 ZOMG! Very fast and sexy textmate-like command-t plugin.
Google Translate utility 26 948 Google Translate for Vim
cascading.vim utility 0 833 Cascading indenter
opener.vim utility 19 1188 Open files and URLs in the appropriate viewer
Sesiones.vim utility 26 800 Plugin for managing sesions the easy way
fatrat.vim utility 12 688 Work with all runtime files for a filetype
Save Current Font utility 1 932 Add your current font setting to your gvimrc.
rvmprompt.vim utility 0 541 A simple interface for rvm-prompt command
plantuml-syntax syntax 78 6161 Syntax file for plantuml
XPath Search utility 27 2270 Allows XPath searches to be performed on XML files
Tab Manager utility 15 2908 Rearranges buffers into tabs
vim-task ftplugin 5 979 vim task plugin, help people practice GTD in their favorite editor
strange color scheme 12 744 A muted vim color scheme for 8- and 256-color terminals, as well as gui vim
GetFilePlus utility 0 769 a gf tweak for python webapp developers
UltraBlog utility 30 5443 Ultimate Vim blogging plugin
cmdline completion utility 134 2152 cmdline completion like insert mode
mush.vim syntax 26 537 syntax file for MUSH and MUX Code
Distinguished color scheme 52 3722 A dark vim color scheme for 256-color terminals.
ciscoacl.vim syntax 5 756 Cisco ACL syntax highlighting
boost.vim utility 0 597 Load templates for new files
EasyMotion utility 1487 15211 Vim motions on speed!
Rename utility 0 569 Replaces instances of current word or selection
vim-scala ftplugin 31 3632 Vim support for writing Scala code.
gem.vim utility 5 593 a project helper for ruby gem/libraray development
SAS Syntax syntax 158 7273 Syntax Script for SAS 9.1/9.2/9.3/9.4
Gravity color scheme 19 1703 Light color scheme designed to be very readable, clean and professional.
Solarized color scheme 876 18316 Beautiful dual light/dark, selective contrast, GUI/256/16 colorscheme
accentuate.vim utility 11 541 Vim plugin that transforms text with the Accentuate.us web service
iconv utility 0 1102 iconv() function
avr8bit.vim syntax 49 2330 Assembler Syntax highlighting for Atmel AVR 8bit Microcontroller
VimOutliner utility 308 7844 Outline processor designed for lightning fast authoring
vim activator utility 1 902 A tool for reusing vim in xterm
vim-stylus syntax 27 2468 Syntax/Indentation for Stylus
Scala Java Edit utility 4 664 Jump to source file associated with class name
text object left and right utility 1 777 text oject for left and right of a statement
VimRepress utility 66 5357 Plugin for managing wordpress blog from Vim.
extradite.vim utility 37 1094 A git commit browser. Extends fugitive.vim.
TeX-9 ftplugin 132 4230 A semi-automatic LaTeX ftplugin with lots of firepower!
scrnpipe.vim utility 0 651 Pipe lines from your buffer to a screen window
compiler/pcc.vim ftplugin 0 674 compiler plugin for Portable C Compiler (pcc)
PasteBin.vim utility 15 1551 vimscript for pastebin
taglist-plus utility 16 2481 Source code browser with awesome Javascript support
vim-erlang-skeleteons ftplugin 5 587 Generic erlang templates for vim
To Upper case (case changer) utility -1 877 change the keywords to upper case.
emacs-like-macro-recorder utility -1 476 Provider emacs like macro recording short-cut key
vim_etx syntax 0 859 File detection and syntax highlighting for EazyText wiki markup
FindEverything utility 7 632 Find everyting in your drives.
Scala argument formatter utility 4 1321 Format method arguments
compiler/ifort.vim ftplugin 5 1051 compiler plugin for Intel Fortran compiler
compiler/gfortran.vim ftplugin 4 1636 compiler plugin for GNU Fortran compiler
paper color scheme 2 1103 A slightly toned-down mod of the Railscasts color scheme.
underlinetag utility 5 778 underline tagged word to know the word hyperlinked.
Risto Color Scheme color scheme 8 1570 Dark color scheme with bright and colorful syntax highlighting
compiler/g95.vim ftplugin 5 1357 compiler plugin for G95 Fortran compiler
textmanip.vim utility 25 3148 Maniplate(duplicate, move) selected text easily
visualctrlg utility 1 1086 Report info about selected text
urilib utility 0 711 URI library in vim script inspired by URI.pm
rebar utility 0 445 Vim plugin for using Rebar commands conveniently inside Vim
reporoot.vim utility 4 719 Change directory to the root of the source code repository
virtualenv.vim ftplugin 61 1886 Work with python virtualenvs within vim
phrase.vim utility 0 1243 gather useful phrase, refer it whenever you want.
PyREPL.vim utility 36 1638 PyREPL.vim is a plugin that provides a way to run a Python REPL inside buffer.
IPC syntax highlight syntax 2 443 Syntax file for Informatica Power Center log files
vim-remote utility 4 1330 Vim clientserver protocol library
Atom color scheme 48 2887 Color scheme designed to be very readable in both light and dark environments.
asp.net syntax 3 526 with javascript support
makebg utility 8 1246 Shell script to perform make in the background.
robokai color scheme 59 2540 A molokai-based color scheme for terminal vim
bad apple game 181 4310 bad apple - vim ver
bitly.vim utility 0 574 utility for bit.ly
Vim Blog utility 19 1747 An updated plugin to allow you to post from VIM to Wordpress
Neopro color scheme 6 890 Dark, high contrast neon theme
Clean color scheme 12 1439 A coherent and light color scheme optimized for web dev (Vim and GVim)
thermometer utility 3 893 work with mercurial
latte color scheme 1 714 milk & cookies colorcheme
tidydiff utility 4 516 highlight what perltidy would do
csc.snippets utility 0 632 Essbase script snippet file
windows sif syntax syntax 0 778 Windows SIF file syntax
align utility 0 836 Align the right ends of statements together.
vimake vim programmers ide utility -4 1311 A Vim Programmers IDE (Linux)
Tagbar utility 1542 26786 Display tags of the current file ordered by scope
Tabular utility 94 3456 Vim script for text filtering and alignment
dragon color scheme -1 891 Color Scheme resembling the Komodo Dark theme
Compile utility -1 441 initial commit
indent/python.vim indent 219 10340 best plugin for indent python code!
SVF syntax syntax 1 522 Syntax file for SVF - Serial Vector Format files
funprototypes.vim utility 24 1034 automatic insert function prototypes in your code
vundle utility 462 5010 Vundle the Vim package manager
vim-paint utility 7 934 vim-paint
Chess files (.pgn extension) syntax 8 739 Chess files: syntax, ftplugin and snippets
Headlights utility 43 2235 A 'Bundles' menu for Vim (like TextMate)
Flog utility 5 423 Flog integration for Ruby files
fecompressor.vim ftplugin 5 770 Auto execute yuicompressor, lessc, sass..etc
mxl.vim syntax 0 596 MaxL script syntax file
lexc/twolc Syntax Highlighter syntax 20 555 A syntax highlighter for lexc and twolc files.
RST Tables [works with non-english langu ftplugin 5 858 RST Tables : Allows to create and edit restructuredText tables easily [unicode]
Microchip Linker Script syntax file syntax 0 860 Syntax for files *.gld (Microchip Linker Script)
File Case Enforcer utility 5 964 Enforce (Windows) filesystem case in buffer names
activity-log utility 28 1174 Log what you're working on, and when.
ParseJSON utility -2 1054 Simple JSON Parser
Getafe color scheme 12 1948 This package contains a selfmade colorscheme for gvim - GUI and 256 terminals
golded.vim color scheme 12 1001 Based on GoldED from Amiga. Using low contrast colors to avoid flicking effects.
pbcopy.vim ftplugin -1 437 Mac OS X pasteboard interaction
Royal Colorschemes color scheme 0 754 Royal Colorschemes for gvim
XFST syntax file syntax 9 736 Syntax file for Xerox Finite-State Tools grammars
neco-look utility 63 1916 A neocomplcache plugin for `/usr/bin/look` for completing words in English.
Cobaltish color scheme 16 1353 Colour scheme inspired by Textmates Cobalt colour scheme
cscope_plus.vim ftplugin 1 1773 Advanced cscope settings
PreciseJump utility 179 1600 PreciseJump - script to ease on-screen motion.
twilight256.vim color scheme 152 7559 A color scheme that imitates the Twilight theme for TextMate
codepath.vim utility 0 1534 A function for your root project path
IniParser utility 2 1936 This plugin provides functions to read and write ini files for vimscript.
Biorhythm utility 13 1084 Biorhythm calculator
lazysnipmate utility 1 942 patched snipmate
AsyncCommand utility 99 4818 Execute commands and have them send their result to vim when they complete
pep8 ftplugin 23 1834 A Python filetype plugin to check pep8 convention.
vim-addon-sml utility 2 953 my sml support for Vim
obsidian2.vim color scheme 48 2923 Obsidian2 Color scheme based on Notepad++ obsidian Color scheme
Nazca color scheme 19 1478 For Web Development - Support for 256 color
LispXp utility 4 1863 Lisp snippets for xptemplate
Enhanced Javascript syntax syntax 120 5487 Improved Highlight for Ajax, DOM and Browser Objects, Methods and Properties
pytest.vim utility 15 3291 Runs your (Python) tests with py.test displaying red/green bars
neco-ghc utility 380 1373 A neocomplcache plugin for Haskell, using ghc extensions
Comment Squawk utility 14 517 Ensures that every PHP file you edit has good function comments.
Mind_syntax syntax 0 454 This script adds syntax for Mind component files
hdl_plugin utility 77 3368 Vhdl/Verilog fast instant and generate testbench file.
kkruby.vim color scheme 12 1727 color for ruby
QCL syntax hilighting syntax 0 425 Syntax hilighting for QCL
toner.vim utility 8 1424 A tool for toning vim highlight colors
w3cvalidator utility 19 1137 W3cValidate.vim is a plugin that enables buffer/url w3c validation
supp.vim syntax 4 1026 Syntax highlighting for Valgrind suppression files
bocau color scheme 3 770 A dark color theme, inspire by vividchalk
zazen color scheme 36 2615 a dark grey colorscheme based on zenesque
xterm-color-table.vim utility 62 5211 All 256 xterm colors with their RGB equivalents, right in Vim!
syntax_check_embedded_perl.vim ftplugin 4 655 automatically check the syntax of embedded perl code in vim scripts on save
nclipper.vim utility 78 1077 copy lines into clipboard with the line numbers
HJKL game 301 9168 Use H,J,K,L to explore maze
JellyX color scheme 12 979 A delicious collision of Jellybeans and Xoria256.
headerGatesAdd.vim utility 55 1148 automatic inser C/C++ header gates
update_perl_line_directives ftplugin 0 958 automatically add/update line directives in perl embedded in vim scripts
auto-kk utility 16 615 from auto.vim
Google translator utility 47 2490 Ajax Google translator
mophiaDark color scheme 2 831 A dark background color scheme
mophiaSmoke color scheme 2 762 A light background color scheme
Search Google utility 6 647 Open default webbrowser and search word in current cursor position with google.
vim-creole syntax 8 873 Creole wiki syntax
phpunit utility -1 427 Plugin to run phpunit test inside vim
fokus color scheme 9 1368 Light color scheme designed for Ruby programming
neverland.vim - All colorschemes suck color scheme 44 1878 256 colors, CLI and GUI
unite.vim utility 886 9742 Unite and create user interfaces
chapa utility 2 1994 go to, comment or visually select the next/previous function, class or method
BOOKMARKS: Mark & Highlight Full Lines utility 13 1925 Easily Highlight Lines with Marks, and Add/Remove Marks
localrc.vim utility 92 1649 Enable configuration file of each directory.
hdl_plugin indent 11 598 Vhdl/Verilog fast instant and generate testbench file
line-based_jump_memory.vim utility 4 900 Allows to quickly return to the original position after a jump on the line
iim.vim syntax 2 731 Syntax Highlighting for iMacros
opencl.vim syntax 9 659 script converted into unix fileformat made by Terence Ou
polytonic.utf-8.spl utility 51 957 Spell checking for multi accented (polytonic) Greek.
perfect.vim color scheme 2 925 Light backgrounded Vim colorsheme
JumpToLastOccurrence utility 12 1839 f{char} motions that count from the end of the line.
csc.vim syntax 0 888 Essbase script syntax file
shadow.vim utility 45 643 A plugin to support you code with a wrapper transparently in a pluggable way.
StatusLineHighlight utility 25 2171 Change statusline color depending on buffer state.
textobj-rubyblock utility 43 1869 A custom text object for selecting ruby blocks.
emacsmodeline.vim utility 6 805 Parse emacs mode line and setlocal in vim
vimorator utility 1 670 the simple tnsnames.ora parser
JumpNextLongLine utility 1 708 Jump to the next line that exceeds the &textwidth option.
vcslogdiff utility 9 763 Plugin to vcscommand.vim to allow easy diffing in log window
Vimblr utility 5 446 Post to Tumblr right from Vim
FanVim utility 1 460 Fanfou client for Vim
notes.vim utility 886 22673 Easy note taking in Vim
ColorSelect utility 1 1086 Plugin to select color with gtk interface
blockle.vim utility 12 1321 Toggle ruby block styles
hdl_plugin ftplugin 38 755 Vhdl/Verilog fast instant and generate testbench file.
eteSkeleton utility 9 564 Yet another skeleton utility
softbluev2 color scheme 11 751 softblue,comfortable.
List File utility 21 1886 Nested, folded lists
vimblogger_ft ftplugin 0 1108 reStructuredText to Blogger Interface
Shebang utility 4 1291 Make executable by setting the correct shebang and executable bit
txt.vim syntax 23 1350 Syntax file for plain text file in Chinese
Ceasy utility -12 833 A C interpreter from withim Vim
southwest-fog color scheme 11 1063 Not too dark, low contrast
janitor.vim utility 7 431 Remove extra whitespaces at end of each line
Indent Guides syntax 293 11280 A plugin for visually displaying indent levels in Vim.
Peasy syntax 5 781 A python interpreter from within Vim.
FIGlet.vim utility 63 1944 Finally, the power of Vim + FIGlet!
tabpagecolorscheme utility 43 1871 Each tab have its own colorscheme
NERD_Tree & ack utility 46 1191 Adding search capability to NERD_Tree with ack
unite-yarm utility -1 929 A Unite.vim plugin for redmine
UnconditionalPaste utility 59 4803 Force character-/line-/block-wise paste, regardless of how it was yanked.
wesnothcfg.vim syntax 6 817 Syntax highlight for Wesnoth WML
jbosslog syntax 0 485 Syntax file for viewing Jboss Logs
auto_mkdir utility 17 1582 Allows you to save files into directories that do not exist yet.
qthelp utility 5 1233 Allows you to open Qt help pages in browser from your C++ source code.
lastchange.vim utility 2 603 automatically set time-stamp on modification
devbox-dark-256 color scheme 9 1199 A 'Son of Obsidian'-like in 256 colors
unite-gem utility 34 583 A Unite.vim plugin to search/install RubyGems packages easily, using gem command
chance-of-storm color scheme 21 1475 Dark colorscheme w/ sunny colors
screen_line_jumper utility -3 444 move to a visible line that end with a certain number
inccomplete utility 24 5134 Plugin for C/C++/ObjC/ObjC++ include directive completion.
preview utility 48 4035 Plugin for previewing markup files(markdown,rdoc,textile,html)
stackoverflow.vim color scheme 33 1404 Stackoverflow's code highlights (gui)
VimOrganizer ftplugin 246 7929 An Emacs' Org-mode clone for Vim
auto utility 295 4239 Coding automation  for c/c++/ruby/python/shell/perl/...
zenesque.vim color scheme 202 3974 Minimalistic scheme with light / dark background options
rdist-syntax syntax 0 581 Syntax coloring for Rdist config files
newspaper.vim color scheme 89 1897 A light color scheme for coders whom also read newspapers
tracwiki syntax 32 1207 Vim syntax file for Trac wiki syntax
Smart Home Key utility 23 1235 Home key toggles between ^ and 0
VIP utility 36 1699 Special copy and paste for VHDL entities, components and instances of components
void color scheme 41 3613 A dark, clean color scheme
mheg syntax 40 512 Syntax script for MHEG-5 DTB (and UK Profile)
verilog_systemverilog_fix ftplugin 18 1546 Fixed Verilog/SystemVerilog file type plugin
lua_omni ftplugin 37 2178 omni completion for Lua plus few extras
unite-locate utility 46 1595 A Unite.vim plugin to find/open files easily, using locate command
VimCalc utility 47 2382 Plugin that provides a convenient interactive calculator inside a Vim buffer.
Blueshift color scheme 31 2846 Light color scheme (white background, Visual Studio and Python colors)
PyScratch utility 10 902 allows processing of Python/Ruby/Perl/Lua commands directly in Vim buffer
stakeholders utility 12 1921 Pimp up your old templates with dynamic place-holders
vim-fileutils utility -1 2765 Cross-platform file manipulation library
js-mask syntax 1 784 More concise JavaScript using Vim's "conceal" feature
lilypink color scheme 16 2354 A dark color scheme, modification of mrpink
FTPDEV ftplugin 0 2614 This is filetype plugin for vim scripts.
VimCoder.jar utility 224 6272 The TopCoder Arena editor plugin with Vim integration.
vim-addon-xdebug utility 0 1720 xdebug support for VIm using vim-addon-async
unite-font utility 33 1346 A Unite.vim plugin for changing your font.
unite-colorscheme utility 162 1567 A Unite.vim plugin for changing your colorscheme.
vim-addon-signs utility -1 1170 work around the bad API of Vim setting, unsetting signs (markers at the left)
tohtml_wincp utility 1 911 Autodetect installed Windows encodings for :TOhtml
vim-addon-json-encoding utility -1 924 make Vim read and write JSON objects
maxivim utility 0 493 Maximize/unmaximize gvim without window manager
Mizore color scheme 152 1812 A dark color scheme in cyan, blue and violet tones.
operator-html-escape utility 3 1021 operator-html-escape provides operator to escape HTML entities.
savemap.vim utility 0 1010 savemap is the library to save current mapping(s)/abbreviation(s)
gdb4vim utility 4 661 This script give you some ability to use gdb
vydark color scheme 36 3342 A versatile, comfortable colour scheme for every day use. Dark background.
vim-refact utility 6 1496 Some refactoring for Vim
vim-addon-async utility 6 3408 asynchronous communication for Vim
altera.vim syntax 0 586 Syntax file for Altera Quartus qsf files
altera_sta.vim syntax 0 570 Syntax file for Altera Quartus TimeQuest (sdc) files
Gundo utility 367 8982 Visualize your undo tree.
smartbd utility 0 397 keep splits when deleting buffers
clang complete utility 2579 38912 Use of Clang for completing C, C++, Objective-C and Objective-C++
TrimBlank utility 0 1144 help trim trailing blank characters and blank lines
up.vim color scheme 17 1106 Dark-background color scheme
Sorcerer color scheme 216 6673 Dark-background color scheme (GUI/256-color terminal).
vim_faq utility 54 6484 The Vim-FAQ from vimdoc.sourceforge.net
sjump.vim utility 6 986 Display labels in the sign area and jump to selected label
idp.vim syntax 4 366 Syntax file for IDP
toggle_option utility 0 668 Initial upload
grass.vim syntax 5 658 syntax file for grass
numbered.vim utility 6 1003 Number items in a list.
southernlights color scheme 19 3426 A 256 colors scheme
openurl.vim utility 2 969 open a url in a default browser
RevealExtends utility 0 375 A plugin to reveal extended URLs from the buildout cache
pf_earth.vim color scheme 0 865 Dark, Earthy Color Scheme
newsprint.vim color scheme 2 1367 A (pleasant) monochromatic color scheme for Vim
Show man/dict/perldoc/pydoc/phpdoc use K utility 1 573 Show man
Lite Tab Page utility 9 1131 A Tab Page extension plugin
looks utility 4 544 Manage various looks/settings of vim
Support for punctuation text objects utility 0 1408 ci/ da; vi@ yiq
OMNeT++4.x NED Syntax file syntax 8 670 The script is a syntax file for OMNeT++ 4.x NED scripts
eregex.vim utility 68 1831 Perl/Ruby style regular expression
run_python_tests ftplugin 4 463 Run Python unit tests asynchronously
Tabbi utility 35 1125 Aligns text as a table
ProjectParse utility 1 1178 Parse common project types to augment the project plugin
Python 3.x Standard Library Reference utility 247 1711 The Python 3.x standard library documentation as a Vim help file
Python 2.x Standard Library Reference utility 41 1491 The Python 2.x standard library documentation as a Vim help file
ProjectCTags utility 9 952 Generates CTAGS for versioned projects without the need to maintain project file
actionscript.vim syntax 21 1448 ActionScript 3.0 syntax file with regular expressions
Liquid Carbon color scheme 130 4663 Dark-background GUI color scheme.
kirikiri.vim syntax 9 832 syntax file for kirikiri (吉里吉里)
tchaba color scheme 1 897 A dark color scheme, 256 color terminals
RangeMacro utility 0 967 Execute macro repeatedly until the end of a range is reached.
CommandWithMutableRange utility 0 936 Execute commands which may add or remove lines for each line in the range.
open_file_from_clip_board utility -1 844 open file path that is copied in clipboard
command-list utility 0 752 create a list of command and display as needed
omnetpp ftplugin 2 781 help to edit and debug the ned file by OMNeT++
codeblocks-dark color scheme 198 12228 Code::Blocks original theme in a dark manner
bazel syntax 60 3429 Bazel build system integration
Vimtodo ftplugin 49 2562 Todo manager script inspired by todo.txt and org-mode
Bird Syntax syntax 15 659 Syntax highlighting for Bird configuration files
diff-fold.vim ftplugin 0 1422 Folds changesets, files, and hunks in Mercurial diff output
Selenitic color scheme 10 1326 Port of Visual Studio 2010 Selenetic color scheme
Son of Obisidian color scheme 54 3068 Port of Visual Studio 2010 Son of obsidian color scheme
clang utility 5 1680 Clang compiler definition
pyunit ftplugin 0 563 Quick source/test switcher and unit test runner for Python
Say Time utility 0 853 Say time date and time through speakers every 1/2 hr
phaver syntax 1 556 phaver syntax highlighting script
sequence utility 14 906 Increment / Decrement a sequence of numbers
ora-workbench utility 9 2194 A workbench for Oracle databases
makesd.vim utility 2 448 Generate Perl and C-style section dividers
L9 utility 104 27633 Vim-script library
RubyProxy utility 28 724 Makes most of vims functions available to ruby via a proxy.
swap utility 8 2287 Easy swapping of text
Jasmine snippets (for snipMate) utility 21 801 A set of snippets for the Jasmine JavaScript BDD Framework
Zephyr Color Scheme color scheme 8 1188 Dark color scheme with distinct but calm colors
Shades of Amber color scheme 43 1693 Amber monitor influenced, nostalgic colour scheme
CaptureClipboard utility 24 2929 Append system clipboard changes to current buffer.
Heliotrope color scheme 4 868 A dark-on-light color scheme
Timer routine utility 4 1185 Does a 'timer' for vimscript like there is on other languages
aspnetide.vim ftplugin 4 2032 aspnetide.vim: A Plugin that turns vim into an asp.net IDE!
Open associated programs utility 21 2762 Open files and web pages in associated programs from Vim
bufsurf utility 16 633 Plugin for navigating buffers webbrowser style.
tdvim_FoldDigest utility 0 475 Creates an outline view from folds in the current buffer
minibufexplorer++ utility 28 2114 Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space
LimitWindowSize utility 6 1113 Reduce the current window size by placing an empty padding window next to it.
blockinsert utility 8 1836 Easy Insert/Append to a paragraph of text
html5.vim utility 118 5977 HTML5 omnicomplete funtion and syntax for Vim
showcolor.vim utility 7 1085 show all color in term or gui with vim.
ToggleLineNumberMode utility 267 1316 Switch between
VimgrepBuffer utility 10 1203 Run vimgrep on buffers
HTML5 Syntax File syntax 61 3717 HTML5 Syntax File
PyInteractive utility 80 1525 Simple python read-eval-print loop inside Vim
TeX-PDF ftplugin 56 4174 Lightweight
stem-search utility 6 390 StmSrch is a reverse-stem searching script
porter-stem utility 1 359 PorterStem implements the Porter stemming algorithm for use as script utility
Simple Javascript Indenter indent 70 5634 A simple javascript indent script, support OOP, jquery
lodestone color scheme 46 2007 The most magnetic color scheme, guaranteed. (256 color)
Flex 4 syntax 29 1771 Syntax highlighting for Adobe Flex 4
VIM Color Picker utility 33 1242 A simple color picker for VIM, based on GTK color chooser dialog.
LanguageTool utility 314 17224 Grammar checker for English, French, German (etc.) in Vim
285colors-with-az-menu color scheme 12 826 285 color schemes for Vim with alphabetical menu
indexer.tar.gz utility 176 11605 Auto-generate tags for all files of project(s) and keep tags up-to-date
Better CSS Syntax for Vim syntax -13 3378 Make CSS more readable.
ProjectTag utility 6 2526 This plugin is aimed at generating tags for a whole project.
processing snipmate utility 8 698 A port of the Textmate bundle to work with processing pde files
qnamebuf utility 61 2015 QuickNameBuf: A quick general manager
Replay.vim utility 17 2591 Record and Replay your editing Session
View Ports utility 0 429 Change tab title in terminal version of Vim
presets utility 0 929 Quickly switch between vim configurations
rslTools ftplugin 13 549 A tool set for renderman shading language developers
python_showpydoc ftplugin 0 484 Show document python within gvim command line~
operator-reverse utility 0 679 Operator to reverse text/lines
Smart Parentheses utility -4 908 Minimal but smart parentheses handling for programming
Quotes utility 0 551 Minimal but smart quote handling for programming
cHiTags utility -1 535 Hi tags
bundler utility 1 569 Vim Ex-command wrapper for Ruby Bundler
tangoshady color scheme 32 1131 the real TANGO colorscheme
python_showpydoc.vim ftplugin 0 633 Show document string of python3 or later in command line~
htip utility 0 483 quick haskell hints at the status line
mantip utility 1 457 quick tip from synopsis section in man pages for words
rdark-terminal color scheme 4 1488 256 Color Terminal version of the rdark colorscheme
trailing-whitespace utility 95 2340 Highlights trailing whitespace in red and offers:FixWhitespace
Haskell Conceal syntax 32 1498 Add some conceal operation to haskell's syntax
vim-addon-ocaml utility -1 911 collected ocaml scripts - some completion - annotations
undofile.vim utility 13 1701 persistent undo: enable 'undofile' for certain files only
current-func-info.vim utility 6 2853 Get current function name
gedim utility 30 1516 Auto-size Graphical EDitor DIMensions on open.
Starting .vimrc utility -16 959 Simple .vimrc to get up and running
ovim utility 5 771 open files in running gvim from a terminal
v4daemon utility 2 497 Send vim buffer lines to your background daemon (i.e. netcat)
jade.vim syntax 50 3908 Jade syntax and indenting
DokuVimKi utility 10 936 Allows to edit DokuWiki pages via XMLRPC
yamlvim utility 27 7153 YAML dumper/emitter in pure vimscript
vimoop utility 4 3143 Adds some features of Python OOP model to vim.
vimcompcrtr utility 1 4164 Script that makes creating completion functions much easier.
vimargumentchec utility 3 3930 Library that helps to check function and command arguments.
vimstuff utility 2 3556 Some useful vim functions
jsonvim utility 1 2936 Library that makes vim able to safely load JSON files
vimpluginloader utility 4 4720 Plugin that helps to create complicated vim scripts
CSS3 Highlights syntax 5 889 CSS3 Highlights
mail_movement ftplugin 8 2205 Movement over email quotes with ]] etc.
fortunes_movement ftplugin 0 1331 Movement over email fortunes with ]] etc.
diff_movement ftplugin 5 1291 Movement over diff hunks with ]] etc.
help_movement ftplugin 0 948 Movement over Vim help sections with ]] etc.
Shapley Values utility 1 1055 This scripts computes Some Shapley values for Gmes with Externalities
BusierBee color scheme 3 825 A modification of BusyBee.vim
typeredeemer utility 5 463 Simple font-size unit conversion for your CSS stylesheets
Haskell Highlight Enhanced syntax 8 802 highlight all Haskell98 standard function & classes & datatypes
JsLint Helper utility 3 859 a javascript code validator
vimgcwsyntax syntax 7 722 Vim Syntax File for Google Code Wiki
SyntaxComplete utility 42 4582 OMNI Completion based on the current syntax highlights
phpcomplete.vim ftplugin 134 8584 php omnicomplete with extra support
foo color scheme 17 987 placeholder
luainspect.vim syntax 59 10773 Semantic highlighting for Lua in Vim
mojo.vim syntax 94 2551 Mojolicious templates syntax
regbuf.vim utility 8 1205 Handy :registers buffer
toggle_mouse utility 20 760 Toggles the mouse focus on or off.
obviously-insert utility 15 821 Makes it REALLY obvious if you are in insert mode.
pythondo utility 5 633 Add
endline utility 8 1120 Easily add filetype-specific line-endings.
tabops utility 19 1874 A collection of miscellaneous functionalities operating tabs.
pyflakes ftplugin 9 1219 Vim filetype plugin for running pyflakes on Python files
pep8 ftplugin 33 1835 Vim filetype plugin for running PEP8 on Python files
ekini dark colorscheme color scheme 8 1217 Dark and cool color scheme
gitview utility 0 522 browse changed git files within vim
opencl.vim syntax 51 3302 Syntax file for OpenCL 1.1
ikiwiki-syntax syntax 4 931 syntax highlighting for ikiwiki files
slang_syntax syntax 33 993 Sytanx files for OpenGL shader languages GLSL 400 and GLSL 330
vorax utility 70 2411 An Oracle IDE for Geeks.
CSS one-line / multi-line folding ftplugin 176 760 Folded text is compressed on one line
sablecc.vim syntax 0 533 syntax highlighting for sablecc
pytestator utility 13 499 simple script to simplify the use of unit test in python
session.vim utility 282 17578 Extended session management for Vim
Smooth Center utility 0 1814 Smoothly centres display when you press Esc like zz, zt and zb
reload.vim utility 47 7663 Automatic reloading of Vim scripts ((file-type) plug-ins, auto-load/syntax/inden
wmgraphviz ftplugin 10 1481 Plugin for Graphviz DOT
quickrun.vim utility 94 4414 Run a command and show its result quickly.
zetavim utility 0 527 Plugin to ftdetect, syntax highlight ZWiki-zeta markup. Interface with Zeta site
hgrev utility 18 871 Display Mercurial revision info in the Vim statusline.
vim-haxe utility 0 2032 haxe language support
vim-snipplr utility 1 439 frontend for http://www.snipplr.com/
ez_scroll utility 28 619 Scroll a window using right click+drag
obsidian color scheme 21 1546 a colorscheme based on Obsidian Coast
phd color scheme 54 7508 Color theme with dark blue background for coding
datascript.vim syntax 0 1269 Syntax file for the Datascript modelling binary datatypes language
tac-syntax syntax 0 480 Syntax for Tac files (http://slimmer.gforge.inria.fr/tac/)
beluga-syntax syntax 0 577 Syntax for Beluga fles (http://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~complogic/beluga/)
Vim Script Updater utility 11 2863 Automatically update vim scripts
rvm.vim utility 14 1071 RVM Integration
open-browser.vim utility 48 4045 Open URI with your favorite browser from your most favorite editor
underwater-mod color scheme 59 2163 Eye-pleasing dark blue scheme based on Underwater colorscheme
darkBlue color scheme 44 2528 A darkblue color scheme.
CountJump utility 61 4838 Create custom motions and text objects via repeated jumps.
teraterm syntax 15 1107 Teraterm MACRO syntax highlighting
Search in Addressbook utility 9 1027 Complete email addresses from an external addressbook
gams syntax 32 1463 gams syntax highlighting
xpcomplete utility 8 752 Completion for the XP-Framework (php)
PIV ftplugin 12 942 PHP Integration environment for Vim
vim-addon-sbt utility 3 2119 run sbt (simple build tool) within vim using python background process
shell.vim utility 250 14425 Improved integration between Vim and its environment (fullscreen, open URL, etc)
PySuite utility 0 911 A collection of python vim scripts
django_templates.vim utility 3 1036 Macros and menus for django templates
grails-vim utility 9 1531 Easy file navigation and testing of Grails projects
tcbuild.vim syntax 0 379 syntax of buildinfo file of TCbuild (build tool for Fortran)
skk.vim utility 36 2881 Japanese SKK
fu color scheme 131 3437 Clean and beautiful colorscheme. Do your eyes a favour.
CFWheels Dictionary syntax 2 528 dictionary file for CFWheel functions
SingleCompile utility 265 12349 Make it more convenient to compile or run a single source file.
easytags.vim utility 761 23350 Automated tag file generation and syntax highlighting of tags in Vim
formatvim utility 17 7389 Convert current file to colored HTML, BBCode or whatever
RemoveFile.vim utility 6 884 Remove a file from the disk
leglight2 color scheme -2 716 Another light colour scheme based off of legiblelight
mdx.vim syntax 10 897 Syntax highlighting for MDX (OLAP queries)
LaTeX Box ftplugin 204 9595 Lightweight Toolbox for LaTeX
GUI Box utility 5 1949 Color scheme and font menu window
writebackupToAdjacentDir utility 14 1678 Backup to an adjacent backup directory.
truebasic.vim syntax 0 353 Syntax file for TrueBasic.
legiblelight color scheme 2 1060 another light scheme, easier on eyes
pyref.vim utility 23 6796 Context-sensitive documentation for Python source code
tony_light color scheme -3 705 Another Light Colour Scheme
vplinst utility 0 556 [yet another] Vim Plugin Installer
Tumble utility 10 726 A plugin to post to the tumblr.vim microblogging service
nevfn color scheme 3 1388 Dark colorscheme based on desert
mflrename utility 0 477 Multiple file rename
PNote utility -1 696 Power Notes
Silence color scheme 11 762 Light color scheme
yaifa utility 71 2903 Yet another indent finder, almost...
cvsdiff.vim utility 0 632 visual 'cvs diff -r version' utility for vim diffsplit
syntax-codecsconf syntax 0 362 syntax for mplayer-src codecs.conf
TortoiseTyping game 12 1072 a minimal typing tutor for touch-typists
autocomp.vim utility 6 1935 Auto-complete VIM script tailored for those with RSI
Sessions utility 4 1333 Vim-Sessions is an automatic session generator, per project basis
RTL color scheme 22 753 Color highlighting for gcc rtl dumps
vimtl syntax 4 968 Allow to handle todo lists
GetFile utility 20 452 Select and Open a File by typing part of its path.
OutlookVim utility 114 7767 Use Vim to edit the body of an email for Microsoft Outlook
glyph.vim syntax 0 1606 Syntax highlighting for the Glyph Macro Language
tf2.vim syntax 8 615 TF2 script syntax highlighting
dc.vim syntax 5 582 syntax definitions for dc (desktop calculator)
qiushibaike utility 86 6553 在Vim上看糗事百科
tagmaster utility 10 794 Tags manipulation script
JavaScript Indent indent 2601 17814 Javascript indenter (HTML indent is included)
deprecated utility 1 683 deprecated
CodeFactory color scheme 0 1676 A clean and dark color scheme for developers (Vim/GVim)
Delphi (7-2010) syntax 38 1581 Delphi syntax highlight
ego.vim color scheme 19 1434 A VIM color scheme using a dark background and beautiful foreground colors.
NrrwRgn utility 204 9144 A Narrow Region Plugin similar to Emacs
Trac Wikimarkup syntax 0 519 Better syntax highlighting for Trac wikimarkup
kiss.vim color scheme 9 934 dark and simple colorscheme
self.vim utility 15 2323 Vim Self Object Prototype System
reimin utility 6 392 Add an #include without jumping
ShowMultiBase utility 28 1061 Display a number in binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal formats
Slidedown Syntax syntax 4 431 highlighting for the Slidedown presentation tool
recover.vim utility 201 6063 Show differences for recovered files
ref.vim utility 399 1922 Integrated reference viewer.
repeater.vim utility 11 429 Repeat an item {n} times
mayansmoke color scheme 297 13875 Ergonomic light-background color scheme.
after/syntax/c.vim syntax 170 8682 C Syntax Extensions
mdark.vim color scheme 6 943 Dark colorscheme with shade variations, based on rdark/mydark
256-grayvim color scheme 50 4284 Blue & gray 256 colorscheme
VxLib utility 8 1488 Some utility functions packed in a library
Manuals utility 4 1292 An extensible help system
lastpos.vim utility 7 1109 Last position jump improved for Easy Vim
tex_mini.vim ftplugin 8 742 facilitates the preparation of LaTeX documents in vim
vimsizer utility 2 621 A vim global plugin that allows for quick window sizing
translit3 utility 10 5343     Plugin used for text transliteration
ciscoasa.vim syntax 5 911 Cisco ASA firewall syntax highlighting
Otter.vim syntax 0 437 Otter theorem prover input file highlighter
Maynard utility 0 392 An RPN calculator in an input() prompt
changesPlugin utility 65 4583 indicate changes of a buffer
vimform utility 8 1383 Simple text-based forms for vim
smartmove.vim utility 4 965 Some useful keymappings for movement
acomment utility 10 1020 comment plugin for vim
vicom utility -3 641 Intelligent Line Commenter for the most popular programs [LINUX ONLY]
scalacommenter.vim utility 8 2263 Functions for documenting Scala-code
operator-camelize utility 8 1930 snake_case -> SnakeCase, CamelCase -> camel_case
cmakeref utility 7 1098 CMake reference in vimhelp format with a python script to regenerate it
compiler/python.vim ftplugin 7 724 improved python compiler script
clevercss.vim syntax 13 815 syntax highlighting for CleverCSS
css3 syntax 23 3949 css3 syntax for vim
RST Tables utility 54 1740 Allows to create and edit restructuredText tables easily
cmd.vim utility 23 2625 Execute shell(or Windows cmd) command in Vim and echo output in Vim
vimgdb utility 38 4155 Emacs like gdb interface to cterm vim
noweb.vim syntax 34 1399 A syntax file for noweb, with separate highlighting for documentation and code
vim-indent-object utility 206 2867 Text Objects based on Indentation Level
XTermEsc syntax 1 759 highlight xterm escape sequences
tesla color scheme 397 3301 A dark color scheme for the GUI
syntax/haskell.vim syntax 138 4749 Haskell Syntax File
Vim Title Formatter utility 11 692 Formats the gvim instance titlebar string for efficiency
Mahewincs color scheme 39 1465 A vim colorscheme
orange color scheme 0 964 a mild color theme
motpat.vim utility 7 945 create motion mappings defined by a pattern
tex-turkce ftplugin 13 1370 Converts Turkish characters to their TeX/HTML representation and back.
rename.vim utility 11 1226 rename variables and files in your code
grsecurity ftplugin 0 1338 grsecurity ftplugin to edit policy files and see grsec log messages (dmesg)
PickAColor.vim utility 14 1171 Inserts and edits color codes using a color name or a graphic color chooser.
Command-T utility 1090 34539 Fast file navigation for VIM
vimake color scheme 4 1496 Vimake is a programming aid written in C++ for Linux
tslime.vim utility 53 1453 Send text from vim to a running tmux session
Bookmarking utility 37 1882 A bookmaking facility for Vim for marking points of interest.
Find files utility 5 1147 Easy find & open using find application.
EasyOpts utility 3 584 Help other scripts in the option management
spin.vim syntax 14 805 Syntax file for Parallax Spin language
vim-addon-completion utility -1 1551 select and cycle completion function
Cppcheck compiler utility 2 990 Compiler definition for cppcheck
happy.vim syntax 13 718 syntax highlight for happy files
alex.vim syntax 8 685 syntax highlight for alex files
ColorX utility 18 1286 A script that lets you insert hex color codes by using OS X's color picker
tcommand utility 12 1763 Select and execute a command or menu item from a list
vspec utility 8 2567 Testing framework for Vim script
tumblr.vim syntax 25 692 Syntax highlighting for Tumblr themes
delete-surround-html ftplugin 0 700 for deleting surrounding html/django tags
treemenu.vim utility 8 737 customizable treemenu plugin
httplog syntax 19 3215 Highlight access log of Apache, nginx, etc
Twee Integration for Vim syntax 1 558 Syntax highlighting and compiler support for twee interactive stories creator
CSSMinister utility 19 903 Converts colors in CSS stylesheets from one format to another
simplecommenter utility 8 1217 simple commenter
vxfold.vim utility 10 1696 Fold cycling similar to emacs org-mode (using TAB key)
indent/python indent 26 1136 Yet another Python indentation script
tag_in_new_tab utility 10 779 Open tag in new tab.
candyman.vim color scheme 19 1884 dark colorscheme based on jellybeans
html advanced text objects ftplugin 7 1356 some alternate text objects for html
django template textobjects ftplugin 0 2043 textobject mappings for the django template language
BackgroundColor.vim utility 6 1125 Define a background color for your vim
utlx_interwiki.vim utility 12 1416 A scheme that adds interwiki linking to the script UTL
TranslateEnToCn utility 20 1367 translate english to chinese in vim
colorselector utility 15 1304
    provide an emacs-like colorscheme selector buffer.
Rackup syntax 1 483 Syntax file for Rackup (config.ru) files
ywtxt utility 1 3786 Ease vim to write plain documents.
SaveSigns utility 1 1367 Save and Restore your Signs
rcom ftplugin 0 2239 Evaluate R (www.r-project.org) code via rcom, rserve, screen, or tmux
stickykey utility 0 1234 You don't need press very far away meta keys
pummode utility 23 759 Select completion menu with j and k.
OpenCL C syntax highlighting syntax 6 1374 OpenCL C syntax highlighting
loadtags utility 13 558 Load the correct set of tags for the file you're editing
AddCppClass utility 23 864 this plugin is to help you add a c++ class conveniently
BUGS language syntax 0 494 syntax highlighting
R syntax highlighting syntax 27 3293 R syntax highlighting
qmake--syntax.vim syntax 12 1012 syntax for qmake tool from QT
jumphl.vim utility 3 949 Highlight cursor line after cursor jump
Emmet.vim utility 2161 55730 vim plugins for HTML and CSS hi-speed coding.
php-doc upgrade utility 5 875 2005 php-doc plugin w/ added bonuses
Parameter Text Objects utility 33 1127 Defines parameter text objects
trogdor color scheme 10 913 A coding theme to help minimize eye strain.
underwater color scheme 65 3589 An easy on the eyes dark blue theme
blowfish.vim utility 1 1066 blowfish function
fugitive.vim utility 4903 21238 A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal
mrkn256.vim color scheme 17 1493 Color scheme designed by mrkn, for 88- and 256-color xterms.
cucumber.zip utility 91 2902 Cucumber runtime files
hmac.vim utility 0 798 hmac() function
sha1.vim utility 4 920 sha1() function
ISBN-10 to EAN-13 converter utility 7 585 Convert ISBNs to EAN-13s
ucf.vim syntax 2 611 Xilinx User Constraint File Syntax
ikiwiki-nav ftplugin 4 1261 several helpers for editing ikiwiki pages
daemon_saver.vim game 42 1261 Vim version of FreeBSD daemon_saver
Doxia APT syntax 11 602 syntax highlighting of Doxia APT files as used by Maven
SyntaxMotion.vim utility 3 1942 Cursor motion & visual selection by syntax highlighting group
neutron.vim color scheme 8 1086 Light background colorscheme
line number yank utility 2 543 yank lines with line number
liftweb.vim utility 0 838 A plugin for vim to ease navigation for projects that use the Lift framework.
groovyindent indent 27 2482 groovy indent script
bisect utility 17 1096 Navigation via bisection
emoticon.vim game -2 730
    emoticon omni completion
emoticon.vim game 4 758
    emoticon omni completion
load_template utility 66 3829 Loading templates as html,makefile,class ... and you can make template yourself!
csp.vim syntax 0 418 syntax file for CSP
hex.vim ftplugin 2 534 ftplugin for Intel Hex files
hypergit.vim utility 21 1439 an awesome git plugin for vim.
Wavefront's obj syntax -1 660 Syntax for wavefront's obj file format
c standard functions highlight syntax 21 981 highlight most functions in C89/C99/unistd.h
SaneCL indent 14 1975 Quickly indents Common Lisp code and is 100% VimScript
cflow output colorful syntax 37 1206 to analyze the source codes more effectively by using GNU cflow
The Max Impact Experiment utility 16 1116 A playground to see how much we can do with pithy code
GoogleSuggest Complete utility 4 1433 complete function using google suggest API. perhaps, you should input japanese w
bvemu.vim color scheme 3 1043 Another Dark Scheme for gvim
AGTD utility 48 1170 Almighty GTD File for Vim
AutomaticLaTeXPlugin ftplugin 626 133273 Background compilation, completion, bib serch, toc and other nice features.
visualstar.vim utility 23 1926 star(*) for Visual-mode.
ccvext.vim ftplugin 21 2635 More convenience way to use ctags and cscope in vim
Ruby/Sinatra syntax 8 1210 Syntax highlight for Ruby/Sinatra micro-framework
actionscript3id.vim syntax 4 834 vim syntax highlight identifiers of actionscript 3
vim-addon-mw-utils utility 2 1080 some utilities I wrote
strawimodo color scheme 14 808 GUI-only - colorful but sane
Multi-Replace utility 9 685 Perfom non-cumulative multi-replace
hexHighlight.vim utility 125 3095 Plugin to highlight hex codes in gvim.
bzr-commit utility 0 376 Commit bazaar using splited view (diff, status and commit comment)
superSnipMate ftplugin 17 677 improved from snipMate with which you can expand your snippet within another
vim-addon-actions utility -3 1489 keep list of actions you can bind to shortcuts easily on demand
vim-addon-fcsh utility 0 962 run adobe fcsh Flex compiler shell in background decreasing compilation times
histwin.vim utility 213 7577 Browse the undo tree
fontzoom.vim utility 21 1575 The fontsize controller in gVim.
rfc syntax syntax 19 1747 Simple syntax highlight for RFC file
mark_tools utility 12 1263 Toggle and navigate marks
Vimrc Version Numbering utility 2 605 automatic vimrc version numbering
Dictionary List Replacements utility 0 388 ==SUPERSEDED BY MULTI-REPLACE==
SnippetComplete utility 7 2467 Insert mode completion that completes defined abbreviations and other snippets.
apt-complete.vim plugin 0 1168 provide debian package name completion
tocterm utility 11 1057 Utitliy to add cterm support to color schemes without the GUIColorSchemes plugin
std.vim utility -3 998 standard util vim functions
vimomni ftplugin 0 2303 omni completion for VimL
FirstEffectiveLine.vim utility 5 757 Go to the first effective(non-comment) line of the file
Mercury compiler support utility 4 651 Ftplugin, syntax and supplemental plugin for Mercury compiler
Preamble utility 10 464 Automatically folds long licensing and copyright preambles that head sources.
SpitVspit utility 36 2072 Powerful multiple files splitting.
tplugin utility 11 4618 A plugin loader/runtimepath manager with autoload capabilities
extended help utility -1 902 Simple plugin to open and close help without leaving current window
startup_profile patch 10 1330 Profile vim startup
pep8 utility 142 9385 Check your python source files with PEP8
spidermonkey.vim ftplugin 1 785
    spidermonkey syntax supports and snippets , reference query.
syntax/Gemfile.vim syntax 47 1255 The syntax file of Gemfile which is used for a RubyGems library "Bundler"
selfdot ftplugin 4 625 type `self.` by pressing `.`
restart.vim utility 36 2896 Restart your gVim
Flex Development Support utility 33 2270 Flex development support, ftplugin, indent, syntax, code completion, ...
Enhanced Ex utility 3 661 Improve your efficiency in ex-mode
hlint utility 5 915 Compiler definition for the hlint (haskell checker) tool
Vim Condensed Quick Reference utility 53 2998 Vim quick reference in LaTeX, PDF and PS formats
vim-addon-manager utility 13 6633 manage and update plugins easily
Cfengine version 3 syntax syntax 62 3164 Cfengine 3 syntax highlighting
Cfengine 3 ftplugin ftplugin 5 1249 Abbreviations and other help for Cfengine 3 files
AuthorInfo ftplugin 68 5061 You can add your author info in any source files,such as cpp,c,java,and c#.
ShowFunc.vim ftplugin 4 870 Show the function's define.
gitolite.vim syntax 6 2801 Syntax highlight and indent rules for gitolite configuration
TxtBrowser syntax 153 7580 Browse .txt and .rst files easily(show the title tag and syntax highlight)
circos.vim syntax 0 399 Syntax file for Circos visualization program conf files
Chrysoprase color scheme 17 1086 A dark-on-light colour scheme
open terminal, filemanager utility 14 889 Open native terminal , file manager app for various platforms
PyPit utility 0 512 Python version of pitconfig.vim
vikitasks utility 20 4119 A "distributed" todo lists manager for viki (with limited support for todo.txt)
filetype-completion.vim utility 1 755 filetype completion
doubleTap ftplugin 12 546 Double Tap Certain Characters to insert and jump out of character pairs.
create_start_fold_marker.vim utility 0 876 create start fold marker with level number
slurper.vim utility 24 1527 Provides vim features for .slurper files.
bluechia.vim color scheme 34 919 A dark color scheme for GUI
CodeOverview utility 24 1447 Display a graphical overview of code alongside a gvim window.
manuscript color scheme 205 3211 Dark colorscheme
cgc.vim utility 8 630 A compiler description for nVidia cg compiler
gsession.vim utility 18 2090 global session manager (improved)
JavaAspect utility 0 621 A script that generates aspect template for Java.
growlnotify.vim utility 0 941 growlnotify wrapper for vim script.
Markdown syntax 261 14178 Syntax highlight for Markdown text files
mib_translator utility 0 1673 Translate SNMP OIDs from within Vim
rcshell.vim syntax 13 1498 syntax highlight file for the rc shell scripting language
XPstatusline utility 30 1844 statusline with many infomation
RDoc syntax 17 2470 Syntax highlight for Ruby Documentation
spinner.vim utility 28 1706 fast buffer/file/tab/window switching plugin with only 3 keys.
HTML menu for GVIM utility 0 759 my HTML menu with Tag I use often
signal_dec_VHDL utility 0 421 Defines internal signals in VHDL
php.vim syntax 103 6407 PHP syntax file updated for PHP 5.3
record-repeat.vim utility 3 678 Repeat sequences of commands
signature_block.vim utility 3 870 Add and manipulate signature blocks in e-mails
FindMate utility 9 1467 Find files in your whole system or current directory
OmniTags utility 19 1104 This plugin can help you to maintenance tags file.
Ruby Single Test utility 0 860 Runs a single Ruby test under the cursor
fortran_line_length utility 1 1723 According to the file extension of a FORTRAN source file, a valid length is set.
"Go" Syntax syntax 3 738 Syntax definitions for Google's "Go" language.
gemcolors color scheme 27 1278 colorfull theme dark background
colqer utility 35 702 switch to colemak in insert mode
NSIS syntax highlighting syntax 26 1503 NSIS syntax file for NSIS 2.46
GNU as syntax syntax 125 4180 GNU as (AT&T) syntax for *86 CPUs
JumpInCode (new update) ftplugin 12 1860 Cscope and tags plugin , build files in your Current directory
i can't delete this utility 7 1133 i can't delete this
prettyprint.vim utility 33 1540 Prettyprint vim variables.
grey2 color scheme 8 1697 dark scheme
textobj-fatpack utility 1 918 Various text objects in single package
exjumplist utility 0 1028 Extra commands for jumplist
vimmpc utility 8 461 Manipulate a running mpd daemon from within vim
github theme color scheme 477 33797 A gvim colorscheme based on github's syntax highlighting
go.vim syntax 112 9633 Syntax file for the Go programming language
go.vim syntax 20 1606 Syntax file for the Go programming language
perlomni.vim ftplugin 50 6022 perl omni completion  (perl-completion.vim)
Speedware syntax 0 542 Syntax Highlighting for Speedware
FindInNERDTree utility 5 666 Expands NERDTree to file in current buffer
color codes SQL keywords from Oracle 11g syntax 2 462 code update from Alvin Steele
Script Walker utility -5 1023 Walks up and down the file for you
pod-helper.vim ftplugin 0 1146 perl pod helpers
haskellFold ftplugin 13 1104 Provide a foldexpr function which give nice folding for haskell files.
ywchaos utility 14 2716 Journal taking and diary making, to record all the chaos of your life :)
simple comment utility 6 566 simple toggle comment script
FlipLR utility 7 1655 Flips left hand side and right hand side.
vorg syntax 78 1015 vim organizer syntax file
coldgreen.vim color scheme 3 918 base on dark background and green, blue color
noused ftplugin 6 634 ..
QuickFixHighlight utility 12 499 Initial release
HiVim color scheme 18 1115 HiVim is a color scheme creator
powershellCall utility 16 1168 Allow the use of Powershell to evaluate some buffer lines
wikinotes syntax 4 808 Wikipedia syntax with added functionality for taking notes
phpcodesniffer.vim utility 0 424 Revisar los estándares de programación con PhpCodeSniffer
template.vim utility 28 2436 Simple and flexible template engine.
buf_it utility 37 1463 Buffer list in statusline
xmms2ctrl utility 0 414 Control XMMS2 through VIM
mimicpak color scheme 494 2640 Converted colorschemes from other Editors/IDEs, plus originals.
csv.vim ftplugin 731 19714 A Filetype plugin for csv files.
roo.vim syntax 9 689 Spring Roo syntax highlighting
Cobalt Colour scheme color scheme 53 3899 Vim version of TextMates Cobalt colour scheme
RTM.vim utility -1 485 Vim plugin for Remember The Milk
multisearch.vim utility 16 1154 Search + highlight multiple search terms
filter utility 7 748 apply filters to text, by filetype
libperl.vim utility 0 1360 provide standard vim functions for perl code
baan.vim indent 61 989 Indenting for Baan scripts
unicode.vim utility 34 6638 Various enhancements for using unicode and digraphs with Vim
sqlplus.vim utility 67 1834 Execute SQL queries and commands from within VIM (using Oracle's SQL*Plus)
DBGp-client utility 0 449 Initial upload
smarty syntax syntax 2 800 Syntax highlight for Smarty Template Engine
Asneeded 2 utility -1 1025 Load scripts as needed
testname utility 0 882 Generate unused file name for testing purpose
Execute selection in Python and append utility 6 713 Execute a selection in Python and paste result after
hornet.vim color scheme 28 1001 Hornet style colorscheme
PyMol syntax syntax 8 583 PyMol syntax
MailApp utility 11 1450 This plugin allows Mac OS X users to send e-mails from Vim using Mail.app.
term.vim game 19 975 Terminal library
hlasm.vim syntax 23 552 asm370 hlasm mvs
InsertChar utility 46 1163 Press <tab> to insert a single character
fontsize utility 48 5087 Adjust Gvim font size via keypresses
haxe_plugin ftplugin 1 394 Alternative flashdeveloper for programming on haxe
Nmap syntax highlight syntax 9 656 Nmap syntax highlight
md5.vim game 8 1216 md5() function
assistant utility 69 2923 Display the definition of functions, variables, etc. (Tags, PHP/JS/Vim/...)
chocolate.vim color scheme 11 990 Choclolate color scheme, based on the W3C core style
php_localvarcheck.vim ftplugin 9 1499 highlight unused/unassigned local variable
JavaScript syntax (add E4X support) syntax 0 784 Fix highlighting on E4X (CDATA) blocks
NERD_tree Project utility 15 1072 It tries to find out root project directory, browse project file with NERD_tree.
Windows PowerShell indent (enhanced) indent 37 1323 New version - everything indents correctly
tango.vim color scheme 11 2202 Full Tango based colorscheme
Pasto utility 8 670 paste it to Pasto
SoftTabStops utility 0 1018 Set typewriter like tabstops.
CheckAttach.vim utility 145 4104 Check for attachments when writing mails with mutt
Functionator utility 25 1372 Simple script that shows the name of the current function
phpErrorMarker ftplugin 18 2966 Mark syntax errors in php file
hybridevel utility 0 715 plugin for hybrid program
perdirvimrc: Autoload vimrc files per di utility 37 2322 Loads vimrc files that are above the opened file in the directory tree
popup_it utility 34 1180 Auto complete popup plugin
cmdline-increment.vim utility 9 1000 increment, decrement commandline number.
rargs.vim utility 2 1021 read the contents of many files at one time.
InsertList utility 0 506 Insert number-list.
Melt Vim syntax 4 741 Plugin for Melt files
cpan.vim utility 20 1801 cpan module helper
wwwsearch utility 2 1529 Search WWW easily from Vim
template-init.vim utility 0 1037 provide more flexiable template
DumbBuf utility 5 2494 simple buffer manager like QuickBuf.vim
operator-replace utility 20 2002 Operator to replace text with register content
Django helper utils utility 0 737 Url tag jump, template path import and html client dump
python tag import ftplugin 0 1830 guesses the import path of a python tag
moss color scheme 127 1946 Dark color scheme for low light conditions
gui2term.py utility 79 4845 Python script that add 256-color terminal support to GUI only colorschemes.
tir_black color scheme 66 4446 based on ir_black colorscheme, tweaked for 256 color terms
vilight.vim color scheme 43 4029 A more literal translation of Will Farrington's Twilight color theme
logpad.vim utility 19 2026 Vim plugin for emulating Windows Notepad's logging functionality
whitebox.vim color scheme 16 1057 Light colorscheme with bright colors.
grex utility 2 1567 Operate on lines matched to the last search pattern (:g/re/x)
Smart Home Key utility 15 1063 Better Home key experience for editing, especially for coding
Conque Shell utility 2354 28159 Run interactive commands inside a Vim buffer
JumpInCode ftplugin 20 1126 more convenice way to use ctags and cscope in vim
pipe.vim utility 19 1316 make vim part of a unix pipe and allow it to edit the pipe contents
vimscript utility 0 705 use vim as an interpreter to write shell commands in vimscript like vimsh
emv utility 16 741 emv - external utilitity invoking vim for mass renaming
Join.vim utility 16 1877 Improved Algorithm for joining lines in large files
Better Javascript Indentation indent 140 5131 Vastly improved javascript indentation
dull color scheme 3 908 a very low saturation colour scheme
falcon.vim ftplugin 0 685 Filetype plugin script for Falcon
falcon.vim ftplugin 0 522 Filetype detection script
qtmplsel.vim utility 3 1726 quick template selector with expression expansion
Tortoise utility 8 1036 Automate TortoiseSVN from vim
Quich Filter utility 313 3694 Quickly filter all matches of a string, browse the list, and jump back quickly.
Mustang2 color scheme 104 5416 a small edit of a beautifully picked color scheme
forneus color scheme 2 1093 Grey background and soft, eye pleasing foreground colours
color-chooser.vim utility 8 970 a graphical RGB/HSV color selector
evening_2 color scheme 10 1132 Few modifications on evening color scheme
delimitMate utility 436 13207 Provides auto-balancing and some expansions for parens, quotes, etc.
banned.vim syntax 22 926 Microsoft SDL Banned API syntax highlighting plugin
falcon.vim indent 0 729 Falcon indent file
vimdiff+vcs utility 4 842 Drop-in replacement for vimdiff and gvimdiff featuring automatic CVS diff
d8g_04 color scheme -2 642 simple red colorscheme
d8g_03 color scheme -2 648 simple colorscheme for everyday
d8g_02 color scheme -2 580 simple colorscheme for morning
d8g_01 color scheme -2 601 simple quiet colorscheme
nuweb multi-language syntax 4 484 Syntax highlight for NUWEB (Literate Programming), multi-language version
falcon.vim syntax 12 1472 Syntax file for Falcon Programming Language
git-cheat utility 11 1606 vim helpfile for git commands
greek_polytonic.vim utility 61 1124 Keymap for the typing of traditional multi-accented (polytonic) Greek
ruby.vim indent 15 2310 Ruby Indentation with IndentAnything
blue.vim syntax 5 492 Blue programming language syntax
vimper utility 4 805 Yet another IDE using Vim...
bclear color scheme 83 2294 A bright, white color scheme for gVim.
v2.vim syntax 24 1020 A syntax highligher for Adept/Staeubli V+ / V2 Robot sources
bib_autocomp.vim ftplugin 6 1030 Autocompletion of BibTeX entries
Syntastic utility 1116 17645 Automatic syntax checking
Logcat syntax highlighter syntax 57 2117 Syntax highlighting for Android logcat files
PreviewDialog utility 7 601 Shows a GTK dialog with the color or image below the cursor
Buffer Reminder Remake utility 0 1350 reopen buffers from previus session
Notes utility 36 2904 Lightweight note taker plugin
sherlock.vim utility 28 2466 Add completion in command line for '/', '?' and ':.../'
donbass.vim color scheme 29 2438 Finely tuned, 256 color, light-grey background colorscheme
jslint.vim utility 77 5992 Check JavaScript files for errors with JSLint
tkl.vim syntax 2 426 A syntax file to the script files used in the Tikle tool
jsbeautify utility 357 13956 a javascript source code formatter
Syntax Highlighting for db2diag.log syntax 10 637 Syntax plug in for IBM DB2 diagnostic log file
translit_converter utility 5 1202 convert transliterated text (russian)
Rename2 utility 40 1462 Rename the file you are currently editing and keep on editing
math utility 23 2226 Math keymap and a menu for inserting math symbols
cssvar ftplugin 8 493 Use variables in CSS
AutoFenc utility 69 5792 Tries to automatically detect and set file encoding
arc.vim syntax 10 961 A syntax highlighter & filetype plugin for Paul Graham's Arc Lisp dialect.
Proj utility 1368 3602 Simple project tool
mutt-canned utility 5 551 a utility to build and use canned responses in mutt (and indirectly in vim)
mutt-aliases utility 2 996 another script to read your mutt aliases file
textobj-syntax utility 0 1004 Text objects for syntax highlighted items
UltiSnips utility 806 8687 The ultimate snippet solution for python enabled Vim.
Tag Signature Balloons utility 32 4079 Tag Signatures in Balloon Tooltips
nextCS.vim utility 1 1381 Change your color scheme easily
sign-diff utility 2 1744 show the diff status at left sidebar
Screen (vim + gnu screen/tmux) utility 217 13335 Simulate a split shell, using gnu screen or tmux, that you can send commands to.
vimrc utility -11 1174 Word Processing in Vim (_vimrc win32)
SudoEdit.vim utility 134 7027 Edit Files using sudo or su or any other tool
commentop.vim utility 9 2227 commands and operators to comment/uncomment lines in many languages
EnumToCase utility 6 1967 Convert enumerated lists to case statements
PA_ruby_ri utility 27 771 Plugin for getting `ri` documentation while you working with your ruby-like file
tiddlywiki syntax 10 1034 TiddlyWiki syntax file
mrpink color scheme 4 1425 dark not black colorscheme
ReplaceWithRegister utility 106 4339 Replace text with the contents of a register.
regreplop.vim utility 15 1400 operator to replace motion/visual with a register
editsrec utility 0 880 Vim Global Plugin for Editing .srec Files
PKGBUILD utility 5 1068 helps editing and working with PKGBUILD files
argtextobj.vim utility 198 2947 Text-object like motion for arguments
Dictionary file for Luxology Modo Python syntax 1 732 Dictionary file for Luxology ModoScripting
elisex.vim color scheme 15 1187 The colorscheme "Für die Sexy Elise".
elise.vim color scheme 11 843 The colorscheme "Für Elise".
EnhancedJumps utility 41 3513 Enhanced jump and change list navigation commands.
MediaWiki folding and syntax highlight syntax 1 591 folding support for MediaWiki-style syntax
ats-lang-vim syntax 4 624 syntax highlighting for ATS
operator-user utility 23 3953 Define your own operator easily
fbc.vim utility 3 1172 Compiler plugin for FreeBASIC
kaltex.vim color scheme 20 1471 A colder colorscheme...
kalt.vim color scheme 15 1265 A cold colorscheme.
dual.vim color scheme 19 1636 The Dual colorscheme that you've longing for.
iabassist utility 4 671 some helpful commands for defining abbreviations which expand only when wanted
cuteTodoList utility 42 1238 Manage to-do lists within vim
z/OS Enterprise Compiler PLI syntax 2 511 z/OS Enterprise Compiler PLI Language Syntax File
herald.vim color scheme 122 3247 A dark color scheme for Vim
FastLadder.vim utility 24 2112 vimscript for fastladder
colorsupport.vim utility 105 5630 Use colorschemes written for gvim in color terminals.
Colorzone color scheme 29 1919 Colorscheme Use More Soft Colors
cursoroverdictionary utility 2 1479 Look up word or phrase in English-Japanese Dictionary
textobj-verticalbar utility 1 648 Text objects for vertical bar
GoogleReader.vim utility 117 4200 vimscript for googlereader
nature.vim color scheme 16 1417 colorscheme with nature tones
supercat.vim syntax 0 1014 Syntax for supercat configuration files
altercmd utility 12 1204 Alter built-in Ex commands by your own ones
cocoa.vim utility 350 10599 Plugin for Cocoa/Objective-C development
smarttill utility 8 929 Smart motions, till before/after a punctuation
Hoogle utility 13 1848 Add commands to use Hoogle within vim
tango-desert.vim color scheme 23 2036 Dark Color scheme based on tango palette and desert
TuttiColori Colorscheme color scheme 18 1300 A port of the Tutti Colori theme from the Espresso editor
fastlane utility 2 907 a tool to help you quick edit and save abbreviation, snippets .etc
shell_it ftplugin 0 818 No use No use
setget utility 9 672 setter and getter for php
Mark utility 616 18241 Highlight several words in different colors simultaneously. (#1238 continued)
HtmlHelper ftplugin 4 1721 Html macros and mappings
mako.vim indent 10 2042 Adds indenting support for Mako HTML templates
ywvim utility 40 9137 Another input method(IM) for VIM, supports all modes.
plumbing.vim syntax 0 985 Syntax highlighting for Plan 9 plumbing files
clips.vim syntax 25 1421 Syntax highlighting for CLIPS
g15vim utility 13 890 Display on the Logitech G15 keyboard LCD screen.
Auto Changing color script color scheme 44 5876 Syntax highlight colors change gradually based on minutes of hour
VOoM utility 337 17059 Vim two-pane outliner
Simple R Omni Completion ftplugin 1 588 Auto completes R identifiers from the current file and the included libraries
squirrel.vim syntax 30 1285 Squirrel Language syntax file
Arduino syntax file syntax 288 14537 Syntax file for Arduino .PDE files
cuteErrorMarker utility 69 1364 Display error marks on line which contain errors after compilation
bblean.vim syntax 1 681 detect keyword in bblean resource file
fitnesse.vim syntax 3 633 Syntax coloring for FitNesse Wiki Pages
★darkZ★ color scheme 445 3373 ★★Try my best to make it looks more comfortable:P
PBASIC syntax syntax 43 978 PBASIC syntax file
darkburn color scheme 142 8164 Darkburn: A darker mod of Zenburn
Templates for Files and Function Groups utility 24 1773 Yet another file template script.
TagHighlight ftplugin 270 13887 Extra highlighting of typedefs, enumerations etc (based on ctags)
bandit.vim color scheme 33 5237 Colour Scheme
Erlang_detectVariable syntax 4 1080 detect Erlang variables
python_coverage.vim syntax -2 516 syntax highlighting for python coverage files
PLI Auto Complete ftplugin 5 630 Complete Member Variable For z/OS Enterprise Compiler PLI
haskell.vim syntax 5 1183 Updated with `for` in standalone deriving.
tango-morning.vim color scheme 11 2246 Light Grey Tango color theme based on Morning
jlj.vim syntax 4 491 Syntax for JLJ Post files
blogger utility 60 3485 The only one vim script which handles Blogger. Powered by Metarw.
ScmFrontEnd (former name: MinSCM) utility 11 3904 An abstract front-end for Mercurial/Git/Bazaar
google.vim indent 116 10346 Indent file for Google C++ Coding Style
smartmatcheol.vim utility 0 1678 Smart matching of trailing whitespace
SearchPosition utility 14 4222 Show relation to search pattern matches in range or buffer.
csindent.vim indent 18 3833 Indent file per project
nimrod.vim syntax 8 1644 (DEPRECATED) Nimrod syntax support
dosbatch indent indent 7 731 Indenting for filetype dosbatch
compiler/jsl.vim ftplugin 12 2087 Compiler plugin for JavaScript Lint.
explorer utility 4 722 Filesystem explorer
Nvim-R ftplugin 1401 40412 Plugin to work with R
exVim utility 805 8037 Turn Vim better than IDE!
Vimya utility 177 2735 Evaluate buffer content as Python or MEL script in Autodesk® Maya®
Cabal.vim syntax 135 1458 Cabal, haskell's build system syntax coloration
ProtoDef utility 166 3353 Tool to help create skeleton implementations of c++ function prototypes
TODO List syntax 24 1557 Syntax highlighting for a todo list
ku-quickfix utility 0 1460 ku source: quickfix
up2picasaweb utility 7 641 upload image to picasaweb with vim
neocomplcache utility 1358 34659 Ultimate auto completion system for Vim
textobj-function utility 10 1175 Text object for a function
ctk.vim utility 16 3405 a fast compile and run plugin for Vim
SpamAssassin syntax syntax 46 2589 Syntax highlighting for SpamAssassin config files
graywh color scheme 37 1539 My personal colorscheme
vimtemplate utility 0 2086 MRU-like simple template management plugin
sdticket syntax 4 826 syntax support of sd (p2p bug tracking system)
vimstall utility 3 617 vimstall is a shell script to install vim plugins from vim.org automatically
Rubytest.vim utility 228 3526 Run ruby tests in vim
xptemplate utility 656 10278 XP's Snippet Template engine for vim
textobj-entire utility 19 1660 Text objects for entire buffer
PA_translator utility 49 1056 Plugin for easily translating single word or sentences without leaving your Vim
send.vim utility 10 758 Send current range to STDIN of arbitrary program
TaskList.vim utility 237 19193 Eclipse like task list
vimuiex utility 42 4208 Vim UI extensions: a pack of plugins that use an overlapping  popup list
nextfile utility 7 1918 open the next or previous file
svk utility 8 690 syntax and a couple of useful commands for svk commit files
Haskell Cuteness ftplugin 58 1994 Unicode cuteness for Haskell source
paster.vim utility 80 1682 paster.vim - A configurable Vim plugin for posting text to a public pastebin
wargreycolorscheme color scheme 19 1167 Dark color scheme for terminal with full options
Symfony color scheme 26 1552 Color scheme based on symfony php framework documentation
todolist.vim syntax 21 1474 Highlights a plain-text to-do list to keep it manageable
reorder.vim utility 6 426 Reorder the items in natural language lists
lighttpd syntax syntax 38 1839 syntax highlighting for lighttpd config files
gvimfullscreen_win32 utility 516 11888 Put gvim in full screen on Windows
Skittles Dark color scheme 43 3771 Dark, colorful scheme
tmarks utility 5 1659 Browse, place, & delete marks
LBufWin utility 0 510 List loaded buffers in a location list.
Zmrok color scheme 38 1658 Dark, warm color scheme
HTML AutoCloseTag ftplugin 212 6732 Automatically closes HTML tags once you finish typing them.
FSwitch utility 121 5179 Allows switching between companion source files (like a.vim)
vylight color scheme 80 4806 A color scheme that integrates well with OS X. Light background.
glimpse utility 25 1120 Use Glimpse searching easily from Vim.
PDV revised utility 0 576 revised, fixed and more featured version of pdv
upAndDown utility 40 1810 Swapping a line with the line directly above or below
lilydjwg_dark color scheme 7 1948 A color scheme with dark background.
quickfixsigns utility 51 6309 Show signs at lines with quickfix items (e.g. errors), VCS diffs & marks etc.
popup_it utility 38 698 a easy config auto complete popup
blogit.vim utility 60 5458 A script to blog on wordpress
Fdgrep utility 3 625 Find a function declaration matching a given pattern
spec.vim utility 0 1495 Behaviour-driven design/testing for VIM script
Session manager utility 5 756 Plugin for easy session management
lint.vim utility 74 5523 JSHint integration with quickfix window
summerfruit256.vim color scheme 81 6258 summerfruit color scheme in 256 colors
WinMove utility 23 2166 Move your gVim
std includes utility 5 791 Add std:: includes to your file according to what you have used.
codeburn color scheme 23 1290 light scheme optimized for ruby, haml
Darkdevel color scheme 29 2751 Vim colorscheme
ack.vim utility 169 8780 Plugin for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'
apidock.vim utility -1 804 Plugin that searches http://apidock.com Rails/Ruby/RSpec docs
vimdecdef ftplugin 2 539 Switch between C++ declarations and definitions
LogMgr utility 6 499 A simple log viewing script
Blazer color scheme 11 1495 Awesome Color scheme
Vim Rspec utility 16 1860 Enable the use of the spec command inside Vim
utf8-math ftplugin 23 1206 Keyboard shortcuts for math UTF-8 symbols
runVimTests utility 32 4501 A testing framework for Vim.
simple_comments.vim utility 7 1296 Add and remove comments from lines
bufMenuToo utility 0 462 keeps buffer menu at constant length, for tearoff usage
ansi_blows.vim color scheme 25 1576 Matching ANSI colorscheme for gVim and vim
NumberToEnglish utility 4 1306 Converts Arabic numerals to English
numbertotext utility 11 750 replace the numbers with the equivalent text to it
gams.vim syntax 1 528 Simple syntax highlighting for GAMS modelling software (www.gams.com)
Match Bracket for Objective-C ftplugin 62 2725 Automatically inserts matching starting bracket when ] is pressed.
gitignore utility 50 2127 Set 'wildignore' from ./.gitignore
myprojects utility 62 6017 Organize/Navigate projects of files (like IDE/buffer explorer/project.vim)
jellybeans.vim color scheme 886 40426 Colorful, dark color scheme
CommentAnyWay utility 0 1135 THIS IS BUGGY DO NOT USE THIS
irssilog.vim syntax 23 1086 Syntax for viewing Irssi logs
jam.vim syntax 11 1255 Jam (or Boost.Build) syntax
Vicle utility 135 3005 Vim - Interpreter Command Line Editor. Like Chimp or Slimv.
wps.vim syntax 16 1536 Syntax for Rockbox WPS
BusyBee color scheme 26 3895 a dark color scheme (modification of Mustang.vim)
php.vim syntax 18 1260 phpDoc Syntax Highlighting for PHP
xsltassistant.vim ftplugin 53 633 xsltassistant.vim helps you write the XSLT file
repy.vim syntax 2 883 Syntax Coloring for Restricted Python
Buffer grep utility 48 2486 A :vimgrep for buffers.
EditSimilar utility 32 5464 Commands to edit files with a similar filename.
SearchCols.vim utility 22 572 Search within fixed width data column-by-column, rather than row-by-row
StarRange utility 29 1471 Searches a string that you selected in visual mode with * or #.
Mastermind board game game 54 878 The board game
snipMate utility 6522 96399 TextMate-style snippets for Vim
css color preview syntax 77 1256 the script made changes from the css.vim combined with css color preview
ashen.vim color scheme 4 904 Grayish colorscheme for GVim
earthburn color scheme 19 2023 light, earthy, low contrast colorscheme for ruby coding
Lucius color scheme 790 29755 Light and dark color scheme for GUI and 256 color terminal.
cca.vim utility 15 2097 code_complete_again: a complete plugin mixed the code_complete and snippetsEmu
d.vim ftplugin 0 562 Filetype plugin for D
muttaliasescomplete.vim utility 10 717 Omnicompletion for mutt aliases
nxc.vim syntax 12 877 Syntax highlighter for NXC language on Lego NXT System
slimv.vim utility 979 17942 Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Vim ('SLIME for Vim')
po.vim ftplugin 16 1500 This script is a fork version of Aleksandar Jelenak's script.
IndentCommentPrefix utility 14 3301 Keep comment prefix in column 1 when indenting.
Thesaurus utility 21 1145 Thesaurus suggestion script
jpythonfold.vim syntax 323 6000 A better python fold script
Perl MooseX::Declare Syntax syntax 59 5878 perl syntax with Moose and MooseX::Declare keywords
Thousand separator utility 6 729 Vim script to put thousand separator in between numbers.
Scratch* utility 0 687 Create and use scratch buffers in useful ways
Jifty syntax syntax 2 1564 syntax file for jifty web framework
wokmarks.vim utility 27 2010 local marks usage more similar to other editors
searchfold.vim utility 49 2091 Fold away lines not matching the last search pattern
reorder tabs utility 10 814 Reorder your tabs in a simple way.
Dpaste.com Plugin utility 312 1404 A simple script to send your buffer or selection to Dpaste.com and returns a url
WOIM.vim ftplugin 473 5708 WOIM outliner (replaced by HyperList: Script# 4006)
norwaytoday color scheme 11 1880 Norway Today Netbeans theme for Vim (GUI Only)
lilydjwg_green color scheme 2 2099 A light-green background color scheme.
widower.vim color scheme 4 850 color scheme mostly red on black background
ctxabbr utility 4 1740 Context-sensitive abbreviations
charged-256.vim color scheme 10 1162 256 color colorsheme to supplement dark colorschemes.
guepardo.vim color scheme 8 1513 Color scheme inspired by OSX Leopard with a little bit of Python
RunView utility 28 1738 Run scripts through filter and display output in separate window
proton color scheme 66 7566 Another light colorscheme
Spiderhawk color scheme -4 691 Initial Upload
DBGp Remote Debugger Interface utility 105 5432 Debugging interface/client for DBGp protocol
0scan utility 208 2888 Tags based search for any things you might want to find(ctags, buffers,...).
VimIM utility 862 27834 Vim Input Method -- Vim 中文输入法
tetragrammaton color scheme 10 1346 dark gvim color scheme
vanzan_color color scheme 11 1981 A dark blue (nearly black) color scheme
lightcolors color scheme 9 1485 Another light colorscheme
fly.vim utility 96 1719 An integrated code development environment (incl. Cscope, Web Search, Man Pages)
VimClojure ftplugin 650 24436 A filetype, syntax and indent plugin for Clojure
TUT (toggle_unit_tests) utility 15 1024 A plug-in for toggling between source and unit test files
blood color scheme 15 1829 A dark red, still somewhat colorful colorscheme
note patch -13 428 hjhjhj
shellinsidevim.vim utility 16 2555 Let you execute the shell command without leaving vim
Changed utility 30 2033 Displays signs on changed lines.
Pimp ftplugin 13 872 Pimp provides a python shell in order to support REPL style development
Fruidle color scheme 26 1787 White background, happy colors, good usability
pty.vim utility 4 481 Remote terminal support for vim thanks to python.  
ViBlip game 11 1113 ViBlip allows to use Blip! (polish microblogging service)
maroloccio3 color scheme 11 1654 A monochromatic colour scheme for Vim in GUI mode.
eclm_wombat.vim color scheme 10 1858 Colour scheme based on ECLM and wombat schemes
maroloccio2 color scheme -2 1345 Works only in GUI mode (gVim, mVim, etc.).
Rack::Builder syntax syntax 4 410 Syntax file for the Rack::Builder DSL
fortran_codecomplete.vim ftplugin 38 2522 Complete fortran constructs with <F7>
proc.vim utility 14 692 a system task manager
python_check_syntax.vim ftplugin 15 1731 a script that check the syntax of a python file by pyflakes
textobj-indent utility 44 2440 Text objects for indented blocks of lines
Gorilla ftplugin 20 1296 a SLIME like environment for the Clojure programming language
Quagmire color scheme 0 848 Army style color scheme
pygtk_syntax syntax 6 488 Syntax Highlighting for pygtk and friends in python
maroloccio color scheme 51 3820 An easy-on-the-eyes dark background colour scheme.
grsecurity.vim syntax 1 624 grsecurity policy syntax definition
ActionScript 3 Omnicomplete ftplugin 28 1666 Omnicompletion plug-in for ActionScript 3
Persistent Abbreviations utility 22 1089 Persistent abbreviations
cbackup.vim utility 19 616 Use VMS style versioned backup with centralized backup directory
ini syntax definition syntax 15 1870 A syntax definition for ini files, including hgrc files.
Gentooish color scheme 1204 5442 Dark, moderately-saturated color scheme with greens and purples
python_open_module ftplugin 8 1409 open the python module file below the cursor when coding python
Csound compiler plugin ftplugin 4 695 Csound compiler plugin
paintbox color scheme -1 1021 A colourful, happy scheme with high contrast
smartword utility 67 2088 Smart motions on words
translit utility 21 1865 Transliteration mode for Vim (russian, greek)
sandbox utility 23 956 A vim script for managing subversion sandbox.
submode utility 47 1347 Create your own submodes
cdargs utility 36 669 Directory bookmarking based on CDargs
wombat256.vim color scheme 654 63122 Wombat for 256 color xterms
session_dialog.vim utility 56 1704 manage vim sessions using dialogs and the command line
kellys color scheme 43 2077 A colour scheme inspired by Kellys bicycles
Python Syntax Folding syntax 119 7299 Python syntax file with support for folding functions/classes
AutoTmpl utility 0 414 Plugin for using templates when editing new files
AutoTmpl utility 20 519 Plugin for using templates when editing new files
enzyme.vim color scheme 8 987 A color scheme optimized for viewing in Terminal.app
unibox utility 6 485 Draws boxes in different line styles and in all languages
mty\'s vimrc syntax -4 782 just another vimrc
test syntax -9 417 xzczc
outputz utility 6 1784 outputz interface for Vim
google color scheme 9 2384 A colour scheme based on Google's
eyapp syntax 4 956 Syntax highlighting for Parse::Eyapp and Parse::Yapp
miko color scheme 16 1662 Elegant blues and yellows on black
nightsky color scheme 7 1145 Black background, good usability.
msdn_help.vim utility 1 538 Lookup MSDN help
sqlserver.vim syntax 55 3404 Syntax file for SQL Server 2005/2008
PylonsCommand utility 0 435 Run Pylons' commands from Vim
Pago ftplugin 104 3985 Powerful Screenplay Formatting
narrow utility 94 1014 Another plugin that emulates emacs' narrowing feature.
UpdateDNSSerial utility 31 1342 Update automatically the serial of DNS Zone
Download Vim Scripts as Cron Task utility 49 1614 Similar as GetLatestVimScripts, but this bash script can run as a cron task
Python Documentation ftplugin 1 1197 Python Documentation in Vim
VimLocalHistory utility 32 643 Automatic backup and poor man's revision control.
pyflakes.vim ftplugin 973 34337 PyFlakes on-the-fly Python code checking
TagManager (BETA) utility 0 730 Build, manage and keep tag databases up-to-date within Vim
Php Doc ftplugin 6 721 Open's PHP Documentation in Web Browser
EasyGrep utility 344 9322 Fast and Easy Find and Replace Across Multiple Files
shymenu utility 1 1496 Show the menu bar only when pressing an accelerator key
fuzzyjump.vim utility 5 988 Jump to where you (almost) want
Php Doc ftplugin 3 827 Open's PHP Documentation in Web Browser
Side-C utility 12 2024 a simple IDE for C/C++
W3AF script syntax file syntax 1 498 Script syntax file for  w3af (Web Application Attack and Audit Framework)
corporation color scheme 7 1439 A dark grey, yellow and blue theme that doesn't hurt the eyes.
commentToggle utility 17 1050 A simple line-based comment toggler.
literal_tango.vim color scheme 19 2444 A Tango-based colorscheme with good contrast, yet easy on the eyes
autocorrect.vim utility 138 7663 Correct common typos and misspellings as you type
LineCommenter utility 52 1322 Toggle Comment state of line.(C/C++/Java/perl/python/ruby/awk/sh/104 languages)
code_complete (new update) utility 42 2738 function parameter complete, code snippets, and much more.
nour.vim color scheme 0 688 a set of highlights that extend dw_green for a better look
arpeggio utility 141 4179 Key mappings for simultaneously pressed keys
Transmit FTP utility 52 1120 Integrates Transmit FTP (Mac) with Vim
Gist.vim utility 245 11788 vimscript for gist
Wordnet.vim utility 12 592 wordnet.vim
PySmell utility 24 1238 A Python omnicompletion utility
gadgetxml.vim syntax 4 539 opensocial gadget xml syntax
quickrun utility 41 3762 run a command and show its result quickly
Format Helper utility 38 1360 format functions: count doc-infor, add & del list and block, etc.
Merb & Datamapper syntax 12 835 Syntax files for Merb and Datamapper
jQuery syntax 299 19903 Syntax file for jQuery
textobj-diff utility 0 1074 Text objects for ouputs of diff(1)
Tango2 color scheme 40 2009 A Tango based colour theme for Vim (ported from gedit)
Miranda syntax highlighting syntax 0 664 Miranda syntax highlighting
lastchange utility 4 647 Auto write last change time
Yow game 35 1620 Random Zippy The Pinhead quotes.  A port of Emacs' M-x yow.
ku-args utility 2 2067 ku source: args
sql_iabbr 2 ftplugin 11 801 convert SQL keywords uppercase automatically.
Refactor Color Scheme color scheme 12 897 Refactor Color Scheme
MatlabFilesEdition utility 73 4251 A set of files useful to edit Matlab files (indent, syntax,tags , mlint use...)
Lissard syntax syntax 0 440 Adds Lissard syntax support to Vim.
Robotbattle Scripting Language syntax 0 460 Syntax highlight for Robotbattle Scripting Language
Pit Configuration utility 2 1060 pit configuration library for vim
stackreg utility 3 967 Vz-like stackable registers
advice utility 4 973 alter the behavior of a command in modular way
Russian PLansliterated utility 13 913 Transliterated Russian without breaking normal-mode
sql/plsql color scheme -2 1097 Good for sql and pl/sql coding
cheat syntax 8 663 Yac (Yet Another Cheat)
hfile utility -1 616 Boilerplate code for .h files
Fly Between Projects utility 16 595 Quick Selection Between projects
Cutting and pasting txt file in middle utility 16 764 Cut and Paste vertical
Fly Between Projects utility 7 544 Quick Selection Between projects
darkeclipse.vim color scheme 27 2062 A dark color scheme for the GUI
QuickTemplate utility 11 562 create new files from existing templates on-the-fly
Django Projects utility 15 695 Allows you to use django management commands from within vim
MPC syntax syntax 22 1231 Syntax Highlight for MakeProjectCreator files
CSApprox utility 1237 23989 Make gvim-only colorschemes work transparently in terminal vim
pdc.vim syntax 37 2620 Syntax file for Pandoc
conomode.vim utility 2 2224 Vi-style editing for the command line
cern_root.vim syntax 154 1476 Basic syntax highlighting for ROOT
endwise.vim utility 477 4683 Wisely add
sqlite_c syntax 1 556 SQLite C interface Vim syntax file.
buf2html.vim utility 12 1117 beta** - generate HTML/XHTML+CSS from a Vim buffer
winter.vim color scheme 73 2595 light gray style
Note Maker syntax 34 1340 Syntax highlighter for personal notes
RemoveIfdef utility 14 914 remove ifdef macro of C/C++ program
Verilog constructs plugin utility 0 996 Plugin to insert Verilog Constructs
win9xblueback.vim color scheme 4 832 Windows9x blue back screen like colorscheme
mlint.vim ftplugin 18 2430 Runs Matlab's mlint program and highlights the code appropriately
htmlspecialchars ftplugin 1 844 Convert special characters to HTML entities.
vim-addon-sql utility 2 2509 alias sensitive SQL completion (MySQL, Postgresql, SQLite)
if_v8 game 4 2924 V8 interface to Vim
dokuwiki.vim syntax 5 1360 A simple syntax file for DokuWiki.
ClosePairs utility 93 3828 Auto closes pairs of characters
automatic for Verilog ftplugin 134 5148 Automatic generator for Verilog HDL
sqloracle.vim syntax 1 968 color codes SQL keywords from Oracle 11g
Duplicated utility 0 407 Sorry. Duplicated. Please remove.
vimmp utility 5 1115 An XMMS2 and MPD client for Vim
CCTree ftplugin 402 18473 C Call-Tree Explorer -- Cscope based source-code browser; code flow analyzer
darkbone.vim color scheme 53 2299 This is a dark background color scheme for the GUI.
vcsc.py utility 16 497 Convert a GUI only vim colorscheme file to a gui/256xterm compatible version
ScopeVerilog utility 2 474 allows you to know the curent scope from the info.txt file created by veratags
autoincludex.vim utility 3 666 This script allows automatically insert statements like #include or import
vimxmms2 utility 9 1795 An XMMS2 client for Vim.
simplewhite.vim color scheme 10 1376 A light background color scheme
diff_navigator ftplugin 4 642 Helps navigation in unified diffs
louver.vim color scheme 11 2337 A light background color scheme
clue color scheme 2 878 a colour scheme with a blue background
tags for std c++ (STL, streams, ...) utility 345 29096 Modified libstdc++ headers for use with ctags
Nekthuth utility 35 1613 Connection with a Lisp
Superior Haskell Interaction Mode (SHIM) utility 156 7244 GHCi integration for VIM
textobj-lastpat utility 4 1130 Text objects for the last searched pattern
FastGrep utility 6 516 FastGrep for a string using native linux commands in Ruby on Rails projects.
stlrefvim utility 44 2764 A C++ Standard Template Library reference manual
wrap.vim utility -13 859 Word Wrap for Vim
RltvNmbr.vim utility 127 3612 Display relative line numbers
rootwater.vim color scheme 44 2308 A dark color scheme
indent/genie.vim indent 3 620 Indent script for the genie (vala flavour) language
Chimp utility 10 1853 Chimp talks to external interpreters from inside Vim
Trinity utility 292 13969 An IDE: the Trinity of taglist, NERDtree and SrcExpl
bufmru.vim utility 38 3714 switch to a most recently used buffer quickly
Vimchant utility 36 2056 Fast on-the-fly spell-checker based on Enchant
ku-metarw utility 0 2534 ku source: metarw
ku-bundle utility 0 2144 ku source: bundle
dictview.vim utility 2 1022 print the contents of a variable
postmail.vim utility 3 2005 mail message posting plugin. (python required)
molokai color scheme 5438 81099 A port of the monokai scheme for TextMate
simple pairs utility 78 2534 TextMate-like insert closing pair for brackets, parens, quotes (needs python)
bundle utility 5 2019 Load a series of files easily
ku utility 40 6150 An interface for anything
metarw-git utility 5 2350 metarw scheme: git
metarw utility 5 2825 a framework to read/write a fake:path
backup.vim utility 1 582 Puts backups where they belong: out of the way
session.vim utility 5 539 A simple, automatic, no-nonsense, out of your way session manager
pathogen.vim utility 5962 79869 Poor man's package manager. Easy manipulation of 'runtimepath' et al
chlordane.vim color scheme 81 3427 GHOST IN THE SHELL like colorscheme
log.vim utility 12 991 logging library
Tumblr utility 96 1273 Post to Tumblr
nopaste.vim utility 4 658 Nopaste interface to http://www.rafb.net/ from inside vim
catn.vim utility 1 776 insert formatted numbering text.
batch.vim utility 1 909 execute vim script in selected area.
LaTeX error filter utility 16 814 Filters latex log file to get errors and warnings
TextFormat utility 42 3863 Quickly align and format paragraphs and text areas: left, right, justify, center
PHP Scripts -> Advertisement / Internet utility -21 511 Start your own Url Rotator Service
zshr.vim utility 0 718 substitute and execute previous command.
zoom.vim utility 136 6549 control gui font size with "+" or "-" keys.
auto_wc.vim utility -1 789 update total character count of current editing file automatically.
thegoodluck color scheme 21 927 Contrast colourful light-background scheme
Short Url Script utility -12 648 Start your own Short Url Service
QuickName utility 55 1602 The most convenient way navigating opened buffers, incremental search by name
Viral Marketing Script utility -74 646 Attract A Load Of Traffic To Your Web Site With Little Or No Effort!
sofu.vim syntax 0 384 Highlighting for sofu files
softlight.vim color scheme 5 1090 it's a soft and easy-on-eyes colorscheme.
Banner Management script utility -28 461 Start Selling Banner Ads on multiple websites from 1 place
Indent Highlight indent 0 599 Yet another indentation (scope) highlighting
GoogleSearchVIM utility 4 841 Search for keywords with the Google Desktop Search engine from inside VIM
portablemsys utility 21 1242 Use msys as Portable GVim's shell
Easy List-Builder & Autoresponder Script utility -33 448 Effectively Build A Hugely Profitable & Responsive List Quickly & Easily!
Clever Tabs indent 31 1522 Using tabs for indent only on start of line
Text (Especially LaTeX) Formatter utility 17 1346 Format text or LaTeX text so that lines have approximately equal lengths
Autoresponder Hosting service utility -24 484 Start your own Autoresponder Hosting service
Textile for VIM ftplugin 29 3971 Syntax Highlighting and Textile rendering / preview support
vimdb.vim utility 3 1325 Vim plugin to simulate a simple database Table
spring.vim color scheme 73 3217 light green style
foldsearch utility 160 3379 fold away lines that don't match a given pattern
Gembase dml plugins utility 41 1602 Syntax highlight, auto-indentation and omni-completion for Gembase dml file
perl-mauke.vim syntax 230 6007 improved perl syntax highlighting
fortran.vim indent 115 13778 Additional indentation rules for Fortran 95 and Fortran 90
codepad utility 532 6886 Post the contents of your current buffer to the pastebin service at codepad.org
sipngrep helper ftplugin 0 508 Helper functions for looking through sip packet captures
sipngrep syntax 8 1208 Syntax file for sip captures from ngrep (udp)
Glob Edit utility 0 654 Open lots of files at once.
SwapIt utility 64 3335 Extensible keyword swapper (turn yes to no, True to False and more)
Resolve utility 0 512 DNS resolver for domains or ips under the cursor
linglang utility 0 1377 Dynamically switch languages/settings in multi-lingual documents
skeleton utility 6 1952 Skeleton for newly created buffers
smartchr utility 52 3128 Insert several candidates with a single key
loremipsum utility 61 2856 A dummy text generator
ctags.exe utility 79 12975 Windows version of ctags for 4GL/4Js programs
fgl.vim syntax 3 1521 Syntax folding for IBM Informix 4GL or 4J programs
Specky! utility 106 5056 Functions to help make behavioral testing easy with ruby and rspec.
vmv utility 13 1087 group rename files from the command prompt with vim
cup.vim syntax 64 1328 CUP Syntax highlighting
huerotation.vim utility 23 1750 rotate hue of current colorscheme (GUI only).
brook.vim syntax 0 759 Brook syntax highlighting
pink color scheme 9 1554 Pink colour scheme for 256 colour terminals
blackboard.vim color scheme 107 12056 Clone of the Blackboard theme from textmate
cmdlinehelp utility 4 2028 Display help on the command currently being edited in the command line
jptemplate ftplugin 74 2601 A simple, yet powerful interactive template system for VIM
DevEiate theme color scheme 53 2271 A dark theme, mimicing the TextMate theme of the same name.
textobj-jabraces utility 0 1258 Text objects for Japanese braces
textobj-fold utility 0 1739 Text objects for foldings
flydiff utility 4 1630 on-the-fly diff
gladecompletion.vim utility 0 776 IDE-like completion for projects using the Glade UI designer
nightflight2.vim color scheme 2 1126 A dark color scheme dedicated to Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
AutoInclude utility 6 790 Automatically add #include statements for c++ files
pygdb utility 4 1547 pygtk interface to gdb in connection with (g)vim
vim-rpcpaste utility 15 793 A ViM plugin to send code to a pastebin such as paste.debian.net using XML-RPC
apachelogs.vim syntax 41 1799 Syntax highlight for apache log files
colorful color scheme 12 1225 Colorful scheme with light background
silent.vim color scheme 44 2957 Vim, GVim light color scheme
vera.vim syntax 9 1022 Syntax for OpenVera language
EZComment utility 5 1393 Vim global plugin for manipulating comments
xtemplate utility 12 962 code template engine
occur.vim utility 64 2186 Show all lines in the buffer containing word (grep buffer)
nagios syntax syntax 40 1763 Nagios template object configuration file
Contrasty color scheme 13 1086 Contrasty colour scheme
Named Buffers utility 5 1141 Give names to buffers
Git Branch Info utility 6 3583 A plugin for use on your status line to show info about Git branches
bpel.vim syntax 0 1832 BPEL, the Business Process Execution Language
dark ruby color scheme 12 2892 A dark-background color scheme.
buffergrep utility 42 2422 Grep buffers, not files
musicbox.vim utility 12 1400 musicbox allow you to play music files in vim
railstab.vim utility 1 2075 Retabbing hacks extracted from rails.vim
publish.vim utility 17 5220 Publish hyperlinked, highlighted source code using Vim, 2html.vim and rsync
journal.vim utility 28 1765 Encrypted journal based on calendar.vim and gnupg.vim
common_vimrc utility -17 1879 some setting for vimrc simple.
pac.vim syntax 6 881 syntax highlighting for proxy .pac files
xml_taginsert ftplugin 2 793 Insert xml tags by pressing <F7>
FFeedVim utility 0 925 Post to Friendfeed from Vim
darkroom color scheme -7 1615 color scheme to mimic writeroom/darkroom editors
upf.vim syntax 11 1341 Syntax for Unified Power Format  files(UPF)
less.bat utility 34 1006 Now less is more on Windows, too
RemoveDups.VIM utility 13 791 Removing duplicates
openser.vim syntax 43 945 Openser configuration syntax
vcsbzr.vim utility 32 690 Bazaar integration for VCSCommand
256-jungle color scheme 186 3613 Dark-orange colorscheme for 256 color terminals (like xterm).
darkrobot.vim color scheme 35 1697 A nice dark colorscheme
StringComplete utility 20 1081 Insert-completion for quoted strings
useful optistruct functions utility 0 468 useful optistruct functions
WarzoneResourceFileSyntax syntax 0 559 Syntax highlighting for Warzone2100 resource files
previewtag utility 8 746 preview the definition and switch it to a new window
rtorrent syntax file syntax 12 793 Syntax highlighting for rtorrent.rc files
nc.vim ftplugin 11 1346 Neuron C (*.nc) Syntax/Filetype for Vim
h80 color scheme 6 1029 Dark blue background with high-contrast text
WriteRoom for Vim utility 21 1216 A Vim emulation of the minimalistic WriteRoom editor
beachcomber.vim color scheme 19 1177 A light, sandy, beachy color scheme
pacific.vim color scheme 6 1179 A dark, oceany/beachy color scheme
autopreview utility 176 1829 a light script to immediately preview definitions like source insight
browser.vim utility 214 2884 a lightweight web browser opening in a split window for wikipedia etc.
vimwiki utility 6285 27482 Personal Wiki for Vim
sort python imports utility 10 1363 this script allows you to sort python imports alphabetically
STL improved syntax 58 4708 Improved C++ STL syntax highlighting
tinymode.vim utility 32 2767 allows definition of tiny modes for Normal mode
CmdlineComplete utility 185 4485 complete command-line (: / etc.) from the current file
Allegro 4.2 syntax file syntax 8 657 Provides syntax highlighting for Allegro 4.2 API
bensday color scheme 10 1300 Only slightly modified version of the evening color scheme.
Limp utility 206 7650 Lisp IDE
debugger.py utility 0 778 remote PHP debugger : remote debugger interface to DBGp protocol w/ path mapping
groovy.vim ftplugin 51 4327 Runs or compiles Groovy scripts.
qfn utility 35 1658 quickfixnotes: file annotation with quickfix
darkspectrum color scheme 436 14294 a gvim color scheme based on the oblivion color scheme for gedit
Switch utility 27 1379 Quick toggling of boolean options
VimTAP utility 10 2208 Test Anything Protocol for vim
Obvious Mode ftplugin 32 3450 Clearly indicate visually whether Vim is in insert mode
seoul color scheme 16 1862 Color scheme for use with the 88 color terminals (rxvt-unicode)
Shobogenzo color scheme 34 1654 Medium contrast colorscheme that is easy on the eyes
pyrex.vim syntax 49 898 Updated Pyrex.vim with Cython support
Txtfmt (The Vim Highlighter) utility 1108 11266 "Rich text" highlighting in Vim! (colors, underline, bold, italic, etc...)
Relativize utility 108 1015 quickly make a full path name relative to an index.html or tags file
runzip utility 319 1281 edit zip files recursively (zip files inside zip files)
CoremoSearch utility 134 1911 A simple simultaneous search script.
TwitVim utility 671 22285 Twitter client for Vim
vimgen utility 69 1199 vim inline generator / template expander
Boost Build v2 (BBv2) syntax syntax 92 641 Syntax highlight for BBv2 build scripts (Jamfile, Jamroot)
SCMDiff utility 61 1365 Highlight changed lines in a file via SCM diff command
northland.vim color scheme 39 1497 Blueish colorscheme with dominant dark blue/red
gauref.vim utility 5 1454 Look up a reference manual of Gauche
rastafari.vim color scheme 25 4453 color scheme for black terminal or GUI
beauty256 color scheme 12 1614 A beautiful theme specially designed for xterm with 256 color
antlr3.vim syntax 1 751 ANTLR v3 error parsing for ANT
Unicode Macro Table utility 14 856 Macros to easily add mathematical symbols and operators to your document
number marks utility 46 3090 showing marks using number array in color, easy to trace.
fpdf.vim utility 29 2309 PDF writer
Syntax for Fasta syntax 15 830 Highlighting for Fasta (Pearson) format
MountainDew.vim color scheme 5 1481 Stay awake through those long hack sessions
dtrace syntax file syntax 17 1588 This provides excessive highlighting of dtrace script files
Luinnar color scheme 158 2127 Dark color scheme
earendel color scheme 137 5858 Light and cheerful color scheme with friendly colors, highly readable
Latex Text Formatter utility 22 3292 This scripts makes it easier to format latex text
pig.vim syntax 411 5483 Pig language syntax highlighting
git:file.vim utility 227 1941 open any version of a file in git
file:line utility 439 5467 Allows you to open file:line and it does the right thing :-)
smoothPageScroll.vim utility 20 1427 smooth page scroll
vimlatex utility 12 1863 Sanitizes LaTeX error messages for Vim-LaTeX.
reliable color scheme 3 1627 A futuristic colorscheme with a bright, clean look
ColorSchemeEditor utility 59 2265 PyGTK GUI to more easily create colorschemes (keywords: color scheme editor)
Source Explorer (SrcExpl) utility 1411 29226 A Source code Explorer for viewing definition(s) and contextual info
cqml.vim syntax 0 727 Syntax definitions for the Component Quality Modelling Language
rdhelp.txt utility 4 1241 Help to Rd files (R documentation) in vimhelp format
cwiki ftplugin 8 1693 single file wiki with unobtrusive syntax
Railscasts Theme (GUI&256color) color scheme 756 15669 A railscasts color theme that works in 256color terminals as well as gui
repmo.vim utility 163 2974 repeat motions for which a count was given
head.vim utility 9 1172 easy reading file head or tail, with file prefix 'head:', 'tail:'.
abcdefg utility -6 506 nothing is here。
PERLDOC2 utility 8 1343 Perldoc with sytnax highlighting in vim
osx_like color scheme 7 1445 Color scheme that uses MacOS X like colors
jammy.vim color scheme 38 1926 a great color scheme
Doxygen-via-Doxygen utility 1 856 Generate Doxygen documentation
dakota.vim syntax 0 592 Syntax highlight file for DAKOTA Toolkit
patran.vim syntax 4 480 Syntax highlight file for MSC Patran
ukrainian-enhanced.vim utility 16 1013 Ukrainian enhanced keymap
renamec.vim utility 17 1112 Renaming refactoring for C symbols using cscope
GNU R utility 17 537 facilitates work with GNU R statistical package
F# Syntax syntax 27 2523 initial file based on ocaml and cs syntax files.
DataStage (Server & Parallel) syntax 2 1451 Syntax file for DataStage. Includes Universe Basic, DSX and Parallel functions.
VFT - VIM Form Toolkit utility 5 1032 console-based forms with checkboxes, comboboxes, etc. (screenshot included)
timestamp utility 40 1059 Add a timestamp to your source file
diffchanges.vim utility 85 6093 Show changes made to current buffer since the last save
altfile utility 1 2601 easy switching between related files
leo256 color scheme 191 7006 A beautiful theme for dark/black background (256 colors, gui + term)
greenvision color scheme 15 1718 green colorscheme for GUI, 256 and 88 color terminals
marvim utility 161 3823 Macro Persistent Storage and Shareable Repository for VIM
RecentFiles utility 129 822 Plugin that allows you to easily access recently opened files.
snippets.vim utility 128 4015 Simple snippet storage and retrieval separated by filetype.
sessions.vim utility 193 2359 Easy session management for gvim.
css_color.vim syntax 722 15900 CSS color preview
ncss.vim syntax 4 679 Syntax File for NCSS
quiltdiff utility 4 434 Shows changes of the current patch on the left as signs
VimTrac utility 25 3525 A vim client for the Trac wiki and ticketing system
prmths color scheme 7 987 Nice dark clean easy to look at color theme
GOBject Builder (gob2) syntax 5 770 Syntax and indent for GObject Builder (gob2)
nice-vim syntax 0 723 Syntax highlighting for Nice programming language
unibasic.vim syntax 18 1482 Programming language for the UniVerse Database
showmarks utility 23 2211 Display marks as signs (needs +sign feat )
undobranche_viewer.vim utility 5 979 Undo Branches Explorer
xoria256.vim color scheme 504 28203 Soft pastel gamma on dark background, same appearence in {,g}vim
sgf.vim syntax 1 516 SFG - Smart Game Fomat (Go savegames)
PBwiki syntax highlighting syntax 4 1753 Syntax highlighting and an ftplugin for PBwiki
Css Pretty utility 12 1798 Pretty-print a css file
repeat.vim utility 298 10981 Use the repeat command (.) with supported plugins
syntax highlighting for tintin/tt++ syntax 75 2278 great little syntax file for all you mudders!
tabpage_sort.vim utility -1 781 Sort vim7 tab page in 'buffer number' order.
tintin.vim syntax 5 722 Syntax Highlighting for Tintin++
byter syntax 21 703 byter syntax support
Socialtext wiki syntax highlighting syntax 8 1513 Syntax highlighting and an ftplugin for Socialtext wiki
XmlPretty utility 2 2281 Pretty-print an xml file
Noweb syntax 130 850 A hacked-up noweb syntax file
symfony.vim utility 30 3923 Useful editing tip for Symfony PHP Framework
Wikidoc syntax highlighting syntax 11 650 Wikidoc format syntax highlighting
accurev utility 18 1221 AccuRev SCM Integration for Vim
SDL library syntax (for C) syntax 33 930 SDL library syntax for C
Twitter utility 45 5324 Post to Twitter from Vim
basic colors color scheme 0 1261 a simple color scheme that only highlights strings, comments, and errors
bg.py utility 4 770 Post to your blog at blogger.com from gVIM.
HeaderCVS utility 4 759 Auto generate CVS Header before current cursor
speeddating.vim utility 191 7347 Use CTRL-A/X to increment dates, times, and more
webpreview utility 0 621 make previewing pages  in web browsers easily
gcov.vim syntax 18 1068 Highlighting for gcov files (gcc coverage)
GCov plugin utility 0 488 Simple plugin for easy access to .gcov files
Io programming language syntax syntax 32 1053 Io language syntax support
Processing syntax 86 3425 Syntax highlighting for the Processing language
Torquescript syntax highlighting syntax 12 656 Syntax highlighting for scripting in the Torque game engines
pspad colors scheme color scheme 3 1237 soft blue colors, similar to 'rajat' scheme in pspad
autohotkey (ahk) syntax 28 1843 autohotkey syntax highlighting
robocom syntax 0 1081 Hiliting for Robocom scripts.
chords ftplugin 34 1255 (Guitar) chords and tabs
BBCode syntax 55 1947 Syntax highlighting for BBCode
csv reader utility 10 865 Read csv file (comma or tab, choosable), easy to move to every column in color.
scratch utility 8 1584 Emacs like scratch buffer
hiveminder.vim syntax 6 636 Syntax for Hiveminder exported tasks (tasks.txt) files
oberon2 utility 3 631 Syntax file for Oberon-2.
R.vim ftplugin 51 1700 Execute R-code from vim on Mac OS X
kwbdi.vim utility 20 1300 Keep Window on Buffer Delete - Improved
EnvEdit.vim utility 8 1108 Intelligently edit environment variable values
textobj-datetime utility 4 1799 Text objects for date and time
textobj-user utility 115 5597 Support for user-defined text objects
xml_autons ftplugin 100 1134 auto :XMLns by the current content
fakeclip utility 1863 9117 pseudo clipboard register for non-GUI version of Vim
narrow utility 98 3219 Emulate Emacs' narrowing feature
Tab Menu utility 57 2408 Tab Menu for all the tabs in VIM
Smartput utility 98 1580 Adjust spaces and commas when putting text.
Puppet Syntax Highlighting syntax 701 5995 Syntax Highlighting for Puppet (Conf Mang.)
complval.vim utility 5 1128 complete a variable's value after :let in the command line
reloaded.vim color scheme 11 2476 Simplified Matrix theme for console/gui
verilog.vim indent 50 4975 Verilog HDL/SystemVerilog HDVL indent file
view_diff utility 17 1221 view diff file in an eaiser way by vimdiff
Acpp utility -1 672 Does a better job than A script
WuYe color scheme 87 2238 A dark background color scheme
refactor utility 74 4228 C/C++ refactoring tool
code-snippet utility 33 2190 Simple input assistance of code snippets
TI-Basic Syntax syntax 12 844 Syntax for TI-99/4+ Basic and Extended Basic
gen_vimoptrc.vim utility 1 780 Generate vim option configuration file from option-window.
javascript.vim syntax 14 1487 powerful javascript syntax
comments.vim utility 21 1410 Simple, flexible commenting script
mysqlquery utility 2 977 Simple and Easy to use utility for executing MySQL queries
autoresize.vim utility 3 1042 Automatically Resizing Splitted Current Window Size Larger.
Coq indent indent 5 1791 Indentation for coq files
industrial color scheme 9 1206 A Darkgrey with blue and green colorscheme.
phtml.vim syntax 18 1598 A syntax file to php templates.
setsyntax utility 0 1651 Set options specific for the syntax group under cursor
indent/html.vim indent 93 13025 alternative html indent script
rcg_term color scheme 5 873 A dark background color scheme for Terminal
rcg_gui color scheme 5 857 A dark background color scheme for GUI
switch files utility -5 995 switch between .c and .h files or different path and same filename easily
yet another svn script utility -3 1083 makes svn add /commit much easier from vim
bbcode utility 5 1544 bbcode syntax and code templates
ttagcomplete utility 0 1426 Context-sensitive tags-based completion and code skeletons
yate utility 84 4528 This plugin makes search in tags more convenient.
newlisp syntax 31 6271 newLISP syntax file
executevimscript utility 0 508 Execute selected vimscript lines
checksum.vim utility 1 1102 Compute checksums on files or lines
(x)emacs mouse drag-copy utility 16 1411 (x)emacs style quick copy and paste
coq syntax syntax 44 3107 syntax colouring for coq files
haskell.vim syntax 86 3555 Syntax file for Haskell
Warm grey color scheme 21 2750 A monochromish, light slightly warm theme
winwkspaceexplorer utility 281 1722 IDE like Project explorer ( plugin for winmanager )
matchparen++ utility 44 2342 Improvement over standard matchparen plugin
PropBank Semantic Role Annotations syntax 1 389 Syntax highlighting for PropBank Semantic Role Annotations
soso.vim color scheme 26 1514 Color scheme with light-gray background that supports Vim7 highlight groups
please remove me utility 4 999 please remove me
ttagecho utility 2 2583 Show current tag information
TranslateIt utility 4 1325 Translate a word under cursor using custom dictionary utility
asmc54xx syntax 0 391 TI DSP Assembler for the C54xx family
idlang.vim syntax 10 1202 Vim syntax file for IDL 7.0
enscript-highlight syntax 0 488 EnScript Syntax HighLighting
LustyJuggler utility 154 8352 Switch very quickly among your active buffers
vim++ utility 4 667 Object-oriented programming for vim scripts in C++ style.
BlockDiff utility 45 2064 Difference between two blocks (functions etc...)
nosql.vim syntax 1 978 Provides syntax highlighting for NoSQL tables, or any tab-separated (TSV) tables
mips.vim syntax 121 3084 Your standard MIPS syntax highlighting
myvim.vim utility 13 737 useful functions
VimPdb utility 74 4311 Integrated Python debugging within Vim
of.vim utility 74 1435 Switch between open files / Find files by parital name (Similar to TM's Cmd-T)
AutoScrollMode utility 1 800 script to let vim auto scroll text for you
tcalc utility 4 4269 A small ruby-based RPN-calculator
QuickComment utility 10 850 comment/uncomment utility
narrow_region utility 2 992 hide certain lines of a buffer
hookcursormoved utility 8 4061 Facilitate definition of triggers on CursorMoved[I] events
F6_Comment utility 14 1277 Auto commenting that accepts Visual range
F6_Comment (old) utility 0 604 Auto commenting that accepts Visual range
colorful256.vim color scheme 29 1570 initial upload
trag utility 7 5480 A language-aware source code scanner (with support for git grep, ack, ag, sift)
swap parameters utility 64 2183 swap parameters of a function (requires python)
makeprgs utility 15 837 Set makeprg and compiler type based on globbed files
vimblog.vim utility 206 2328 blogging from vim ruby script
4NT Bundle ftplugin 20 1359 btm (Batch to Memory - 4NT, TakeCommand Script) filetype bundle
MarkLines utility 34 1866 Toggle highlighting on important lines
taskpaper.vim ftplugin 546 8673 TaskPaper to-do list format support
motion.vim utility 16 694 motion text in command mode
camlanot.vim ftplugin 8 1058 Ocaml support for type annotation files, included support for ocamlbuild
brew.vim syntax 6 994 Syntax highlighting for a templating system in R
erlang indent file indent 36 2616 Erlang indent file
Tailf utility 21 949 Tails a log file continuously, like using 'tail -f'
headerguard utility 25 2123 Add header guards to C/C++ header files
Gettext PO file compiler utility 3 852 This is a compiler for gettext files (*.po)
3DGlasses.vim color scheme 12 3420 Dark blue scheme with parallax effect
ttags utility 898 4561 Tag list browser (List, filter, preview, jump to tags)
tregisters utility 892 2004 List, edit, and run/execute registers/clipboards
no_quarter color scheme 29 2428 Colorfully scheme with an nice dark gray background and low contrast
cheat.vim utility 10 1215 Vim wrapper for cheat (http://cheat.errtheblog.com) utility.
ttoc utility 880 4223 A regexp-based table of contents of the current buffer
DrillCtg utility 49 1155 Allows fast drill-down search across the pathnames in your ctags file
openssl.vim utility 520 4602 Turn Vim into a Password Safe and edit openssl encrypted files
dbext4rdb utility 0 499 dbext 506 with added capabilities for Rdb
sessionman.vim utility 375 8551 Vim session manager
AutoClose utility 447 9744 Auto close pair of characters
buffer-status-menu.vim utility 4 561 Add modified/current status to Buffers menu
greplist.vim utility 0 894 vimgrep location list manager
progressbar widget game 619 1180 pimp your plugins
karma.vim utility 5 1785 For given karma print how users possibly voted
ColorSchemeMenuMaker color scheme 101 3702 Auto-generates menu containing your colorschemes (keywords: color scheme menu)
gobgen utility 24 2076 GObject skeleton generator
python_ifold utility 370 7407 Improved version of python_fold. Uses folding expression for python code.
lookup.vim utility 12 2233 Lookup dictionary meaning of a word (and thesaurus too)
blinking_cursor utility 2 768 Makes the cursor blink in x terms when the user is in insert mode
sas.vim syntax 30 1805 SAS syntax file
iast.vim utility 0 409 Vim Keymap file for translitteration of pāli and sanskrit with IAST mapping
undo_tags utility 39 2094 small utility that lets you tag undo branches
bruce.vim utility 7 622 annoy people who spy on your emails
railscasts color scheme 89 6818 Railscasts TextMate theme for Vim (GUI Only)
confluencewiki.vim syntax 101 3318 Confluence WIKI syntax
NightVision color scheme 8 1248 Color scheme with dark background
triangle.vim syntax 1 703 Syntax highlighting for triangle source files
Shell History utility 0 536 Autocomplete based upon bash_history
kwiki.vim syntax 0 750 Syntax highlighting for kwiki files
gitvimdiff utility 47 2860 Script to show git diffs in vimdiff format
two2tango color scheme 30 2093 Colorscheme based upon Tango palette
khaki.vim color scheme 17 1870 A light colorscheme optimized for gui and 256 color terminals.
mosalisp.vim game 60 3165 lisp interpreter
runtests.vim utility 93 832 Automatically generate, manage, and run test files for perl source.
FuzzyFinder utility 1948 44269 buffer/file/command/tag/etc explorer with fuzzy matching
GtagsClient utility 12 1273 A client for Google Gtags
vimff utility 1 435 Connection between common-lisp and vim.
halfmove utility 0 454 Move the cursor half way up or down the screen
vimremote.sh utility 1 593 script to use gvim from IDE
Sass syntax 37 2846 Sass syntax highlight
Easy alignment to column utility 7 1201 Quickly align a word to a predefined column
rcscript indent 0 431 RcScript indent file
rcscript syntax 4 434 RcScript syntax file
lettuce.vim color scheme 120 3771 highly detalized dark scheme for gui and 256 color terminal
pyconsole_vim.vim utility 8 1014 PyConsole - embedded console session in windows Vim
JET_toggle utility 17 518 Dynamically add sets of commands to toggle between with a hotkey
Parameter Helpers utility -1 612 [Programming] Useful functions for handling parameters in function calls
trivial256 color scheme 0 863 trivial color scheme for terminals
deb.vim utility 33 2657 browse debian package
Highlight and Mark Lines utility 1 497 Highlights and Marks lines (up to 3) and allows moving between them.
indent/haskell.vim indent 67 4999 Haskell indent file
gvim extensions for TAL/pTAL utility 31 529 Support for TAL/pTAL source files with syntax highlighting and tags
Ruby Snippets utility 39 3190 Some abbreviations to use with Ruby
lodgeit.vim utility 203 3293 pastes code to paste.pocoo.org
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